Managing Groups
Adding Machine, Schedule, or Job Groups
To add a group:
Double-click on Notification Manager under the Management topic. The Notification Manager screen displays.
Click the Machines, Schedules, or Jobs tab in the Notification Triggers frame.
Right-click on the notification type (e.g., Machines, Schedules, or Jobs).
Click Add Group. The Add New Group dialog displays.
Type the new group name.
Click the OK button.
(Optional) You can create child groups to further organize triggers.
Add Machines to a Group
Click on the group in the Machines tab.
Follow either of the two procedures to add machines:
In the Machines selection frame on the right:
a. Confirm the selection for By default, ENS will treat all machines
as: Excluded.
b. Select the checkbox for the specific platform to select all
machines for that specific platform. Alternatively, you can click on
the arrow
to the left of the platform to expand the Machines choices then
select the checkbox(es) for the specific machine(s)
a. Change the selection to By default, ENS will treat all machines
as: Included.
b. Select the checkbox for the specific platform to remove all machines for that specific platform. Alternatively, you can
click on the
arrow to the left of the platform to expand the Machines
choices then deselect the checkbox(es) for the specific
machine(s) to remove.
Click the Save button.
Add Schedules to a Group
Click on the group in the Schedules tab.
Follow either of the two procedures to add schedules:
In the Schedules selection frame on the right:
a. Confirm the selection for By default, ENS will treat all schedules as: Excluded. b. Select the checkbox for each schedule to add to the group.
a. Change the selection to By default, ENS will treat all schedules as: Included. b. Unselect the checkbox for each schedule to remove from the group.
Click the Save button.
Add Jobs to a Group
Click on the group in the Jobs tab.
Follow either of the two procedures to add jobs:
In the Jobs selection frame on the right:
a. Confirm the selection for By default, ENS will treat all jobs as:
b. Select the checkbox for the schedule to select all jobs for that
schedule. Alternatively, you can click on the
arrow to
the left of the schedule to expand the Jobs choices then select
the checkbox(es) for the specific job(s)
a. Change the selection to By default, ENS will treat all jobs as:
b. Select the checkbox for the schedule to remove all jobs for that schedule. Alternatively, you can click on the
arrow to
the left of the schedule to expand the Jobs choices then
deselect the checkbox(es) for the specific job(s) to remove.
Click the Save button.
Deleting Machine, Schedule, or Job Groups
To delete a group:
- Double-click on Notification Manager under the Management topic. The Notification Manager screen displays.
- Click the Machines, Schedules, or Jobs tab in the Notification Triggers frame.
- Click on the
arrow to expand the Machines,Schedules,or Jobs information.
- Right-click on the group to delete.
- Click Delete Group. The Delete dialog displays.
- Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to cancel the deletion.
Renaming Machine, Schedule, or Job Groups
To rename a group:
- Double-click on Notification Manager under the Management topic. The Notification Manager screen displays.
- Click the Machines, Schedules, or Jobs tab in the Notification Triggers frame.
- Click on the
arrow to expand the Machines,Schedules,or Jobs information.
- Right-click on the group to rename.
- Click Rename.
- Type the new group name.
- Click the OK button. :::