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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Performing Job Procedures when Working in Matrix View

Adding Job Completion Comments


This menu option is only available when the job is Finished OK, Marked Finished OK, Failed, or Marked Failed.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) for viewing output.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the Jobs icon.
  6. Click on Comment from the menu. The Job Completion Comment dialog displays.
  7. Enter a short comment for the job.
  8. Click OK or press Enter on the keyboard to save the comment or click Cancel to abort the operation.

Viewing Job Output

This action will open a job's output file when the job is complete. Before attempting to view a job's output file, first refer to Viewing a Job Output File in the Concepts online help.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) for viewing output.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Click on View Job Output from the menu. The Job Output Retriever dialog displays.
  6. Double-click on the Output File(s) name to retrieve the output file information. The Log Viewer dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Click the Copy To Clipboard button.
  8. (Optional) Click the Open external editor button to open the file in an external editor (e.g., Notepad).
  9. Click the Close button to close the Log Viewer dialog.
  10. Click the Close button to close the Job Output Retriever dialog.

Opening Window to Host

::: This action requires the configuration emulator for the connection to the machine. For information on configuring an emulator, refer to Preferences for Window To Host. :::

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s).
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Window to Host from the menu. The Window to Host Emulator dialog displays.
  7. Log in to the machine to manage the content.

Editing Daily Jobs

This action allows you to edit job information in the Daily tables.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to edit.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Maintenance from the menu.
  7. Click on Edit Daily Job from the second menu. The Job Daily dialog displays.
  8. (Optional) Enter the changes.
  9. Click Save     icon Save on the Job Daily toolbar.
  10. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Daily tab) to close the Job Daily screen.

Editing Master Jobs

This action allows the user to edit job information in the Master tables.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s)to edit.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Maintenance from the menu.
  7. Click on Edit Master Job from the second menu. The Job Master dialog displays.
  8. (Optional) Enter the changes.
  9. Click Save     icon Save on the Job Master toolbar.
  10. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Job Master tab) to close the Job Master screen.

Deleting Jobs

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to delete.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Maintenance from the menu.
  7. Click on Delete Job from the second menu. The Delete Job dialog displays.
  8. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the No button to cancel the deletion.
  9. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Matrix tab) to close the Matrix screen.

Placing Jobs on Hold

This action will suspend the processing of the selected job. A job that has been submitted to start cannot be held.


If the action is performed when a schedule is selected, all jobs on a schedule are affected.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to place on hold.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Hold from the menu. The Hold dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Canceling Jobs

This action will cancel the job. Any jobs that were dependent on this job will not have their dependencies met.


If the action is performed when a schedule is selected, all jobs on a schedule are affected.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to cancel.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Cancel from the menu. The Cancel dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Skipping Jobs

This action will place the job in a Job to be Skipped state until the job qualifies to start. When the job qualifies, it is skipped and the job dependency of all subsequent jobs will be met.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to skip.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Skip from the menu. The Skip dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Killing Jobs

This action will send a request to kill the job. Any jobs dependent on killed jobs will not have the dependencies met.


This option is not available for the BIS, OpenVMS, IBM i, and OS 2200 platforms.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to kill.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Kill from the menu. The Kill dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Releasing Held Jobs

This action will place the job back in a Qualifying state, and the job will process when all dependencies have been met.


If the action is performed when a schedule is selected, all jobs on a schedule are affected.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to release.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Release from the menu. The Release dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Force Starting Jobs

This action will cause the job to ignore the start time and all dependencies. The job starts as soon as this option is selected as long as a machine is available.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to start.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Force Start from the menu. The Force Start dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Restarting Jobs

This action will place the job back in a Qualifying state. The job starts as soon as all dependencies are met.


During the restart qualifying process, the SAM uses all current details from the Daily tables and from the Job Configuration screen unless the Re-build the SubSchedule option is selected. If Re-build the SubSchedule has been selected, SAM will re-build the subschedule before restarting the jobs.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to restart.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Restart from the menu. The Restart dialog display.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Force Restarting Jobs

This action will cause the job to restart and ignore the start time and all dependencies. The job restarts as soon as this option is selected as long as a machine is available.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to force restart.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Force Restart from the menu. The Force Restart dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Restarting Without Prerun

This action will place the selected job back into a qualifying state. The job is submitted without the associated Prerun. All dependencies must be met before the job is submitted.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to restart without prerun
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Restart Without Prerun from the menu. The Restart Without Prerun dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Restarting On Step

This action will allow you to select a Step on which to restart (whenever the job type supports this).

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s)to restart on step
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click Restart On Step from the menu. The Restart On Step dialog displays.
  7. Click on the specific Start step to restart.
  8. Click on the specific End step to restart (only for platforms that support the End step).
  9. Click the Restart On Step button.
  10. Click the OK button to confirm.
  11. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  12. Click the OK button.

Marking Jobs Finished OK

The action marks the selected job as Finished OK. If the job is marked Finished OK before it starts, both the start time and finish time saved in history equal the time the job is marked.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to mark.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Mark Finished OK from the menu. The Marked Finished OK dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Marking Jobs Failed

This action marks the selected job as Failed. If the job is marked Failed before it starts, both the start and the finish time saved in history equal the time the job is marked.

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to mark.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Mark Failed from the menu. The Marked Failed dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Marking Jobs Under Review

This action marks the selected job as Under Review. To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to mark.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Under Review from the menu. The Under Review dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Marking Jobs Fixed

This action marks the selected job as Fixed. To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to mark.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job table.
  5. Right-click on the job.
  6. Click on Fixed from the menu. The Fixed dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Enter a short explanation for the status change in the text box provided.
  8. Click the OK button to confirm the job status change.

Monitoring SAP Child Processes

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to monitor.
  4. Right-click on the preferred SAP R/3 or CRM job in the Job table.
  5. Click on SAP Child Processes from the menu. The SAP Child Processes dialog displays.
  6. View the child processes.
  7. (Optional) Unselect the checkboxes at the top of the screen to filter out specific statuses.
  8. (Optional) Type Filter Text above the table to find a specific child process by name.
  9. (Optional) Move the SAP Child Processes dialog aside and continue work in the Matrix tab or other screens while still monitoring the SAP child processes.
  10. Click Close.

Restarting SAP Child Processes

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to restart.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job Status table.
  5. Click on SAP Child Processes from the menu. The SAP Child Processes dialog displays.
  6. (Optional) Unselect the checkboxes at the top of the screen to filter out specific statuses.
  7. (Optional) Type Filter Text above the table to find a specific child process by name.
  8. Select the checkbox(es) next to the child process(es) you wish to restart.
  9. Click the Restart button. The Restart SAP Child Processes dialog displays.
  10. Click the OK button to confirm the restart.

Viewing SAP Job Spools

To perform this procedure:

  1. Double-click on Matrix under the Operation topic. The Matrix screen displays.
  2. Click on the number for the day in the calendar that contains the schedule(s).
  3. Click on the schedule that contains the job(s) to restart.
  4. Right-click on the job in the Job Status table.
  5. Click on SAP Job Spools from the menu. The SAP Login dialog displays.
  6. Enter the SAP login credentials then click OK. The View SAP Job's Spools dialog displays.
  7. (Optional) Click the Refresh button to update the list.
  8. Double-click on the job spool to retrieve. The SAP Spool Details dialog displays.
  9. View the spool details.
  10. (Optional) Click the Copy To Clipboard button.
  11. (Optional) Click the Open external editor button to open the file in an external editor (e.g., Notepad).
  12. Click the Close button to close the SAP Spool Details dialog.
  13. Click the Close button to close the View SAP Job's Spools dialog.