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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Editing Job Events

To edit the job event:

  1. Double-click on Job Master under the Administration topic. The Job Master screen displays.
  2. Select the schedule in the Schedule drop-down list.
  3. Select the job in the Job drop-down list.
  4. Click on the Events tab in the Job Properties frame.
  5. Select the Job Related radio button.
  6. Double-click the event you wish to edit or select the event and click the Edit button. The Event Definition Wizard displays.
  7. Enter the changes in the wizard. Keep in mind that you click the Reset button to reset the parameters to their original states.
  8. Click Finish to save the job event or click Cancel to discard the changes made in the wizard.
  9. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen.

To edit the job event:

  1. Double-click on Job Master under the Administration topic. The Job Master screen displays.
  2. Select the schedule in the Schedule drop-down list.
  3. Select the job in the Job drop-down list.
  4. Click on the Events tab in the Job Properties frame.
  5. Select the Frequency Related radio button.
  6. Click on the frequency in the Frequency list to edit the event.
  7. Double-click the event you wish to edit or select the event and click the Edit button. The Event Definition Wizard displays.
  8. Enter the changes in the wizard. Keep in mind that you click the Reset button to reset the parameters to their original states.
  9. Click Finish to save the job event or click Cancel to discard the changes made in the wizard.
  10. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen. :::