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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Resetting Resources in Use


SAM is responsible for keeping track of the resources in use. If all resources are in use, the SAM waits until a resource is available before submitting the next job.

If something unusual has occurred, and the "Resources in Use" value in incorrect, the EM provides a button to allow an administrator to fix the value. You should only use this feature if you are completely sure that the value is inaccurate.


If the Resources in Use is reduced while jobs are still using the Resource, there is a strong possibility that OpCon will exceed the defined resource maximum.

To reset a resource in use:

  1. Double-click on List under the Operations topic. The Daily list screen displays.
  2. Verify the completion of all jobs that are using the resource.
  3. Double-click on Resources under the Administration topic.
  4. Select the resource in the Select Resource drop-down list.
  5. Click the Edit Resource in Use value button (to the right of the Resources in Use frame).
  6. Enter the correct value.
  7. Click the OK button to save the change.
  8. Click the Cancel button to discard the change.
  9. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Resources tab) to close the Resources screen. For more information, refer to Resources in the Concepts online help.