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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Setting Preferences from Enterprise Manager

This section allows you to set various preferences relating to the display setup of the Enterprise Manager.

To set the preferences:

  1. Launch the Enterprise Manager application.
  2. Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Preferences. The Preferences dialog displays.
  3. Click on Enterprise Manager if not selected by default. The Enterprise Manager settings display to the right.
  4. (Optional) Select the Restore state at startup checkbox. (It is selected by default.)
  5. (Optional) Unselect the Restore state at startup checkbox.
  6. (Optional) Select the Check for updates at startup checkbox. (It is selected by default.)
  7. (Optional) Unselect the Check for updates at startup checkbox.
  8. (Optional) Select the Use a tree for navigation checkbox to view the navigation topics in a tree format. (It is selected by default.) Unselect the checkbox to view the navigation topic in sections.
  9. (Optional) Select the Open editors maximized checkbox to have editors open the full size of the EM. (It is selected by default.)
  10. (Optional) Type, in the Database polling interval (seconds) text box, the number of seconds (default value is 10 seconds). Valid values are between 1 and 99.
  11. (Optional) Type, in the Idle time before logout (min) text box, the number of minutes of inactivity before the EM should log itself off (default and maximum time out value is 60 minutes). Set the value to zero to disable the logoff.
  12. (Optional) Type, in the Days to maintain in daily text box, the number of days to keep the schedules and jobs. Set the value to zero to disable this feature.
  13. (Optional) Select the Show Job Containers checkbox to display Container jobs in the Matrix to count Container jobs in the Pie Chart (it is selected by default).
  14. (Optional)Select the level in the Logging Level list.
  15. Click Apply to save the changes in this dialog.
  16. Click on the arrow (Expand) next to Enterprise Manager in the Preferences tree to expand the drop-down list and refer to more preference options.
  17. Click OK to save the changes and close the Preferences dialog.