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Exercise 2 - Property Expressions: Arithmetic

  1. In the C:\PropertyExpressions folder create the following files:
  1. Verify that the following Global Properties exist.
  • [[$SCHEDULE DATE mm]]
  • [[$TIME hh]]
  • [[$SCHEDULE DATE dd]]
  • [[$TIME mm]]
  1. Add five Jobs to the PROPERTY EXPRESSIONS Schedule to do the following:
  • Add
  • Subtract
  • Multiply
  • Divide
  • Add Then Divide
  1. Use the following parameters for the Job named ADD.
  • Job Type: Windows

  • Job Sub-Type: Command: File Move

  • Primary Machine: SMATraining

  • User ID: Use Service Account

  • Source: C:\PropertyExpressions\PropertyExpressionsAddition.txt

  • Destination:

    C:\PropertyExpressions\PropertyExpressionsAddition_[[=ToInt([[$SCHEDULE DATE mm]]) + ToInt([[$TIME hh]])]].txt
  1. Repeat for each of the remaining four jobs using the following types of equations with at least one Property in the expression:
  • Subtracting Values (PropertyExpressionsSubtraction.txt)

  • Multiplying Values (PropertyExpressionsMultiplication.txt)

  • Dividing Values (PropertyExpressionsDivision.txt)

  • Adding Values and then Dividing the total by another value (PropertyExpressionsArithmetic.txt)


Decide what values to use during this exercise

  1. Build the Schedule and make sure all Jobs run successfully and the proper files were created.