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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Navigation Editors

In the Enterprise Manager, the Navigation Editors(e.g., Schedule Master, Job Master, Calendars, Global Properties, Thresholds, Resources, Machines, Machine Groups, Server Options, Roles, User Accounts, Batch Users, Departments, Access Codes, Privileges) provide screens to update information stored in the OpCon database. Any number of editors can be opened at the same time, but only one can be active at a time.

Opening Navigation Editors

To perform the procedure:

  1. Click on the arrow to expand a Navigation topic in the Navigation Panel to the left of the screen.
  2. Double-click on the Navigation Editor(e.g., Schedule Master).
  3. (Optional) Click on and drag the Navigation Editor tab onto the tab bar if not already attached.
  4. Repeat Step 2 to open more editors.

Changing Navigation Editor Tab Order

Click on and drag then release the specific Navigation Editor tab that needs to be moved to the new location on the tab bar.


A stack symbol (Three white folders with black borders stacked) will appear as you drag the view over other editor tabs.

Arranging Navigation Editors

To perform the procedure:

  1. Click on and drag the specific Navigation Editor tab in the direction where you want the editor to display (e.g., drag the tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of screen).
  2. Release the Navigation Editor tab once the stack symbol has changed to the arrow symbol. The Navigation Editor will drop into place.

Right-click Menu for Editors

This section describes the menu items that appear when you right-click on any Navigation Editor tab.

Restore: Restores the editor to its previous location.

Move: Allows one editor or the editor tab group to become free to move to another location.

  • Editor: Allows the editor to move to a new location.
  • Tab Group: If two or more editors sit side by side to be grouped together, allows the editor tab group to move to a new location.

Size: Provides a bold border to make it easier to adjust the size of the editor pane.

  • Left: Turns the left side of the border for the editor bold to make it easy to grab with the mouse pointer to drag to a preferred size.
  • Right: Turns the right side of the border for the editor bold to make it easy to grab with the mouse pointer to drag to a preferred size.
  • Top: Turns the top side of the border for the editor bold to make it easy to grab with the mouse pointer to drag to a preferred size.
  • Bottom: Turns the bottom side of the border for the editor bold to make it easy to grab with the mouse pointer to drag to a preferred size.

Minimize: Minimizes the editor area and places an icon on the right vertical sidebar.

Maximize: Maximizes the editor to open to its maximum size.

Close: Closes the open editor.

Close Others: Closes all other open editors.

Close All: Closes all open editors.

New Editor: Opens a new editor of the same one currently selected.