The list below defines the TagID as presented in JSON notation
- Container_Sub_Schedule_Name
- Department_Name
- Event
- Event_Related_User
- File_Transfer_Destination_Machine
- File_Transfer_Source_Machine
- Frequency_Name
- Frequency_Use_Existing_Definition
- IBMi_User_Id
- IBMi_Call_Information
- IBMi_Job_Description
- IBMi_Job_Queue
- IBMi_Library_Current
- IBMi_Job_Queue_Priority
- IBMi_Output_Queue
- IBMi_Library_Init_List
- IBMi_Message_Logging_Level
- IBMi_MEssage_Logging_Text
- IBMi_Inquiry_Message_Reply
- Job_Instance_Property
- Job_Machine_Name
- Job_Machine_Group_Name
- Job_Name
- Job_Tag
- MCP_Arguments
- MCP_File_Title
- MCP_Prerun_Arguments
- MCP_Prerun_File_Title
- MCP_User
- OS2200_Account
- OS2200_Elementname
- OS2200_Filename
- OS2200_Project
- OS2200_Qualifier
- OS2200_Runid
- OS2200_Userid
- Property_Name
- Resource_Name
- Schedule_Build_For_All_Machines_In_Group
- Schedule_Instance_Property
- Schedule_Named_Instance
- Threshold_name
- Unix_GroupId_UserId
- Unix_Group_Id
- Unix_User_Id
- Unix_Script_Arguments
- Unix_Start_Image
- Unix_Parameter
- Windows_User
- Windows_Script_Arguments
- Windows_Command_Line
- Windows_Working_Directory
- ZOS_Batch_User
- ZOS_DDName
- ZOS_Event_Name
- ZOS_Member_Name
- ZOS_Prerun_File_Dataset_Name
- ZOS_Prerun_Job_Task_Name
- ZOS_Prerun_System
- ZOS_Prerun_REXX_Name
- ZOS_Prerun_REXX_DDName