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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Using Report Management

Report Management enables administrators to view the attributes of a report in the database and add, delete, and edit report specifications. Reports for OpCon were created using BIRT Reports, and can be viewed through the Enterprise Manager. You can create customized reports with the BIRT report writer tools and import them into OpCon using the Report Management utility.

Opening Report Management

Opening the utility requires only a few click once inside the Enterprise Manager.

To open the utility:

  1. Double-click on Reports under the Information topic. The Reports screen displays.
  2. Click the Manage Reports button on the Reports toolbar. The Report Management dialog displays.

Understanding Report Management Options

The Report Manage utility has two frames: General and Filter.

The General frame has the following options:

  • Report Locked: When this checkbox is selected, the report definition is locked so that only users in the ocadm role can manage and lock or unlock a the report. Users with privileges to report management will be able to refer to locked reports, manage unlocked report definitions, and add new report definitions, but all fields will be disabled.
  • Report: This list box contains all of the BIRT reports currently defined in the database. This is the same list displayed in the Reports screens.
  • Title: This is the unique title of the selected report.
  • Template: This is the BIRT report template containing the report information. No path should be included in the file name because all reports must be located in the OpConxps\EnterpriseManager\reports\OpConXPS_Reports directory. The Open button next to the template can be used to browse to a file name.
  • Administrator: A level of user authorization for the reports that is visible only by ocadm or users with equivalent status.
  • All Users: A level of user authorization for the reports that is visible in Enterprise Manager by all users who have Report Function authorization.

The Filter frame has the following options:

  • Standard Filters: The Schedule Dates, Schedules, and Departments filters directly applies to what you will refer to when running the reports.

    • If a checkbox is selected, the filter applies to the report.


      The standard filters are an integral part of the report file by design. Never change these filters without changes in the report template.

  • Special Filter: This field is used to define custom filters for reports. Most reports do not require a special filter. Use the following syntax when defining the special filter:

    Title:{Table.Column}:SQL Select statement

    The following example shows the text for the Special Filter field:

    The Special Filter field for the Jobs Using a Calendar report contains the following text:


    The selection box displayed after the Reports button is clicked will have a title of Calendars. The list box will contain a list of all user-defined calendars.

Adding Reports

To add a report:

  1. Double-click on Reports under the Information topic. The Reports screen displays.
  2. Click the Manage Reports button on the Reports toolbar. The Report Management dialog displays.
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. Enter a report name in the Title text box.
  5. Enter the BIRT Report Template file name in the Template text box.
  6. Select the Administrator or All Users the radio button.
  7. Select any preferred filter checkboxes and/or enter a special filter.
  8. Click the Save button or click the Cancel button to discard changes in the report specification and display the previously selected report.

Editing Reports

To edit a report:

  1. Double-click on Reports under the Information topic. The Reports screen displays.
  2. Select the report name from the Report list box.
  3. Click the Manage Reports button on the Reports toolbar. The Report Management dialog displays.
  4. Make the changes.
  5. Click the Save button or click the Cancel button to discard changes in the report specification and display the previously selected report.

Deleting Reports

To delete a report:

  1. Double-click on Reports under the Information topic. The Reports screen displays.
  2. Select the report name from the Report list box.
  3. Click the Manage Reports button on the Reports toolbar. The Report Management dialog displays.
  4. Click the Remove button.
  5. Click the Yes button to confirm the report deletion.