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Java Agent messages

The agent output provides various messages when processing and these messages are written to the job output as well as the JavaAgent.log file. This section provides an overview of these messages and their meanings.

Java Agent startup messages

SMA Java Agent: versionDisplays the internal software version number associated with the Java Agent release.
library directory: directory nameIf the various .jar files to be loaded into the classpath are defined in a directory, the directory name is displayed.
Library File: filenameIf the various .jar files to be loaded into the classpath are defined in a file, the filename is displayed.
Classpath Loading Libraries from nameIndicates where the various .jar files are being loaded from.
Adding library jar file name to the classpathIndicates which .jar file is being loaded into the classpath.
Library file jar file name not foundError message indicating if a defined .jar file is not found.
ERROR: Malformed URL Exception: could not load jar file nameERROR message indicating that the URL created to load the .jar file is an invalid format.
Classpath Load completeIndicates the loading of the classpath is complete.
MaximumNumberOfJobs Set to: valueConfiguration information from the Agent.config file indicating the maximum number of concurrent jobs supported by the agent.
SocketNumberToSAM Set to: numberThe socket number used to communicate with OpCon.
JORSSocket Set to: numberThe socket number used by JORS to retrieve job output.
allowedIPAddress_1 Set to: valueAllowed IP Addresses.
allowedIPAddress_2 Set to: valueAllowed IP Addresses.
allowedIPAddress_3 Set to: valueAllowed IP Addresses.
allowedIPAddress_4 Set to: valueAllowed IP Addresses.
allowedIPAddress_5 Set to: valueAllowed IP Addresses.
ConnectorName Set to: Java AgentDisplays the name of the Agent.
JobStatusCheckInterval Set to: numberDisplays the value to be used between checks when determining the status of a task.
JobStatusCheckInitialPollDelay Set to: numberDisplays the value to be used before the first check when determining the status of a task.
Starting Connector Java AgentMessage displayed to indicate that the Java Agent has started.
JORS Listening on port numberThe TCP/IP port used to listen for incoming JORS requests.
Agent Listening on port numberThe TCP/IP port used to listen for incoming OpCon requests.

Java Agent task execution messages

Error: Invalid Operation = 'value'An operation other than Class or Command was received by the Agent.
Error: Class missing required definition - Class Library Name or Class NameEither the library name (.jar file) or the java class name is missing from the requested Class Operation.
Error: Command missing required definition -Directory Name or Script/Exe NamEither the directory name or the Script/Exe name is missing from the requested Command Operation.
Executing: class class name.mainThe main method of the defined java class will be executed.
Executing: class class name.method nameThe defined method name within the defined class name will be executed.
Executing: script/exe *directory name****file separator**script or executable***The defined script or executable in the defined directory will be executed.
Job Error Fin: OpCon Return Code (return code)The job encountered an error condition while executing.
Job Not Found: OpCon Return Code (return code)The defined definition was not found in the classpath or in the directory.
Job OpCon unique jobid CancelledJob was cancelled by the Java Agent.
Entry OpCon unique jobid not found in hastableDuring recovery when trying to track jobs defined in the tracking file, the OpCon job was not found in the active job agent table.
timestamp: Schedule (schedule name) Job (job name) was cancelledThe defined job was cancelled by the Java Agent.
timestamp: Schedule (schedule name) Job (***job name) was cancelled by OpCon Kill functionJob was cancelled by an OpCon 'kill' command.
timestamp: Schedule (schedule name) Job (job name) cancelled by OpCon Kill function failed, job not foundJob cancel command by OpCon 'kill' failed as the OpCon job could not be found in the active agent table.
timestamp: Schedule (schedule name) Job (job name) Completed with Return Code (return code)Job completion message.
timestamp: nameJava Agent identification message which appears in job output.
timestamp: Version: agent versionJava Agent internal version number which appears in job output.
timestamp: FrameWork Version: application framework versionJava Application Framework identification message which appears in job output.
timestamp: Jar File: jar file nameName of the jar file containing the class which appears in the output when a Class Operation is performed.
timestamp: Executing Class: class nameName of the class to execute which appears in the output when a Class Operation is performed.
timestamp: Method: method nameName of the method to execute which appears in the output when a Class Operation is performed. If the method name is omitted, it defaults to 'main'.
timestamp: Parameters: parametersParameters to be passed to the method which appears in the output when a Class Operation is performed.
timestamp: Parameters: noneAppears in the output when a Class Operation is performed and no parameters are supplied for the methods.
timestamp: Method name not found in class nameError message that appears in the output when the method is not found in the defined class when a Class Operation is performed.
timestamp: Class name not found in librariesError message that appears in the output when the class name is not found in the defined library when a Class Operation is performed.
timestamp: Executing Class: class name completed with Return Code codeCompletion message that appears in the output when the Class Operation is completed.
timestamp: Executable Path: directory nameAppears in the output when a Command Operation is performed and defines the full path to the filename that contains the executable/script to execute.
timestamp: Script/exe Name: nameAppears in the output when a Command Operation is performed and defines the executable/script to execute.
timestamp: Job Output redirected to file filenameAppears in the output when a Class or Command Operation is performed and defines the log file used to capture the job output log.
timestamp: Job ErrorLog redirected to file filenameAppears in the output when a Class or Command Operation is performed and defines the error file used to capture the job error log.
timestamp: Exception exceptionAppears in the output when a Class or Command Operation is performed and the job encounters an exception.
timestamp: Problems creating redirected system out file filename Error: errorAppears in the output when a Class or Command Operation is performed and the redirection file cannot be created.