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Version: OpCon 22.0 (On-Prem)

SAP BW Job Details

The information in this section applies to defining an SAP BW job. For additional information about this platform, refer to SAP BW Agent Getting started in the SAP BW Agent online help.

SAP Query

  • Machine: Defines the SAP BW LSAM Machine name. For information on adding an LSAM machine to OpCon, refer to Adding Machines in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • Language: Defines the two-character language abbreviation (e.g., enter EN for English).

General Data

  • Process Chain Name: Defines the name of the Business Warehouse job as defined in the SAP Business Warehouse system.

Process Chain List

  • Chain: Defines text matching the name of the desired Process Chain in the SAP Business Warehouse system. If unsure of the whole process chain name, use wildcards (*) to expand the search.
  • Description: Defines text matching the description of the desired Process Chain in the SAP Business Warehouse system.
  • Search SAP: Initiates a request to the SAP BW system to retrieve all Process Chain names matching the search criteria.