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Version: OpCon 22.0 (On-Prem)


Access Code Privileges

To implement Access Codes for securing jobs, each user must have the appropriate Access Code privileges through one or more roles to view and update jobs.

Because '<None>' is an Access Code and is applied to all jobs by default, all roles automatically have privileges to update jobs with the '<None>' Access Code. As additional Access Codes are created, the administrator must grant privileges for the Access Codes to the appropriate Role Name.

A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage Access Code Privileges.

The following information applies to defining Access Code Privileges.

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Allow job updates?: Determines if users in the Role can update jobs defined with an Access Code. If allowed, users can modify and delete the job definition in the Master and Daily. If not allowed, users can only view the job definition in the Master and Daily.
  • Revoked: Provides the Access Codes not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the Access Codes assigned to the Role Name. Users will be able to see jobs with any of the granted access codes in the Master, Daily, and Schedule Operations.

Function Privileges

Function Privileges are used to grant access to functions not related to jobs. Each user must have function privileges via one or more roles to perform actions within OpCon. By default, a new role has no privileges. A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage roles.

The following data information applies to defining Function Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Granted Function Privileges: Provides the Function Privileges assigned to the Role Name.

All Administrative Functions

Grants privileges to perform the following functions in OpCon:

Manage OpCon Roles

  • Add new Roles
  • Delete Roles
  • Modify Roles

Manage User Accounts

  • Add new User Accounts
  • Delete User Accounts
  • Modify User Accounts

All Function Privileges

Grants privileges to perform the following functions in OpCon:

All Notification Manager Functions

Grants access to all functions in Notification Manager including:

  • Groups
    • Add Machine, Schedule, and Job groups
    • Delete Machine, Schedule, and Job groups
    • Update Machine, Schedule, and Job groups
  • Notifications
    • Add new Notifications
    • Delete Notifications
    • Update Notifications
  • Triggers
    • Add Machine, Schedule, and Job Event Triggers
    • Delete Machine, Schedule, and Job Event Triggers
    • Update Machine, Schedule, and Job Event Triggers

No other privileges are verified in Notification Manager. If granted access to this utility, users in the role can set up notifications for any machine, schedule, or job.

Build Daily Schedules

Grants privileges to build and check schedules:

  • View schedules in to build
  • Build schedules for defined dates
  • Check schedules for defined dates

Users in the role must also have Schedule Privileges to perform these functions.

Delete Daily Schedules

Grants privileges to perform the following functions in the Daily schedules:

  • View schedules to delete
  • Delete schedules for defined dates

Users in the role must also have Schedule Privileges to perform these functions.

Force-Start Schedules

Grants privileges to execute the Start command for schedules in the Daily schedules.


Users in the role must also have Schedule Privileges to perform this function.

Hold Schedules

Grants privileges to execute the Hold command for schedules in the Daily schedules.


Users in the role must also have Schedule Privileges to perform this function.

Release Schedules

Grants privileges to execute the Release command for schedules in the Daily schedules.


Users in the role must also have Schedule Privileges to perform this function.

Import and Export Schedules

Grants access to all functions in the Schedule Import Export utility.


When mapping machines to a destination database on import, Machine Privileges are validated for the destination database.

Maintain Access Codes

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Access Codes.

  • View all defined Access Codes
  • Add new Access Codes
  • Delete Access Codes
  • Modify Access Codes

Maintain Audit History

Grants access to all functions in the Audit Management plugin and Audit Cleanup utility including:

  • View all audit records
  • Filter all audit records
  • Archive and Purge specified audit records

No other privileges are verified in the Audit Management utility. If granted access to this utility, users in the role can all audit records.

Maintain Calendars

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Calendars.

  • View all defined Calendars
  • Add new Calendars
  • Delete Calendars
  • Modify Calendars

Maintain Departments

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Departments.

  • View all defined Departments
  • Add new Departments
  • Delete Departments
  • Modify Departments

Maintain Embedded Script

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Embedded Scripts:

  • View all defined Scripts
  • Add new Scripts
  • Delete Scripts
  • Modify Scripts
  • Assign roles to Scripts
  • View all defined Script Versions
  • Create Script Versions
  • Delete Script Versions
  • View all defined Script Types
  • Add new Script Types
  • Delete Script Types
  • Modify Script Types
  • View all defined Script Runners
  • Add new Script Runners
  • Delete Script Runners
  • Modify Script Runners

Maintain Global Properties

Grants access to related to maintaining Global Properties.

  • View all defined Global Properties
  • Add new Global Properties
  • Delete Global Properties
  • Modify Global Properties

Maintain Job History

Grants access to all functions in the History Management plugin and History Cleanup utility including:

  • View all job history records
  • Filter all job history records
  • Archive and purge specified job history records

No other privileges are verified in the History Management utility. If granted access to this utility, users in the role can manage history for any schedule or job.

Maintain Machine Groups

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Machine Groups.

  • View all defined Machine Groups
  • Add new Machine Groups
  • Delete Machine Groups
  • Modify Machine Groups

Maintain Machines

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Machines.

  • View all defined Machines
  • Add new Machines
  • Delete Machines
  • Modify Machines
  • Start communication with the LSAM
  • Stop communication with the LSAM
  • Disable job starts for the LSAM
  • Enable job starts for the LSAM

To stop and to start communication with the LSAM from the Machine Information screen in Schedule Operations, the View Jobs in Schedule Operations privilege must also be granted.

Maintain Reports

Grants access to all functions (except locking and unlocking reports) in the Report Management tool in the Reports view:

  • Add new report specifications
  • Copy report specifications
  • Delete unlocked report specifications
  • Update unlocked report specifications
  • Export unlocked report specifications
  • Import report specifications

Only users in the ocadm role can manage locked reports.

Maintain Schedules

Grants access to all functions related to the Schedule Master including:

  • Add new Schedules
  • Delete Schedules
  • Modify Schedules

When a schedule is added, only the creator is automatically granted privileges to the new schedule; otherwise, the user must have Schedule Privileges to perform the Delete and Modify functions.

Maintain Service Request

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Service Requests in the SMA Self Service solution.

  • Add new Service Requests
  • Delete Service Requests
  • Modify Service Requests

Maintain Thresholds/Resources

Grants access to functions related to maintaining thresholds and resources.

  • View all defined Thresholds/Resources
  • Add new Thresholds/Resources
  • Delete Thresholds/Resources
  • Modify Thresholds/Resources

Maintain Vision Actions

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Vision actions.


All events for Actions are submitted in the ocadm role.

  • Add Vision Actions
  • Delete Vision Actions
  • Modify Vision Actions

Maintain Vision Frequencies

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Vision frequencies.

  • Add Vision Frequencies
  • Delete Vision Frequencies
  • Modify Vision Frequencies

Maintain Vision Workspaces

Grants access to functions related to maintaining Vision cards.

  • Add Vision Cards
  • Delete Vision Cards
  • Modify Vision Cards

View Embedded Script Contents

Grants users, who are not already members of a role with Maintain Embedded Scripts or All Administrative Functions or All Function Privileges, the permissions to view list of embedded scripts, script types, script runners, and the contents of the embedded scripts.

View License Information

Grants access to the License Information tab in the About OpCon Enterprise Manager window accessible from the Help menu in the Enterprise Manager.

View Service Requests

Grants users, who are not already members of a role with Maintain Service Request or All Administrative Functions or All Function Privileges, the permissions to use the Self Service solution and view and trigger Service Requests.

View Vision Workspaces

Grants users the permissions to view the Vision solution.

Departmental Function Privileges

The Departmental Function Privileges are used to grant privileges related to jobs based on individual departments. For all of the privileges in this section, to affect a specific existing job, the role must have the function privilege for the department and all of the following privileges:

The following data information applies to defining Function Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Granted Departmental Privileges: Provides the Departmental Privileges assigned to the Role Name. Departmental privileges are associated with <All Departments>, the <General> department, or user defined departments.

The <General> department is the default department for all jobs.

All Daily Schedule Functions

Grants access to all functions related to daily Schedule maintenance including:

All Job Master Functions

Grants access to all functions related to the Job Master including:

View Standard Reports

Grants privileges to view all non-administrative OpCon Reports.


To view administrative reports, the All Function Privileges privilege must also be granted.

All Schedule Operation Functions

Grants access to functions related to Schedule Operations including:


To Delete Old Schedules, the Delete Daily Schedules privilege must also be granted. To modify Machine Status from Schedule Operations, the Maintain Machines privilege must also be granted.

Add Jobs to Daily Schedules

Grants privileges to add jobs from the Job Master to the Daily schedules.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Master Schedules and View Jobs in Daily Schedules to perform this function.

Add Jobs to Master Schedules

Grants access to functions related to adding jobs to the Job Master including:

  • Add new jobs
  • Copy Jobs
  • View History
  • View Job Master PERT

Cancel Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Cancel status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Delete Jobs from Daily Schedules

Grants privileges to Delete Jobs in the Daily schedules.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Daily Schedules and Modify Jobs in Daily Schedules to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Delete Jobs from Master Schedules

Grants privileges to functions related to deleting jobs from the Job Master including:

  • Delete Jobs
  • View History
  • View Job Master PERT

Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Master Schedules and Modify Jobs in Job Master to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Force-Start Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Start status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Hold Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Hold status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Kill Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Kill status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Mark Jobs Failed

Grants privileges to execute the Mark Jobs Failed status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Mark Jobs Finished OK

Grants privileges to execute the Mark Jobs Finished OK status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Modify Jobs in Daily Schedules

Grants access to functions related to modifying jobs in the Daily Schedules including:

  • Modify Job Details
  • Add/Modify/Delete Documentation
  • Add/Modify/Delete Events
  • Add/Modify/Delete Other Job Details
  • Add/Modify/Delete Job Dependencies
  • Add/Modify/Delete Threshold/Resource Dependencies
  • Add/Modify/Delete Threshold/Resource Updates
  • Check Daily Schedules
  • Edit Daily Schedules

Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Daily Schedules to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Modify Jobs in Master Schedules

Grants access to functions related to modifying jobs in the Job Master including:

  • Modify Job Details
  • Add/Modify/Delete Documentation
  • Add/Modify/Delete Events
  • Add/Modify/Delete Frequency and Other Job Details
  • Add/Modify/Delete Job Dependencies
  • Add/Modify/Delete Threshold/Resource Dependencies
  • Add/Modify/Delete Threshold/Resource Updates
  • View History
  • View PERT

Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Master Schedules to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Release Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Release status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Restart Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Restart status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

Skip Jobs

Grants privileges to execute the Skip status change command for Jobs in Operations.


Users in the role must also have View Jobs in Schedule Operations to perform this function in graphical interfaces.

View Jobs in Daily Schedules

Grants access to functions related to viewing jobs in the daily Schedules including:

  • View Job Details
  • View Documentation
  • View Events
  • View Job Dependencies
  • View Other Job Details
  • View Threshold/Resource Dependencies
  • View Threshold/Resource Updates
  • Check Daily Schedules

View Jobs in Master Schedules

Grants access to functions related to viewing jobs in the Job Master including:

  • View Job Details
  • View Documentation
  • View Events
  • View Frequency and Other Job Details
  • View History
  • View Job Dependencies
  • View PERT
  • View Threshold/Resource Dependencies
  • View Threshold/Resource Updates

View Jobs in Schedule Operations

Grants access to functions related to viewing jobs in the following Enterprise Manager Operation views:

  • List
  • Matrix
  • Gantt
  • PERT Viewer
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart

Machine Privileges

Machine privileges are used to control the machines for users in a role that have privileges to create and edit jobs. Within Job Master and Job Daily, users will only see Machines based on their role privileges. In Schedule Operations, the machine privileges are not applied.

A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage Machine Privileges. The following information applies to defining Machine Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Allow job updates?: Determines if users in the Role can update jobs defined with a Machine. If allowed, users can modify and delete the job definition in the Master and Daily. If not allowed, users can only view the job definition in the Master and Daily.
  • Revoked: Provides the machines not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the machines assigned to the Role Name. Users will be able to see jobs with any of the granted machines in the Master and Daily.

Machine Group Privileges

Machine Group privileges are used to control the machine groups that users in a role have privileges to maintain jobs on. Within Job Master Maintenance and Daily Schedule Maintenance, users will only see Machine Groups based on their role privileges. In Schedule Operations, the machine group privileges are not applied.

A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage Machine Group Privileges. The following information applies to defining Machine Group Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Allow job updates?: Determines if users in the Role can update jobs defined with a Machine Group. If allowed, users can modify and delete the job definition in the Master and Daily. If not allowed, users can only view the job definition in the Master and Daily.
  • Revoked: Provides the Machines not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the Machines assigned to the Role Name. Users will be able to see jobs with any of the granted machine groups in the Master and Daily.

Machine Group Privileges do not automatically grant privileges to the individual Machines in the group. To grant privileges to individual machines, refer to Machine Privileges.

Schedule Privileges

Each user must have schedule privileges via one or more roles to access schedules within OpCon. By default, a new role has privileges to no schedules. If a role is not granted privileges to a schedule, users in that role will not see that schedule listed in the graphical interfaces. A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage roles.


Schedule Privileges for individual users are not dynamically granted if they are logged in. If the user is logged into the account when an administrator grants a Schedule Privilege to this user's role, then it is required for the user to log out and log back in for the privilege to be granted.

The following information applies to defining Schedule Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Revoked: Provides the Schedules not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the Schedules assigned to the Role Name.

Batch User Privileges

Most platforms require a valid user ID to be associated with each job submitted by OpCon. Valid user IDs for each of those platforms must be defined in OpCon. The following platforms do not require a user ID to be defined: OS 2200, BIS, and z/OS.

The Batch User Privileges in OpCon contain the user ID definitions for each platform. Additionally, the Batch User Privileges define which OpCon roles are allowed to use which user ID's for the jobs.

The following information applies to defining Batch User Privileges:

  • Select Role: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Target Operating System: Provides the operating systems that require Batch User Privileges which includes MCP, IBM i, UNIX, VMS, and Windows.
  • Revoked: Provides the Batch User IDs not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the Batch User IDs assigned to the Role Name.

Embedded Script Privileges

Each user must have embedded script privileges via one or more roles to access embedded scripts within OpCon. By default, a new role has privileges to no embedded scripts. If a role is not granted privileges to an embedded script, users in that role will not see that embedded script listed in the graphical interfaces. A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage roles.


Embedded Script Privileges for individual users are not dynamically granted if they are logged in. If the user is logged into the account when an administrator grants an Embedded Script Privilege to this user's role, then it is required for the user to log out and log back in for the privilege to be granted.

The following information applies to defining Embedded Script Privileges:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Revoked: Provides the Embedded Scripts not assigned to the Role Name.
  • Granted: Provides the Embedded Scripts assigned to the Role Name.