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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Workflow Designer Dependency Lines

In Workflow Designer, each dependency type is represented by a different line style and image at the end.

Requires Failed: By default, a solid red line with arrow indicates a Requires Failed dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (the selected job) has the "Requires" dependency on the job where the line starts (the dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. The dependent job must exist in the Daily tables and must fail after executing before the selected job will run. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job will not execute unless it is overridden.
Requires Finished OK: By default, a solid green line with arrow indicates a Requires Finished OK dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (the selected job) has the "Requires" dependency on the job where the line starts (the dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. The dependent job must exist in the Daily tables and must complete successfully before the selected job will run. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job will not execute unless it is overridden.
Requires Ignore Exit Code: By default, a solid black line with arrow indicates a Requires Ignore Exit Code dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (the selected job) has the "Requires" dependency on the job where the line starts (the dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. The dependent job must exist in the Daily tables. The selected job will run when the dependent job completes, regardless of the exit status. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job will not execute unless it is overridden.
After Failed: By default, a dashed red line with arrow indicates an After Failed dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (selected job) has an "After" dependency on the job where the line starts (dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. If the dependent job is in the Daily tables, then the selected job waits until the dependent job fails to complete successfully. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job runs without waiting for that dependent job.
After Finished OK: By default, a dashed green line with arrow indicates an After Finished OK dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (selected job) has an "After" dependency on the job where the line starts (dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. If the dependent job is in the Daily tables, then the selected job waits until the dependent job completes successfully. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job runs without waiting for that dependent job.
After Ignore Exit Code: By default, a dashed black line with arrow indicates an After Ignore Exit Code dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it (selected job) has an "After" dependency on the job where the line starts (dependent job). In other words, the dependent job is the job that the line begins and the selected job is the job to which the arrow points. If the dependent job is in the Daily tables, then the selected job waits until the dependent job completes, regardless of the exit status. If the dependent job is not on a schedule in the Daily tables, then the selected job runs without waiting for that dependent job.
Excludes: By default, a solid pink line with X indicates an Excludes dependency. The job on the end with the X on it is excluded by the job where the line starts.
Conflict: By default, a dashed magenta line with a circle indicates a Conflict dependency. The job on the end with the circle has a "Conflict" dependency with the job where the line starts. The job with the circle on it will not run if the job at the beginning of the line (without the circle) is running.
Resource Dependency: A solid gold line with arrow indicates a Resource dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it has a requirement for the resource where the line starts.
Threshold Dependency: A solid royal blue line with arrow indicates a Threshold dependency. The job on the end with the arrow pointing towards it has a dependency on the threshold where the line starts.
Multiple frequency level Dependencies: If jobs have multiple frequency level dependencies between each other, they will show multiple lines that start and end together, but the lines separate to show a different path. The color associated with the frequency will appear as a diamond on the path. A tool tip on the diamond will show the frequency name.