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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Configuring Date User Inputs

When configured, the Date User Input will be displayed to users as a date picker (calendar) with validation rules when they run the Service Request.

To configure the user input:

Double-click on the specific User Input in the User Inputs list on the Service Request definition page or click the blue Edit button next to the desired user input to edit.

Edit User Input

The Configure User Input page will display.

Enter the User Input Caption to display when users run the Service Request. By default, the Variable name is used.

Toggle the Required Variable switch if you want to require the user to input a value for this field.

Select Date in the User Input Type drop-down list to define that type of input to present when users run the Service Request.

Configure User Input Screen

Set a date range for the User Input, using the following options:

  • Start Date: Allows you to specify a start date for the range. If configured, users will not be able to specify or enter a date that is earlier than the specified start date.
    • Today: Optionally, you can use the Today toggle switch to set the current day as the Start Date.
  • End Date: Allows you to specify an end date for the range. If configured, users will not be able to specify or enter a date that comes later than the specified end date.
    • Today: Optionally, you can use the Today toggle switch to set the current day as the End Date.

Define an output format or select one of the following predefined formats from the drop-down list:

  • YYYY/MM/DD (2020/07/30)
  • YYYY-MM-DD (2020-07-30)
  • dddd MMMM D YYYY (Thursday July 30 2020)
  • ddd MMMM D YYYY (Thu July 30 2020)
  • MM/DD/YYYY (07/30/2020)
  • M/D/YY (7/30/20)
  • MMMM D YYYY (July 30 2020)

The date pattern format is based on the Javascript Moment format without the support of yo, N, NN, NNN, NNNN, NNNNN, y, yy, yyy, and yyyy patterns. For more information on the official date format, refer to

Click the OK button to confirm User Input configuration, or click the Cancel button to discard changes. This will return you to the Service Request definition page.