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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Deleting Thresholds

If the need arises to delete a threshold, there are several required procedures.

To delete a threshold:

Remove the Threshold from the Daily Tables

  1. Double-click on Daily Maintenance under the Operation topic. The Daily Maintenance screen displays.
  2. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the date for the schedule.
  3. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the schedule.
  4. Click on the job.
  5. Click on the Edit Daily button in the Maintenance frame at the bottom-right side of the screen.
  6. Click on the Threshold/Resource Update tab.
  7. Click on the Threshold/Resource Update to delete and click the Remove button.
  8. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to discard the deletion.

Remove the Threshold from the Master Tables

  1. Double-click on Daily Maintenance under the Operation topic. The Daily Maintenance screen displays.
  2. In the Daily frame:
  3. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the date for the schedule.
  4. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the schedule.
  5. Click on the job.
  6. Click on the Edit Master button in the Maintenance frame at the bottom-right side of the screen.
  7. Click on the Threshold/Resource Update tab.
  8. Click on the Threshold/Resource Update to delete and click the Remove button.
  9. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to discard the deletion.
  10. Repeat Steps 6 - 9 for all jobs updating the threshold.

Remove the Threshold Dependencies from the Master Tables

  1. Double-click on Job Master under the Administration topic. The Job Master screen displays.
  2. Select the schedule in the Schedule drop-down list.
  3. Select the job in the Job drop-down list.
  4. Click on the Dependencies tab.
  5. Click on the Threshold/Resource Dependency tab.
  6. Click on the threshold to be delete and click the Remove button.
  7. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to discard the deletion.
  8. Repeat Steps 4 - 8 for all jobs updating the threshold.
  9. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen.

Delete the Threshold

  1. Double-click on Thresholds under the Administration topic. The Thresholds screen displays.
  2. Select the threshold in the drop-down list for Select Threshold.
  3. Click Remove     iconRemove on the Thresholds toolbar.
  4. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to discard the deletion.
  5. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Thresholds tab) to close the Thresholds screen. :::