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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

SubSchedule Information

The SubSchedule Information dialog provides details about the daily copy of a selected Container job or subschedule. The SubShedule Information dialog can be viewed by right-clicking on a subschedule in the List, Matrix or PERT views.

The SubSchedule Information dialog contains the following information on the Job Container Details tab:

  • Schedule Date: The date the subschedule was scheduled to run.
  • Parent Schedule Name: The name of the schedule of the selected Container job.
  • Job Name: The name of the selected Container job.
  • Job Status: This lists the current status of the selected Container job.
  • Job Type: The job type of the selected job. In the case of a subschedule, this will be a Container job.
  • Department: The department under which the selected subschedule runs.
  • Priority: The priority of the selected subschedule as defined in the frequency.
  • Frequency: The frequency at which this subschedule runs.
  • Scheduled Time: The expected start time of the parent schedule of the selected subschedule.
  • Estimated Run Time (min): The estimated run time of the selected job.
  • Start Time: The asterisk (*) before the start time indicates the expected start time of the selected subschedule. If the start time does not have the preceding asterisk (*), then the actual start time of the subschedule or Container job is displayed
  • End Time: The asterisk (*) before the end time indicates the subschedule has not yet completed and will display the estimated end time. If the subschedule has completed, the finished time will be displayed without the preceding asterisk (*).
  • Real Elapsed Run Time (hh:mm): The subschedules real elapsed run time once the subschedule has finished.
  • Job Dependencies Tab: This tab allows access to the information about the job dependencies. The tab displays all jobs that the selected job is dependent on. The information listed includes the type of dependency, the schedule date, the schedule name, the job name, the current status and options. If the dependency has been satisfied the display will be in blue. If the dependency has not yet been satisfied, the display will be in red. Double-clicking on a job mentioned in the Job Dependencies tab will open the Job Information dialog for that job.
  • Th/R Dependencies Tab:This tab allows access to all information about the threshold and resource dependencies related to the selected job. The tab displays the Threshold/Resource name, Operator, required Value, and the Current Value. If the dependency has been satisfied, the display will be in blue. If the dependency has not yet been satisfied the display will be in red. Double-click on the threshold dependency to resolve the threshold dependency manually.
  • Post Processes Tab: This tab allows access to the information about the post processes of the selected subschedule and displays events, thresholds and values, and the job status.
  • Subsequent Jobs Tab: This tab displays all jobs that have a dependency on the selected job. The displayed information includes the schedule date, schedule name and job name. Double-click on the job displayed in the subsequent job tab to open the job information.
  • Documentation Tab: This tab displays the documentation relating to the subschedule. Hyperlinks may be included in the documentation information. For information on following hyperlinks in Documentation, refer to Entering and Opening Hyperlinks in Documentation Frame.
  • Configuration Tab: This tab allows the reconfiguration of platform-specific details and to review advanced job information of the subschedule. For more information, first follow Steps 1 - 6 of the Getting Container Job or subschedule Information procedure then follow the Adding Job Configuration Parameters procedure. For each of the Job Configuration procedures, start on Step 6 and click on the Configuration tab.

The subschedule Information dialog contains the following information on the Schedule Details tab:

  • Schedule Date: The date the subschedule was scheduled to run.
  • Schedule Name: The full Schedule Name Identifier which is a concatenation of the parent schedule, the Container job name and the subschedule that it references.
  • Status: The current status of the selected subschedule.
  • Start Time: If this has an asterisk (*) before the time, this is indicating the expected start time of the selected subschedule. If the time does not have an asterisks (*) before the start time, it will be indicating the start time of the subschedule as defined in the Schedule Master.
  • End Time: If the subschedule has not yet completed, this will display 'Not Finished'. If the subschedule has completed, the finished time will be displayed.
  • Post Processes Tab: This tab allows access to the information about the post processes of the selected subschedule and displays events, thresholds and values, and the job status.
  • Documentation Tab: This tab displays the documentation relating to the subschedule. Hyperlinks may be included in the documentation information. For information on following hyperlinks in Documentation, refer to Entering and Opening Hyperlinks in Documentation Frame.
  • Configuration Tab: This tab allows the reconfiguration of platform-specific details and to review advanced job information of the subschedule. For more information, first follow Steps 1 - 6 of the Getting Container Job or subschedule Information procedure then follow the Adding Job Configuration Parameters procedure. For each of the Job Configuration procedures, start on Step 6 and click on the Configuration tab.

Getting Container Job or subschedule Information

To get the information:

  1. Double-click on List under the Operation topic.
  2. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the specific date.
  3. Click on the Expandarrow to expand the specific schedule.
  4. Right-click on the schedule that has the Container job.
  5. Click on subschedule Information from the menu.
  6. (Optional) Click on the various tabs for added information about the Job Container Details.
  7. (Optional) Click on the various tabs for added information about the Schedule Details.
  8. Click the OK button to close the subschedule Information dialog. :::