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Version: OpCon 22.0 (On-Prem)

Operations File Transfer Messages

In addition to displaying the completion percentage and the interim transfer operations (e.g., compressing, decompressing, etc.), the EM displays specific file transfer codes from the LSAM's participating in the file transfer job. The Origination column identifies the error location: the FTAgent (Destination) and/or the FTServer (Source).

MCP SMA File Transfer Messages

The following error messages may be encountered in the *SMA/FTAGENT.

*SMA/CONFIG/FILE\</unique identifier> cannot be locatedLog error: Configuration file is missingFTAGENT aborts.
CFG_SMAFT_IN_USE = NLog error: SMAFT is not enabled for this LSAMFTAGENT aborts.
CFG_SMAFT_IN_USE = OLog error: SMAFT is permitted for outbound file transfers onlyFTAGENT aborts.
CFG_SMAFT_IN_USE is not any of the following: N, O, I, BLog error: Invalid value for SMAFT_IN_USE flag. Flag is: xFTAGENT aborts.
Disposition is "Do Not Overwrite" and Destination file exists.Log error: File xxxxxxx exists and overwrite is not permittedFTAGENT aborts.
CFG_FTAGENT_PORT is outside the range 1024 - 65535Log error: Invalid value for FTAGENT port: nnnnnFTAGENT aborts.
Unable to establish a dialog with the File Transfer ServerLog error: FT Server OPEN error: \<reason> for IP: \<server IP> port: \<server port>
Warning encountered while attempting to establish a dialog with the File Transfer ServerLog error: FT Server OPEN warning: \<reason> for IP: \<server IP> port: \<server port>
Compression is requiredLog error: Compression not supportedFTAGENT aborts
Encryption is requiredLog error: Encryption not supportedFTAGENT aborts
Additional error conditionsError messages that are received by *SMA/FTAGENT from the File Transfer server will be logged. Refer to the platform-specific Administration manual for a discussion of the messages generated by the SMA File Transfer server.
CRC received on incoming message does not match calculated CRCLog error: ** Bad CRC ***FTAGENT aborts.
Message packets arrived out of sequenceLog error: Packet number error. Previous: \<previous packet number> Received: \<received packet number>FTAGENT aborts.
The data type specified for the destination file does not match the data type for the existing file.Log error: Data type mismatch for appended file. Spec: \<specified data type> File: \<File data type>FTAGENT aborts.
A message type other than 020, 022, 023, 024, 028, or 029 was received by the *SMA/FTAGENT program from the File Transfer serverLog error: File: Undefined msg type \<msg header>FTAGENT aborts.
The *SMA/FTAGENT program attempted to place a job status message in the *SMA/OUTBOUND/FILE, but was unable to do so.Log error: Can't write to SAM. \<first 132 characters of the status message>FTAGENT aborts.
An unsupported Common Character Set designation was received.Log error: Invalid CommonCharSet \<CommonCharSet>FTAGENT aborts.

OS 2200 File Transfer Server Messages

The OS 2200 File Transfer Server messages are sent to File Transfer Agents, which may be displayed in OpCon Schedule Operations.

SECURITY VIOLATIONAn attempt has been made to violate the security settings of the File Transfer configuration. Most often this results from disallowing File Transfers, and an attempt to perform a transfer was initiated.
File Name MissingThe name of the source file was not provided by the FTAgent. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
Unsupported SOURCE Data TypeThe selected Data Type for the source file is not supported. The Data Type must be ASCII or Default Text.
Unsupported file type: file nameThe source file type is not supported. Refer to the OS 2200 Source Files section to review the unsupported types.
File does NOT exist: file nameThe requested source file does not exist on the source system.
file name returned MFD error error textThe inquiry to the Master File Directory (MFD) for the source file details resulted in the error text error.
File UnloadedThe requested source file is in an unloaded status. Unloaded files are not supported.
File to be CataloguedThe requested source file is in a "to be catalogued" status. "To be" files are not supported.
File is a Tape FileThe requested source file is a tape file. Tape files are not supported.
File is to be WRITE ONLYThe requested source file is in a "to be write only" status. "To be" files are not supported.
File is to be DroppedThe requested source file is in a "to be dropped" status. "To be" files are not supported.
File is WRITE ONLYThe requested source file is "write only" and cannot be read for the transfer.
Encryption not supportedThe FTAgent has requested an encrypted file transfer; file encryption is not supported.
Compression not supportedThe FTAgent has requested a compressed file transfer; file compression is not supported.
ASCII Transfer ONLY supportedThe FTAgent has requested a transfer character set other than ASCII.
FILE ASSIGNMENT FAILEDThe attempt to assign the source file failed. The SMAJORS Log file will contain specific error information.
file-name requires READ keyThe source file requires a READ key to be accessed.
file-name File not found (SDFI CST: xx )An attempt to open the file for reading failed due to a file assignment error; the xx CST number provides the error identifier. The SMAJORS Log file will contain specific error information.
File Open Error xx: error message textAn attempt to open the file for reading failed. The xx contains the error identifier; the error message text contains a brief description of the error. The SMAJORS Log file will contain additional error information.
FILE READ ERROR (CST: xx, CSST: xx ) error message textAn error occurred while reading the source file. The CST and CSST contain error identifiers; error message text contains a brief description of the error. The SMAJORS Log file will contain additional error information.




Invalid Request: Not \<DATA>

Invalid Request: request data
These messages are the result of internal processing discrepancies between the FTServer and FTAgent. These should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.

OS 2200 File Transfer Job Messages

1 (01) First card image not Tip File parametersThe SMAJOR/ECL does not contain the TIPFILE statement after the \@XQT SMAFT statement.
Indicates a corrupt SMAFTA/ECL element.
2 (02) Missing OpCon Job-ID parameterThe OpCon Job Name parameter is missing.
Indicates a corrupt SMAFT/ECL element.
3 (03) Missing Source Machine parameterThe identification of the machine to transfer the file from is missing.
Indicates a corrupt SMAFT/ECL element.
4 (04) Missing Source socket parameterThe communications socket parameter for the source machine is missing.
Indicates a corrupt SMAFT/ECL element.
5 (05) Missing Source file name parameterThe name of the source file is missing.
Indicates a corrupt SMAFT/ECL element.
6 (06) Missing Destination file name parameter- The name of the destination file is missing.
- Indicates a corrupt SMAFT/ECL element.
7 (07) Invalid transfer mode (must be ASCII)- The file character set for the job is not supported.
- The character set must be either "ASCII" or "Default Text".
8 (10) Invalid Compression mode (must be NONE)Compression Required has been specified for the file transfer job. Compression is not supported.
9 (11) Invalid Encryption mode (must be NONE)Encryption Required has been specified for the file transfer job. Encryption is not supported.
10 (12) Invalid Overwrite parameter (cannot be APPEND)Destination File Handling has been identified as either "Append" or "Backup and Append". The OS 2200 FTAgent does not support file appends.
13 (15) Common Bank slot not availableThe number of File Transfer jobs is greater than twelve (12), OR the Common Bank has become corrupted (possibly from many FTAgent job aborts.) To correct, stop and restart XFRTCP and SMAJOR runs.
14 (16) FPRC Request (020) message received in errorA communications error between an FTServer and FTAgent has occurred. Report this condition to SMA Technologies Support.
15 (17) SEND Request (022) message received in errorA communications error between an FTServer and FTAgent has occurred. Report this condition to SMA Technologies Support.
16 (20) TIP read error: XFR READ FAILUREAn error occurred while attempting to read the XFER Status record from the TIP file. Most likely the TIP file is corrupted; use the XFRINI/ECL and LPARMRES/ECL procedures to re-initialize the file. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
17 (21) TIP read error: INIT and Parameters failureAn error occurred while attempting to initialize the TIP interface and red the LSAM Parameters record from the TIP file. Most likely the TIP file is corrupted; use the XFRINI/ECL and LPARMRES/ECL procedures to re-initialize the file. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
18 (22) COMM Failure: OPEN connection failedThe attempt to open a connection to the FTServer failed. The job's log file contains detailed error information.
19 (23) Invalid CAPABILITIES messageThe FTAgent has received an invalid message from the FTServer. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
20 (24) Required CAPABILITY not present: ASCIIThe FTServer does not have the required capability of transferring the file in ASCII format. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
21 (25) Destination File Name invalidThe name provided for the destination file does not meet the FTAgent requirements. Review the OS 2200 Destination Files section for acceptable file names.
22 (26) FACILITIES STATUS error (\@FAC)A Facilities Error occurred while attempting to manage the destination file. The job's log file will contain detailed error information.
23 (27) Open OUTPUT file failedAn error occurred when the FTAgent attempted to open the destination file. The job's log file will contain detailed error information.
24 (30) Received error from serverThe FTAgent received an error message from the FTServer; the received message is included. Review the FTServer documentation for additional information pertaining to the message.
25 (31) File WRITE error (SDFIO)The FTAgent encountered an error when attempting to write data to the destination file. The job's log will contain detailed error information.
26 (32) Job Record not found in TIP FILEThe necessary job data could not be found in the TIP file. This may be the result of a corrupted file, or a combination of multiple occurrences of the job processing simultaneously. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
27 (33) COMM Failure: Connection RejectedThe FTServer rejected the FTAgent's attempt to open a communications session.
28 (34) COMM Failure: Connection AbortedThe communications connection between the FTServer and FTAgent aborted.
29 (35) COMM Failure: Connection Closed before EOFThe communications connection between the FTServer and FTAgent was closed before the end-of-file was received. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
30 (36) FIXED length records w/zero RecordLengthThe FTServer has identified the source file as containing FIXED length records but has reported a zero record length. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
31 (37) Required RECORD parameters not presentThe FTServer has failed to provide file parameters required to create the output file. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.
32 (40) Unsupported File Format (not FIXED or VARIABLE)The format of the source file is not supported bu the OS 2200 FTAgent.
33 (41) Preferred Compression FAILEDThe File Transfer job is defined with "Compression Preferred" and "Failed if Preferred not met". The file has been transferred successfully.
34 (42) Preferred Encryption FAILEDThe File Transfer job is defined with "Encryption Preferred" and "Failed if Preferred not met". The file has been transferred successfully.
35 (43) Invalid Destination File key(s)The Read and/or Write keys provided for the destination file are invalid.
36 (44) File Transfer Server not respondingThe FTServer is no longer communication with the FTAgent.
37 (45) Invalid Packet Number received on ResendAn out-of-sequence data message has been received by the FTAgent. This situation should be reported to SMA Technologies Support.

UNIX File Transfer Error Codes

File transfer errors received by STDOUT/STDERR may be viewed in the EM's Job Output Retrieval System (JORS).

The messages in this section are output by the UNIX Agent and Server; messages output by a non-UNIX Agent or Server will be different, and the user is referred to the documentation for the appropriate LSAM. When the destination machine is UNIX and an error originates in the Server, the Agent will prepend "FTServer:" to the message to indicate that it originated with the Server.


FTServer: Error reading Temp File [/usr/local/lsam/tmp/FT_AHhs5/daily.txt.asc.10203]


Original Destination File
[desf] backed up to [backup]
FTAgentPer the job's "Overwrite" option. the FTAgent backed up the Destination File prior to starting the file transfer.
Original Destination File
[file] did not exist to backup
FTAgentAt the job's startup, no Destination File exists to backup.
Could not change default access permissions for Destination File [desf]FTAgentFollowing the transfer of a new Destination File, the new file's access privileges could not be changed from the system-dependent default to:

- full access by owner
- read access by group
- no access by others

NOTE: If the Destination file existed before the file transfer, the file transfer does not modify its access permissions.
[src_machine]src_file --> [dest_mach]dest_fileFTAgent- Displays the results of the file transfer.
- The Destination File was created or overwritten.
- Shown if the job's "Overwrite" option specified appending, but the Destination File did not exist prior to the file transfer.
[src_machine]src_file appended --> [dest_machine]dest_fileFTAgent- Displays the results of the file transfer.
- The Source File was appended to the Destination File.
File transfer successfully completedFTAgentThe job ran to completion.
File transfer did not complete!FTAgentThe job did not run to completion. The file may or may not have been transferred. Refer to the job's STDERR output for details of what went wrong.


Written to a job's STDERR file when the job requirements could not be met. The following messages are Pre-Processing Errors.

User does not have required access to Source File [file]FTServerThe file transfer was aborted because the user did no have READ access to the Source File.
User does not have required access to Destination File [file]FTAgentThe file transfer was aborted because the user did not have WRITE access to the Destination File OR CREATE access to the Destination directory.
Invalid path component in Destination File [file]FTAgentThe file transfer was aborted because the user specified a non-existent directory within the path portion of the Destination File, i.e., that portion of the Destination File prior to the final '/' in the filename.
Destination File [file] already exists and overwrite not allowed.FTAgentThe file transfer was aborted because the Destination File already existed, and the user specified "Do Not Overwrite" for the job's "Overwrite" option.
Could not back-up Destination File [file] (indicator)FTAgent- The file transfer was aborted becuase the Destination File could not be backed up as the user specified for the job's "Overwrite" option.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Compression REQUIRED but not supported by both machinesFTAgentThe file transfer was aborted because compatible forms of file compression were not available on both the Source and Destination machine.
Compresssion is FAIL-PREFERRED but not supported by both machines.
Continuing without compression - job status will be FAILED...
FTAgent- The file transfer was initiated without file compression.
- If it was successful, OpCon reported the job as Failed because the user checked the "Send fail..." box under Failure Criteria in the Job Details screen.
Compression is not supported by both machines.
Continuing without compression...
FTAgentThe file transfer was initiated without file compression.
Encryption REQUIRED but not supported by both machinesFTAgentThe file transfer was aborted because compatible forms of file encryption were not available on both the Source and Destination machines.
Encryption is FAIL-PREFERRED but not supported by both machines.
Continuing without encryption - job stat us will be FAILED...
FTAgent- The file transfer was initiated without file encryption.
- If it was successful, OpCon reported the job as Failed because the user checked the "Send fail..." box under Failure Criteria in the Job Details screen.
Encryption is not supported by both machines.
Continuing without encryption...
FTAgentThe file transfer was initiated without file encryption.
Unsupported Data Type [type]FTAgent
The file transfer was aborted because the indicated data type is not supported.
Cannot Process <CommonCharSet> of [charset]FTAgentFTAgent is unable to translate the intermediate character set chosen but the FTServer to affect the transfer when the Source and Destination's data types differ.

Processing Errors


Occurrence of an error does not necessarily (but usually does) mean that a job is aborted. If the job does complete successfully, it may indicate some marginal operating conditions in need of attention.

Source file [file] does not existFTServerThe Source File does not exist.
Source file [file] is emptyFTServerThe Source Files contains no data. (i.e., its length is zero.)
Could not open Temp File [file] (indicators)
Could not open FT Directory lock [file] (indicators)
- The indicated file could not be opened for processing.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not open OLD Destination File [file] (indicator)FTAgent- The indicated file could not be opened for processing.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not create FT Directory [directory] (indicator)
Could not create Temp Directory [directory] (indicator)
Could not create /tmp [directory] (indicator)
- The indicated directory could not be created for processing.
- The indicator files provides the specific reason.
Could not fseek Temp File [file] (indicator)FTServer
the indicated object could not be positioned for processing. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not rename Temp. FT Directory [file] to [to] (indicator)FTServer
- The indicated object could not be positioned for processing.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not rename Source File [from] to [to] (indicator)FTServer- The indicated file could not be renamed for processing.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not rename [from] to [to] (indicator)
Could not rename unTAR'd [un-TAR] to Temp [temp] (indicator)
FTAgent- The indicated file could not be renames for processing.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not get size of Temp File [file] (indicator)FTServerThe size of the indicated file could not be determined. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not get size of Partial File [file] (indicator)
Could not get size of APPEND-TO Destination File [file
Could not get file info for Source File [file] (indicator)FTServerThe statistics (e.g., size, date, etc.) for the Source File could not be obtained. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Tag [tag] is not specifiedFTServer
The indicated XML tag was missing.
End tag [tag] is not specifiedFTServer
The associated ending tag for the indicated XML tag was missing.
Value for Tag [tag] is not specifiedFTServer
No value was supplied for the indicated XML tag.
Could not fork() for [operation] (indicator)FTServer
- The indicated operation could not be performed due to inability to execute a fork() call.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not wait() for [operation] (indicator)FTServer
- The indicated operation could not be performed due to inability to execute a wait() call.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Processing error in [operation] (inidicator)FTServer
The indicated operation could not be performed due to the reason pointed to by the indicator field.
Max attempts at sending message exceededFTServer
The maximum number of attempts to sned a message was reached.
Max Wait Time to receive message has elapsedFTServer
The maximum time allowed for reception of a message was reached.
Receive was not successful (indicator)FTServer
Reception of a message failed.
The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Send unsuccessful (indicatior)FTServer
A message fould not be sent.
The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not set bugger size
Could not set buffer size for sending
The communications channel could not be initialized.
Send failed for ACKFTServer
An attempt to ACK (i.e., acknowledge) a message failed.
Mismatch bewteen received & expected CRCFTServer
The received messafe was incomprehensible.
Reveived invalid messageFTServer
The received message was not expected.
RCV Queue fullFTServer
The queue is full because a processing error occurred.
Error in FT Directory formatFTServer
The file which maps Source and Destination files to temporary files for processing is corrupted.
Could not lock FT Directory [directory] (indicator)FTServer
- The file which maps Source and Destination files to temporary files for processing could not be locked for exclusive use.
- The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Incorrect number of parametersFTAgentFTAgent received the wrong number of startup parameters from the LSAM.
Unknown host name [computer]FTAgentFTAgent was unable to locate the indicated computer on the network while trying to connect to the FTServer.
Error connecting to [computer] (indicator)FTAgentFTAgent was unable to connect to the FTServer located on the indicated computer. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not get host name (indicator)FTAgentFTAgent was unable to retrieve its own host name to send to FTServer. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
FTServer process prematurely terminatedFTAgentFTAgent has lost communication with FTServer.
Could not set GID to [groupID] to check file access
Could not set UID to [userID] to check file access
FTServerFTServer could not set GID/UID as indicated to determined if the user has access to the Source File.
Error reading Temp File [file]
Error writing Temp File [file]
The temporary file could not be read or written.
Error writing file data, (indicator)FTAgentFTAgent could not save data as packets arrived from FTServer. The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not move Temp File [temp] to Destination File [dest] (indicator)FTAgentFTAgent could not make a temporary file into a permanent Destination File.
The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Unable to get environment variable [SMA_JOBNAME]
Unable to send message (indicator)
FTAgentFTAgent could not send job status information to SAM.
The indicator field provides the specific reason.
Could not process zero-length Source File [machine] (indicator)FTAgentFTAgent could not create a zero-length destination file to match the zero-length source file, or could not update the timestamp of the destination file when "append" was specified.
Invalid length of file for FIXED-length recordsFTAgentThe length of the received file was as expected, when the user specified that the file be saved in a record-oriented format (by pre-pending a '=' to the destination file name).
Invalid RECORD-LENGTH indicatorFTAgentthe data format from the FTServer was not as expected, when the user specified that the file be saved in a record-oriented format (by pre-pending a '=' to the destination file name).
Missing/Invalid <RecordFormat> in XML-headerFTAgentThe data format from the FTServer was not expected, when the user specified that the file be saved in a record-oriented format (by pre-pending a '=' to the destination file name).
Invalid <RecordSep> [RS] in XML-headerFTAgentThe data format from the FTServer was not as expected, when the user specified that the file be saved in a record-oriented format (by pre-pending a '=' to the destination file name). RS indicates the erroneous data.
XFER RECORDS and bad/missing Index File [%s]FTServerThe user specified that the file be sent in a record-oriented format (by pre-pending a '=' to the source file name), and the associated index file (which contains the record structure) could not be found or was corrupted. The most likely cause for a missing index file is either that the source file was not previously saved by the FTAgent as a record-oriented destination file, or that the index file was accidentally deleted. A native, stream format, file cannot be sent as a record-oriented file unless it is first transferred to itself/another file/another UNIX system as a record-oriented destination file.

JORS / FTServer Errors

The UNIXLSAM.log file contains these errors.

- Unable to open master socket (return : return errno: errno)
- Select on master socket failed (errno : errno)
- Accept on master socket failed (errno : errno)
- Could not set buffer size
FTServer- The communications channel could not be initialzed.
- The return and errno field provide the specific reason.
fork() failed (errno : errno)FTServer- A child process to handle the JORS/FTServer durites fould not be spawned.
- The errno field provides the specific reason.

Windows File Transfer Error Codes

MSLSAM Exit Condition NumberOriginationDescription
CRC Error
Invalid file Transfer Mode (Value other than ASCII or Bianry)
Unsupported file Compression mode
Unsupported file encryption mode
File exists (when File disposition is Do Not Overwrite)
Fail Preferred Settings
Socket Errors
- Destination folder doesn't exist
- No access to Destination folder
- Destination file not specified
- Invalid characters requested for the Destination file name
Invalid Data Source type
Not enough disk space on destination machine
- Invalid source path
- No access to source file
- Source file is missing
"Delete Source File" is required, and the user does not have permission to delete file.
Compression is not supported for files 2GB and larger.
During a Windows to Windows file transfer where the transfer Starts on the Destination machine, this error will occur if the user specified for the Source Machine doesn't have the required privileges on that machine.
- View the SMAFT log on the machine where the transfer was started.
- In the Enterprise Manager, (in Operations - List, Matrix or PERT views) right-click on the job and select Job Information > Configuration > Job Information.