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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Adding Job Events

To add a new job event:

Double-click on Job Master under the Administration topic. The Job Master screen displays.

Select the schedule in the Schedule drop-down list.

Select the job in the Job drop-down list.

Click on the Events tab in the Job Properties frame.

Select the Job Related radio button to set a job-related event.

Click the Add button. The Event Definition Wizard displays.

Select the Job Status, LSAM Feedback, Exit Description or Job Completion Complex Expression radio button on the Event Trigger screen of the wizard.

Click the Next button to proceed to Trigger Details screen of the wizard.

Do one of the following depending on your selection in Step 7.

a. If Job Status was selected, select the job status in the Job Status drop-down list and proceed to Step 10. b. If LSAM Feedback was selected, Select the Feedback name in the LSAM Feedback drop-down list. Next, enter in the String to match field any string to match the feedback value that will trigger the OpCon event. Then, proceed to Step 10. c. If Exit Description was selected, Select the Operator in the Comparison Operator drop-down list . Next, enter in the Value field the proper value based on the selected Operator and enter in the End Value field the value for the end of the Range. Then, proceed to Step 10. d. If Job Completion Complex Expression was selected, Enter the expression in the Expression text box and proceed to Step 10. For more information, refer to Property Expressions API Syntax in the Concepts online help.

Click the Next button to advance to the Event Definition screen of the wizard.

Select an OpCon event template from the Event Template drop-down list. For more information, refer to the OpCon Events online help.

$JOB:ADD,<schedule date\>,<schedule name\>,<job name\>,<frequency name\>

Place your mouse cursor at the beginning of a <syntax placeholder> displayed in the Event Parameters text box then drag the cursor to the right to select the entire syntax placeholder, excluding any surrounding commas. For example: ,<schedule name>, .

Replace the selected syntax placeholder with valid OpCon event information.

If you wish to replace the syntax placeholder with a token, then do the following:

Follow Step 12 to select the syntax placeholder.

Click the Insert Token buton Insert token button or press Ctrl/t on the keyboard to list available global properties.

Locate the global property in the selector by:

i. Scrolling to it. ii. Using the search field and filter criteria to find it. You can use Windows wildcard characters in the search field to expand the search and filter the search by property name, property value, or both (default).

Double-click on the global property (e.g., $SCHEDULE DATE).


Double brackets will automatically be placed around the placeholder for the token that is defined.


$JOB:ADD,[[$SCHEDULE DATE]],Payroll,Emp1,15thofMonth

Click Reset to reset the parameters to their original states.

Click Finish to save the job event or click Cancel to discard the changes made in the wizard.

Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen.

To add a new job event:

Double-click on Job Master under the Administration topic. The Job Master screen displays.

Select the schedule in the Schedule drop-down list.

Select the job in the Job drop-down list.

Click on the Events tab in the Job Properties frame.

Select the Frequency Related radio button to set a frequency-related event.

Click on the frequency in the Frequency list to apply the event.

Click the Add button. The Event Definition Wizard displays.

Select the Job Status, LSAM Feedback, Exit Description or Job Completion Complex Expression radio button on the Event Trigger screen of the wizard.

Click the Next button to proceed to Trigger Details screen of the wizard.

Do one of the following depending on your selection in Step 8.

a. If Job Status was selected, Select the job status in the Job Status drop-down list and proceed to Step 11. b. If LSAM Feedback was selected, Select the Feedback name in the LSAM Feedback drop-down list. Next, enter in the String to match field any string to match the feedback value that will trigger the OpCon event. Then, proceed to Step 11. c. If Exit Description was selected, Select the Operator in the Comparison Operator drop-down list . Next, enter in the Value field the proper value based on the selected Operator and enter in the End Value field the value for the end of the Range. Then, proceed to Step 11. d. If Job Completion Complex Expression was selected), Enter the expression in the Expression text box and proceed to Step 11. For more information, refer to Property Expressions API Syntax in the Concepts online help.

Click the Next button to advance to the Event Definition screen of the wizard.

Select an OpCon event template from the Event Template drop-down list. For more information, refer to the OpCon Events online help.


$JOB:ADD,<schedule date>,<schedule name>,<job name>,<frequency name>

Place your mouse cursor at the beginning of a <syntax placeholder> displayed in the Event Parameters text box then drag the cursor to the right to select the entire syntax placeholder, excluding any surrounding commas. For example: ,<schedule name>, .

Replace the selected syntax placeholder with valid OpCon event information.

If you wish to replace the syntax placeholder with a Token, then do the following:

a. Follow Step 13 to select the syntax placeholder. b. Click the Insert Token     buton Insert token button or press Ctrl/t on the keyboard to list available global properties. c. Scroll down and double-click on the Global Property (e.g., $SCHEDULE DATE).

Click the Reset button to reset the parameters to their original states.

Click Finish to save the job event or click Cancel to discard the changes made in the wizard.

Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen. :::