Sending SPO Event Reports
The SPO tab provides the following fields for defining an SPO AL Report or a CO Report notification:
- AL: If enabled, defines the AL report fields.
- Text(Optional): Defines the user-defined message up to 250
- If no text is specified, the default information of <lsam_mach_name> <schedule_date> <schedule_name><job_name> is passed with the notification.
- If text is specified, the resulting SPO message contains only the user-defined message.
- Severity: Defines the choices for the message's severity level. The choices are: Informational, Minor, Major, Warning, Critical, Indeterminate, or Unselect.
- Alarmid(Optional): Defines any valid AL alarmid attribute. If no user-defined alarmid is specified and the SPO Default Alarm ID is not set in the UI's Administration > Options, the LSAM Machine name is sent with the event report. The maximum for this field is 250 characters.
- Alarmqual(Optional): Defines any valid AL alarmqual attribute. If no user-defined alarmqual is specified, the Schedule and Job Name are sent with the event report. The maximum for this field is 250 characters.
- CO: If enabled, presents the CO report fields.
- Instance(Required): Defines any valid CO instance attribute. The attribute defined in the SPO configuration is case-sensitive. The maximum for this field is 250 characters.
- Command(Optional): Defines any valid CO command attribute. The Command field requires any valid Command attribute. The maximum for this field is 250 characters.
The resulting SPO message contains only the user-defined message.
This notification type is disabled on Linux. Notifications defined prior to Release 20.0.0 will be disabled.