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Version: OpCon 23.0 (On-Prem)

Schedule and Job Status Descriptions and Allowed Status Changes

All schedules and jobs in Schedule Operations have a status. These statuses communicate what is happening and also determine what status changes are allowed.

Schedule Statuses

The table contains definitions of OpCon schedule statuses. The last column contains permitted status changes.


The Close schedule option is needed when there are failed jobs in the schedule and the 'Failed jobs should keep the schedule open' option is set to true (in Server Options). The schedule stays in the status of "In Process - Contains Failed Jobs" in this scenario. If all the jobs are actually completed, then the administrator may choose to close the schedule. This option does not cause the Schedule Completion Events for that schedule to run, and it also keeps the History from being written for the Schedule Completion.

Schedule StatusDescriptionAllowed Status Changes
CompletedAll jobs on the schedule have completed and the schedule is closed.Hold, Close.
In ProcessOne or more jobs on the schedule have not completed.Hold
On HoldThe schedule is suspended from processing.Release
UnknownThe SAM is unable to determine the status of the schedule.N/A
Parent HoldA parent schedule one or more levels above the subschedule has been placed on Hold, causing the SubSchedule to be placed on Parent Hold.None (The subschedule will release when the parent is Released from Hold.)
Started by UserIndicates that a job on the schedule was manually restarted by a user and forced the schedule back open.Hold
Wait to StartThe start time of the schedule has not arrived or the SAM and supporting services (SAM-SS) are not active.Hold, Start
Wait Container JobThe Container job that controls the subschedule has not started. The schedule can only be started by the Container job.None

Job Statuses

There are several general categories of job statuses. Each category contains more specific job status descriptions. The last column contains permitted status changes.


Remember that even though Kill is listed for all Running statuses, Kill is only valid for Machines that have enabled this feature.

CategoryJob StatusDescriptionAllowed Status Changes
HeldOn HoldThe job is suspended from processing.Release, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingJob to be SkippedWhen the start time of the job arrives, the SAM places it in a Skipped status. All subsequent jobs with a dependency on the skipped job will process normally.Start, Cancel, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed, Restart (all)
WaitingLate to StartIndicates that the time is now past the late to start time for the job, and the job has not yet started.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingQualifyingEvery job begins in this status until the SAM determines its appropriate status. For information on the way the SAM analyzes jobs to submit, refer to Job Qualification Process.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingPrerun FailedThe job submitted contains a Prerun job and that prerun reported failure.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingReleasedThe job has been removed from a Held status.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait Job ConflictThe job is waiting for another job to complete where a Conflict Dependency exists.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait Job DependencyThe job is waiting for the completion of another job.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait Start TimeThe job start time has not arrived.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait Threshold/Resource DependencyThe job is waiting for a threshold value to be met or for a resource to become available.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait Expression DependencyThe job is waiting for an expression dependency to evaluate with a true result.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait MachineThe job is waiting for the LSAM to become available. Either the LSAM is processing its maximum number of jobs or SMANetCom is not communicating with the LSAM.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait to StartThe job has qualified to process, but is waiting for SMANetCom to send the start message to the LSAM.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
WaitingWait to Start:ForcedForces a job to start regardless of Job Dependencies or whether the machine has an available job slot.Hold, Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningAttempt to StartThe first step towards starting the job. When the job is sent to the Agent, the status is changed to Start Attempted.Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningJob RunningThe LSAM has successfully started the job.Kill, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningJob Running: To be TerminatedThis status alerts SAM to send a Kill command to the Agent. Once sent, the Job reverts back to a Job Running status until confirmation is received from the Agent that the job was killed.Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningLate to FinishIndicates that the time is now past the late to finish time for the job to finish, and the job is still running.Kill, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningPrerun ActiveThe LSAM has successfully started the prerun job.Kill, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningStart AttemptedThe SAM has submitted the job (via SMANetCom) to the LSAM for processing.Kill, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
RunningStill Attempting StartThe SAM has submitted the job (via SMANetCom) to the LSAM for processing, and waited the "number of minutes between checking running jobs" and found the job to still be in a Start Attempted status.Kill, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
CancelledCancelledThe job has been disabled and will not be processed unless manually restarted. The job dependencies of all subsequent jobs will not be met.Restart(all)
Missed Start TimeMissed Start TimeThe latest start time for the job has passed.Start, Cancel, Skip, Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed
SkippedSkippedThe job is cancelled and the job dependency of all subsequent jobs will be met.Restart (all)
Finished OKFinished OKThe job has completed successfully.Restart (all), Mark Failed
Finished OKMarked Finished OKA user placed the job in a Finished OK status.Restart (all), Mark Failed
FailedInitialization ErrorThe LSAM attempted to start the job, but received an error from the operating system or the LSAM failed the pre-submission editing process (e.g., missing required fields).Restart (all), Mark Finished OK, Mark Failed, Cancel, Skip
FailedFailedThe job ended with an error.Cancel, Restart (all), Mark Finished OK, Skip
FailedMarked FailedA user placed the job in a Failed status.Cancel, Restart (all), Mark Finished OK, Skip
Under ReviewUnder ReviewA user placed the job in an Under Review status to indicate that the job is being reviewed.Mark Failed, Failed, Initialization Error
FixedFixedA user placed the job in a Fixed state to indicate that the job is considered fixed.Mark Failed, Failed, Initialization Error, Under Review