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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Workflow Designer Right-Click Menus

You can right-click on a node or dependency line displayed in the Workflow Designer layout to display the following menu items:

  • Open SubSchedule: Changes the display to show the subschedule for the selected Container job.

  • Edit: After selecting one node or dependency line, selecting Edit will open the appropriate editor. You must have the required privileges for the node to perform this function.

  • Delete: After selecting a node, selecting Delete or pressing Delete on the keyboard will delete the item. You must have the required privileges for the node to perform the following functions:

    • Once the job is selected, selecting the Delete item deletes the current job from the Job Master. It will, therefore, no longer be visible in the Workflow Designer view or in the Job Master editor.
    • Once a threshold or resource is selected, selecting the Delete item deletes the threshold and/or resource from the map, but it does not delete the definition from Administration. A threshold or resource cannot be deleted if there are dependencies involved.
  • Find: Opens the Quick Search dialog to find any node on the layout. This is the same function that is available on the Workflow Designer toolbar.

  • Isolate: Presents the following options:

    • Previous Dependencies: This option keeps visible the selected node and all of the dependency chain leading up to the node. All other nodes and dependencies are faded out in the display area.
    • Subsequent Dependencies: This option keeps visible the selected node and all of the dependency chain after up to the node. All other nodes and dependencies are faded out in the display area.
    • Dependency Chain: This option keeps visible the entire dependency chain connected to the selected node. All other nodes and dependencies are faded out in the display area.
    • Shortest Path: This option shows the shortest path among all of the dependency chains to the job selected.
  • Layout: Presents the following options:

    • Top to Bottom: Lays out the thresholds, resources, and jobs using a top to bottom flow.
    • Left to Right: Lays out the thresholds, resources, and jobs using a left to right flow.
    • Grid: Lays out the thresholds, resources, and jobs using a grid.
  • Zoom in: Zooms in 10% at a time to a maximum of 200%.

  • Zoom out: Zooms out 10% at a time to a minimum of 10%.

  • Print: Prints the full map image. This is the same function that is available on the Workflow Designer toolbar.

  • Take Screenshot: Provides the function to take a screen shot and save an image of the current Workflow Designer layout. This is the same function that is available on the Workflow Designer toolbar. :::