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LSAM Configuration File

Modify the Configuration File

  1. Log in to the UNIX system as root.
  2. Change the directory to the LSAM's bin directory. Use the following syntax: cd $LSAM_ROOT/bin.

The following example shows the syntax for getting to the LSAM's bin directory, assuming that $LSAM_ROOT is /usr/local/lsam:

cd /usr/local/lsam/bin

  1. Start the LSAM configuration program. Use the following syntax: ./lsam<SAM_Socket> config

The following example shows the syntax for starting the LSAM configuration program. The LSAM's SAM Socket number (<SAM_Socket>) is 3100:

./lsam3100 config

  1. Select an option from the menu and make any necessary modifications to the displayed values. For complete information on the lsam.conf settings, refer to the TCP/IP Configuration Parameters tables.
  2. Repeat step 3 until all LSAM options are set correctly.
  3. Enter s to save the configuration changes.
  4. Enter q to quit the configuration program.
  5. If the LSAM was running when performing step 3, refresh the LSAM after saving the configuration file. For information on refreshing the LSAM, refer to lsam refresh.