Run XP Job
This application is the cornerstone of the XP2 Interface. It grants OpCon the ability to start and monitor XP2 jobs.
The configuration file for this program must be set up priot to executing your first XP2 job. Please refer to the information about the Run XP Job INI file in the Reference section.
Command Line
In order to execute XP2 jobs, you need to create an OpCon job with a command line in the following format:
[[SMAXPSetup]] <XP2 Job Name> <Arguments>
Here is how to run the XP2 job called CONLIST
[[SMAXPSetup]] conlist
Tips and Tricks
- If <argurments> contain double quotes, they must be escaped.
The following is where the argument contains double quotes:
Here is the same argument line with the double quotes escaped:
- The AutoReplyFile setting in the configuration can be over-ridden on the command line.
The follow is a command line where the AutoReplyFile is being overwritten on the command line:
[[SMAXPSetup]] <XP2 Job Name> -AutoReplyFile=/ops/bin/AltAutoReplyFile.ini