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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Configuring Text Collection User Inputs

When configured, the Text Collection User Input will be displayed to users as a text box with validation rules when they run the Service Request.

To configure the user input:

Double-click on the specific User Input in the User Inputs list on the Service Request definition page or click the blue Edit button next to the desired user input to edit.

Edit User Input

The Configure User Input page will display.

Enter the User Input Caption to display when users run the Service Request. By default, the Variable name is used.

Toggle the Required Variable switch if you want to require the user to input a value for this field.

Select Text Collection in the User Input Type drop-down list to define that type of input to present when users run the Service Request.

Configure User Input Screen

Specify the validation rules for the User Input, using the following options:

Restrict Duplicates: Prevents users from entering the same value multiple times.

Delimiter: Allows you to specify the special character used to separate the user-defined values when concatenated to a single string while injected into the OpCon Event for processing by the SAM.

Minimum Characters: Allows you to specify a minimum character length restriction.

Maximum Characters: Allows you to specify a maximum character length restriction.

Invalid Characters: Allows you to identify any invalid [restricted] characters. Regular Expression: Allows you to define the following options:

  • Regular Expression Pattern: Allows you to build a regular expression matcher pattern to validate what the user has entered in the text field before it is injected.

  • Custom Error Message: Allows you to define a customized error message that will be displayed to users if there is a regular expression text validation exception thrown, thus enriching the user experience. For example, the following might be a custom error message provided to users when they have entered incorrect phone number formats: "Please enter a 10-digit phone number with hyphens (e.g., 281-446-5000)."

Click the OK button to confirm User Input configuration, or click the Cancel button to discard changes. This will return you to the Service Request definition page. :::