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Utilties Overview

The programs in this section do not use the LSAM Control Script. All utilities are located in the <LSAM root path>/bin/ directory. All require root privileges, except file_check, maintain_ofiles, sma_ppscript, and sma_status, which are available to be called from any OpCon job.

In the table that follows, a short description of each utility is provided.

UtilityShort Description
exit_codesDisplays the return values of a process
file_checkChecks if specified file(s) meet certain criteria
genericpgmA dummy program used to test the LSAM
get_errnoTranslates a UNIX error number into meaningful text
install_lsamQuickly creates an operational LSAM without additional configuration or extensive installation steps
install_lsam_serviceThis script creates symbolic links in the start up directory, so the LSAM will be started automatically when the machine is rebooted
lsam_killjobSends a SIGKILL signal to terminate specified job
maintain_ofilesPrevents the accumulation of outdated job-related files
sma_job_stepCalled to have the LSAM advise SAM that a Job Step is about to be executed
sma_LSAM_feedbackCalled to have LSAM report text to be added to a job's "Detailed Job Message" list in Enterprise Manager
sma_ppscriptRegisters a post-processing script (ppscript) to analyze the standard out of a job
sma_statusSends message for the Enterprise Manager to display after the OpCon status message
uninstall_lsamQuickly removes an LSAM