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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Setting up New Profiles

Follow the procedure provided below to set up a new profile.


Begin with Step 6 if the Database Connection Profile dialog is already displayed.

To set up a new profile:

Launch the Enterprise Manager application. Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Preferences. The Preferences dialog displays.

Click on the arrow (Expand) next to Enterprise Manager in the Preferences tree to expand the drop-down list.

Click on Connection Profiles. The Connection Profiles settings display to the right.

Click the New Profile button. The Database Connection Profile dialog displays.

Enter a profile name.

Specify the authentication method that you wish to use to connect to the database:

a. Select the Use Windows Authentication checkbox to use Windows Authentication to connect to the database - or - b. Do the following to use SQL authentication to connect to the database:

i. Enter opconui in the Username text box. ii. Enter the opconui's password in the Password text box. iii. Enter the SQL server name or IP Address in the SQL Server text box .

Select the database from the drop-down list. Click the Database button to show the available databases.

::: The list of databases will only be made available once each of the previous text boxes have been filled in. :::

(Optional) Type the Timeout (sec) (It is set to 30 by default).

(Optional) Click on the Profile Color button. The Color dialog displays.

Select the color and click OK to save the color change.

Click Next to advance to the next window of the Database Connection Profile dialog.


The next window will indicate whether the database connection has tested successfully.

If the test was not successful:

Click the Back button to correct the problem and try again.

If the test was successful:

Click Next to go on to set up the OpCon data location details.

Choose the method for connecting to the SAM application server for accessing centralized OpCon product documentation.


For the default [[SERVER]] token in the UNC path to the OpConxps directory on the SAM server, the EM will automatically replace that token with the database server IP/Hostname specified in the profile (refer to Step 4a). With this token in place, if you change the database server in the profile you will not need to change the UNC path (as long as the share directory is the same).

If on the OpCon server, choose the Directory with Windows integrated authentication option.

i. If on the SAM server, in the Path field, enter or browse the path to the <Output Directory>. ii. If on any other Windows machine on the same Domain, first share the C:\ProgramData\OpConxps folder on the OpCon server to users and grant the each user Read permission. Then, in the Path field, enter or browse to select the path for the root OpConxps data folder on the server.

If on a Linux machine or any Windows machine that is not the OpCon server, choose the Directory with supplied credentials option.

i. Enter a valid UNC Pathto the server. If the share name on the server is OpConxps, the default value of \\[[SERVER]]\OpConxps is correct. ii. Enter a valid Windows Username. iii. Enter the Password for the Username.

Click Finish to save the details and close the dialog.

Click Finish again once the connection is made to the database.

If making additional changes in the Preferences dialog:

Click Apply to save the changes in this dialog.

If finished making changes in the Preferences dialog:

Click OK to save the changes and close the Preferences dialog.