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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Sending Emails (SMTP)

The Email tab provides the following fields for defining an SMTP email notification:

  • To (Required): Defines the SMTP email address(es) separated by a semi-colon (;). The maximum for this field is 3,000 characters.
  • Cc (Optional): Defines additional SMTP email address(es) separated by a semi-colon (;) for sending carbon copies. Separate email address(es) with a semi-colon (;). The maximum for this field is 3,000 characters.
  • Bcc (Optional): Defines additional SMTP email address(es) for sending blind carbon copies. Separate email address(es) with a semi-colon (;). The maximum for this field is 3,000 characters.
  • Subject (Optional): Defines the message's subject. The Subject field defaults to "OpCon Notification: <Status Change Event Trigger Name>".
  • JORS Output: Select this checkbox to include JORS output files as attachments to the email for job triggers.
  • Exclude Prefix Information: Select this checkbox to exclude the prefix information from the email message (e.g., Schedule Date, Machine Name, Schedule Name, Job Name [and Internal Job Number], trigger type, and triggering status change event).
  • Message: Defines a user-defined message.
  • Attachments: Contains the attachments to be included with the message. Wild cards are not allowed for filenames.

To send an email notification:

  1. Double-click on Notification Manager under the Management topic. The Notification Manager screen displays.
  2. Click the Machines, Schedules, or Jobs tab in the Notification Triggers frame.
  3. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the Machines, Schedules, or Jobs information.
  4. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the Notification Group that contains the appropriate trigger.
  5. Click the trigger.
  6. Select the checkbox to the left of the Send Email (SMTP).
  7. Click the Email tab.
  8. Enter, in the To: text box, one or more SMTP email addresses separated by semicolons (;).
  9. Enter, in the CC: text box, one or more SMTP email addresses separated by semicolons (;).
  10. Enter, in the Bcc: text box, one or more SMTP email addresses separated by semicolons (;).
  11. Enter, in the Subject: text box, the subject for the email.
  12. (Optional) Select the JORS Output checkbox to include JORS output for job triggers in the email.
  13. (Optional) Select the Exclude Prefix Information checkbox to exclude the prefix information (Schedule Date, Machine Name, Schedule Name, Job Name) in the email.
  14. Click the Message tab.
  15. Enter the text to be included with the message.
  16. Click the Attachments tab.
  17. Click the Attach File button and enter a path or filename for the intended attachment. Alternatively, you can click the Browse button to select an existing file.
  18. Click Open to return to the Attach File dialog which will show the path and filename selected.
  19. Click the OK button to save the attachment to the email definition.
  20. Click on the item in Attachments to edit.
  21. Click the Edit button. The Attach File dialog displays.
  22. Enter the changes to the pre-populated path and/or filename.
  23. Click the OK button.
  24. Click on the item in Attachments to delete.
  25. Click the Remove button to delete the attachment from the email definition.