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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Sending Windows Event Logs

The Event Log tab provides the following fields for defining a Windows Event Log notification:

  • Event ID (Optional): Defines a user-defined ID that can be a part of the search criteria in the notification filter for a third-party tool. The maximum for this field is 64 characters.
    • The SMA Notify Handler places this ID in the message with the format: "EventID=<space>XXXXXX".
    • All characters are allowed, except for the following: ~ (Tilde) , # (Pound), % (Percent), ! (Exclamation), @ (At), $ (Dollar), ^ (Carat)
  • Severity: Defines the choices for the message's severity level. The choices are: Information, Warning, or Error.
  • Custom Event Source(Optional): Displays the Event Source text field when selected. The Event Source text field defines a custom Source ID for OpCon to use when writing to the Windows Event Log. The maximum for this field is 64 characters.
    • The SMA Notify Handler attaches a "OPCON:" prefix to the event source to prevent conflicts and duplications.
    • The following characters are allowed: a-Z and 0-9 (Alphanumeric), - (Dash), _ (Underscore), " " (Space), "," (Comma), "." (Period), "=" (Equal Sign), "(" & ")" (Parentheses).
  • Message: Defines a user-defined message up to 3,000 characters. In addition to the user-defined text, the message includes the default trigger information: Event ID, trigger type, and triggering status change event.

When the message appears in the Windows Event Log, any notification product able to read this log can send notifications.


This notification type is disabled on Linux. Notifications defined prior to Release 20.0.0 will be disabled.