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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Setting Preferences for Schedule Extract

The preferences for Schedule Extract apply to both the interactive utility and the command line interface, where appropriate. For more information, refer to Schedule Extract Command-line Interface in the Utilities online help.

To set the preferences:

  1. Launch the Enterprise Manager application.
  2. Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Preferences. The Preferences dialog displays.
  3. Click on the arrow (Expand Arrow) next to Enterprise Manager in the Preferences tree to expand the drop-down list.
  4. Click on Schedule Extract. The Schedule Extract settings display to the right.
  5. Define in the Output Directory text box the location where Schedule Extract will generate the files for SMADDI (default: C:\Extract\Output).
  6. Dfine in the Change File Directory text box the location for Schedule Extract to search for any change files to be applied to the extracted schedule(s) (default: C:\Extract\ChangeFiles).
  7. Define in the Date Format text box the date format to be used for date definitions in SMADDI created files (default: yyyymmdd).
  8. Define in the Argument Delimiter in -F File text box the delimiter character used to separate extract arguments in a schedule input file (default: ; (semicolon)).
  9. Click Apply then click OK.