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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Adding Scripts


By default, a user who is a member of only one role will have any new scripts that are created assigned to that role.

If a user is either a super user (in the ocadm role or has All UI Functions) or a member of more than one role, then during script creation, the user will be presented with an Assign Script Roles dialog prompting the user to assign a role or roles to the new script. If users bypass role assignment during script creation, then subsequently only OpCon users with adequate privileges will be able to assign roles to scripts using the Script Privileges editor.

To add a script:

Double-click on Repository under the Scripts topic. The Script Repository screen displays.

Click the Add button on the toolbar. The Add Script dialog displays.

Enter a name for the script.


SMA Technologies recommends using a naming convention that includes the script type (either as a prefix or suffix) for easier quick searching when selecting a script in the job definition.

Enter a description for the script.

Provide the script content. You can either type the contents of the script in the Scripts text box or click the Open File button to browse to and locate a script to import.


You can import and store up to a 900KB script file for each version of a script.

Select the script type from the Type drop-down list. If you wish to add a new script type to use:

a. Click the Add button next to the Type drop-down list. b. Enter the information for the new script type in the Add Script Type dialog. c. Click the Save button in the Add Script Type dialog. d. Select the newly-added script type from the Type drop-down list.

Enter any relevant notes or comments about the script.

Click the Save button in the Add Script dialog.

(If prompted) Assign a role or roles to the new script in the Assign Script Roles dialog and click the Save button. Otherwise, proceed to Step 10.

Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Script Repository tab) to close the Script Repository screen.