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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Schedule Information

The Schedule Information dialog provides details about the daily copy of a selected schedule, and this information can be viewed by right-clicking on a schedule in the List, Matrix, or PERT views. The Schedule Information fields can be copied and pasted to the clipboard. The Schedule Information dialog contains the following information:

  • Schedule Date: The date the schedule was built for.
  • Schedule Name: The name of the selected schedule.
  • Status: The current status of the selected schedule.
  • Start Time: The date the schedule was built for, and as defined in Operation, the time the schedule is supposed to start.
  • End Time: If the schedule has not yet completed, this will display Not Finished. If the schedule has completed, the finished date and time will be displayed.
  • Work Week: The number of workdays in the week for the selected schedule.
  • Actual Start Time: If the schedule has not yet started, this will show Not Started. If the selected schedule has started, this will show the date and time the schedule actually began processing.
  • Post Processes Tab: This tab allows access to the information about the schedule post processes.
  • Status Change Explanation Tab: Lists chronologically manual status changes to a schedule.
    • The format of the value is: <Status Change> - <Explanation> (<user> on <Date> <Time>)
  • Documentation Tab:This tab allows access to any documentation relating to the selected schedule.
  • Configuration Tab: This tab provides a place to view and define Schedule Instance Properties.

Getting Schedule Information

To get schedule information:

  1. Double-click on List under the Operation topic.
  2. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the specific date.
  3. Right-click on the Schedules icon.
  4. Click on Schedule Information from the menu. The Schedule Information dialog displays.
  5. View the schedule information.
  6. Click on the various tabs for additional information.
  7. Click the OK button to close the dialog.