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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Operations Machine Messages

Each LSAM returns different status messages while a job is running and when a job completes. The status messages described in this topic appear in the 20-character string following the OpCon job status in Schedule Operations. For a list of File transfer messages, refer to Operations File Transfer Messages.

IBM i LSAM Messages

The table below presents LSAM status messages forwarded to the SAM. The message descriptions are displayed in Schedule Operations in the graphical interfaces following the job status.

StatusReturn CodeMeaning
0SMA0030Job not found
1SMA0001Job Description in run request is invalid
1SMA0002Job Queue in run request is invalid
1SMA0003Job Output Queue in run request is invalid
1SMA0004(a)User ID in run request is invalid
1SMA0004(b)SBMDBFCMD failed, unable to complete user authority check
1SMA0004(c)SBMDBFCMD failed, user not authorized to command
1SMA0005Current Library in run request is invalid
1SMA0006Job name is invalid. It should be alpha-numeric
1SMA0007Job subsystem name cannot be determined
1SMA0008Job Queue is held, job cannot run until queue is released
1SMA0020Pre-run image in run request is invalid
1SMA0021Run image in run request is blank
1SMA0022Run image in run request is invalid (failed IBM i CMDCHK)
1SMA0023Run job submission failed
1SMA0024Job initial library list is invalid
1SMA0025Unrecognized job type in OpCon job start request (TX1)
1SMA0027FTP job user profile or password invalid
1SMA0028FTP job sub-command source member file error
1SMA0029FTP job invalid action type
1SMA0042FTP job remote system name not supplied
1SMA0044Tracked or Queued Job start request did not include Private Data with Job ID
1SMA0045LSAM cannot find Job Tracking record for Tracked/Queued Job start request
1SMA0052Tracked/Queued Job already released or cancelled by IBM i Operator
1SMA0062OpCon transaction XML field code is invalid
1SMA0067SMAFT job request received with no source IP address
1SMA0073Job auxiliary data in XML fields is invalid, job request rejected
1SMA0108Operator Replay failed: Invalid script name, not on file
2SMA0010Maximum number of jobs in system exceeded
3ACTIVEPre-run job is active, response to Type 2 message
3ACTIVE HELDPre-run job is active but held, response to Type 2 message
3SMA0033Pre-run job is active
3SMA0040Pre-run job is active - $JOB:KILL command failed
4SMA0034Pre-run job error
4SMA0096Pre-run job already ended – job not found for Kill request
4SMA0098Pre-run ended by user request ($JOB:KILL)
5MSGW-Active job in Message Waiting status, message text follows
5ACTIVERun job is active, response to Type 2 message
5ACTIVE HELDRun job is active but held, response to Type 2 message
5SMA0031Job waiting to run
5SMA0035Run job is active
5SMA0041Run job is active - $JOB:KILL command failed
6SMA0036Run job is complete
6SMA0100Operator Replay job completed OK
7SMA0037Run job is error
7SMA0064SMAFT Server get-file (IFS files) program SMAFTSR10 failed
7SMA0064SMAFT Server get-file (IBM i save files) program SMAFTSR20 failed
7SMA0064SMAFT Server get-file (DB2 files) program SMAFTSR30 failed
7SMA0074SMAFT Agent unable to find transfer job index master record
7SMA0075SMAFT Agent job did not find any transfer task definition fields
7SMA0076SMAFT Agent job found invalid XML field code in job parameters file
7SMA0077SMAFT Agent job detected a failure of the XML parser module
7SMA0078SMA File Transfer job failed
7SMA0079SMA File Transfer encryption or compression option not supported
7SMA0080SMA File Transfer Destination file exists and option is do not overwrite
7SMA0081SMAFT Agent put-file (IFS files) program SMAFTAR10 failed
7SMA0082SMAFT Agent put-file (IBM i save files) program SMAFTAR20 failed
7SMA0083SMAFT Agent put-file (DB2 files) program SMAFTAR30 failed
7SMA0084SMAFT: IFS file type is invalid, only type STFM (stream file) is supported
7SMA0085SMAFT value supplied for "If File Exists" parameter is not recognized
7SMA0086SMAFT Agent cancels transfer request because file exists and option is do not overwrite
7SMA0087SMAFT Agent failed during attempt to backup target file
7SMA0088SMAFT Agent detected invalid character in record separator following hex escape sequence
7SMA0089SMAFT Agent detected invalid character in record separator following octal escape sequence
7SMA0090SMAFT Agent detected invalid character in record separator following an escape character
7SMA0091SMAFT Agent detected invalid hexadecimal number value in record separator
7SMA0092SMAFT Agent detected invalid octal number value in record separator
7SMA0093SMAFT Agent detected invalid character number in record separator
7SMA0094SMAFT Agent unable to clear target file that is subject to overwrite
7SMA0095SMAFT Agent failed during creation of target file that did not exist
7SMA0097Job run command has already ended – job not found for Kill request
7SMA0099Run job ended by user request ($JOB:KILL)
7SMA0101Operator Replay failed: Telnet host not recognized (getHostByName)
7SMA0102Operator Replay failed: Cannot open socket to use with telnet (sock)
7SMA0103Operator Replay failed: Cannot connect to telnet service (connect)
7SMA0104Operator Replay failed: Failed to set socket attributes for telnet session (fcntl)
7SMA0105Operator Replay failed: Bell character received = typed (Send) value error
7SMA0106Operator Replay failed: Replay script timeout
7SMA0107Operator Replay failed: Error in script control definitions
7SMA0109Operator Replay failed: Script has no sequence records
7SMA0135SMAFT Agent failed to grant authority to new backup file in SMABAK library
7SMA0136SMAFT Agent detected non-numeric record length in pre-pended data before first received data record
7SMA0137SMAFT Agent detected non-numeric record length embedded between variable records in received data
7SMA0138SMAFT Agent unable to delete old backup copy of save file in SMABAK library
9SMA0038Job completed with no error
9SMA0039Job completed with status not equal 0

MCP Machine Messages

The table below presents LSAM status messages forwarded to the SAM and supporting services. The message descriptions are displayed in Schedule Operations in the graphical interfaces following the job status. The 20-character status description field contains a five-character area reserved for the ClearPath MCP mix number followed by a 15-character description. All TX messages referenced in the table below indicate a message sent from SMANetCom to the LSAM.

ADOPTEDIndicates a tracking request has been received by the LSAM.
ALREADY RUNNINGAn OpCon job initiation request (TX1) was received for this job and the job is running on the ClearPath MCP.
ATTRIBUTE ERRAssignment of task attributes was attempted on a job initiated with a RUN. One of the task attributes is erroneous. Refer to the system log for a display of the error message from the HANDLEATTRIBUTES procedure. Verify the job definition details.
COMPLETEDThe job completed successfully.
COMPLETED–ADOPTA tracked job has completed successfully.
DSThe job terminated abnormally.
DS OUT OF QUEUEThe job was DS'ed while still queued.
F DSThe job experienced a fault and was terminated abnormally.
FAIL MSGThe WFL displayed a message that matched one of the Fail Codes, causing the job to be reported as failed in Schedule Operations.
FAILED –ADOPTA tracked job has failed. (The HISTORY task attribute indicates job finished in error.)
JJJJJ/TTTTTCOMP OKThe task completed successfully. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTDSThe task terminated abnormally. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTFAILCODEThe task displayed a message that matched one of the Fail Codes, causing the task to be reported as failed in Schedule Operations. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTF DSThe task experienced a fault and was terminated abnormally. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTO DSThe system operator terminated the task abnormally. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTP DSThe task was terminated abnormally because of a program fault. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTQ DSThe task was terminated abnormally because of an improper job queue definition or a job queue error. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTRESETCODEThe task displayed a message that matched one of the Fail Reset codes, causing the task to be reported as Finished OK in Schedule Operations. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JJJJJ/TTTTTSNTX/SCRYAn OpCon task initiation request (TX1) was received by the LSAM, but the initiation attempt failed because of an invalid syntax used in the construction of the file title. JJJJJ is the job number. TTTTT is the task number.
JOB ARRAY FULLThis message is sent in response to an OpCon job initiation request (TX1). The message occurs when the number of active jobs, according to the OS handler (SMA/MCP/INTERFACE), has reached the maximum defined in the LSAM configuration file. OpCon attempts job initiation again.
JOB NOT ACTIVEThis message is sent in response to an OpCon job status request (TX2) or to an OpCon job completion acknowledgment (TX3). Although the job was found in the tracking file, the record is not available because the job is no longer active.
JOB NOT FOUNDThis message is sent in response to an OpCon job status request (TX2) or to an OpCon job completion acknowledgment (TX3). The job was not found in the tracking file. This can be the result of any number of situations (multiple SAMs connected to a single LSAM, delayed delivery of a TX1 for a job on which a JOB:TRACK event was sent to SAM, etc.).
JOB Q FULLThis message is sent in response to any OpCon job initiation request (TX1) that is received when the number of active jobs, determined by the COMM Handler (SMA/COMM), has reached the maximum. The maximum number is defined in the LSAM configuration file. OpCon attempts job initiation again.
LSAMRESTARTINGThis message is sent following a restart/recovery of the LSAM modules. The job was present in the LSAM arrays before the LSAM terminated. This is the initial status following an LSAM recovery. It is followed by a current status of the job.
MISSING OBJECTThe Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the RUN command, but the file named in the File Title is not present. Verify the USERCODE, FAMILY, and spelling. The usercode does not have a family assignment and the Job Details File Title does not include the family name of the program.
NO JOB TITLENo file title was defined on the Details screen in the Enterprise Manager. Note: The PARAM/ATTR ERR message replaces NO JOB TITLE when the "Contemporary, XML" protocol is in use.
NO WFL FILEThe Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the START command, but the file named in the File Title is not present. Verify the user code, family, and spelling. The mix number of this status description belongs to the LSAM task that initiates the WFL compile. It is not the mix number for the WFL compile itself. The usercode does not have a family assignment and the Job Details File Title does not include the family name of the WFL. Note: The PARAM/ATTR ERR message replaces NO WFL FILE when the "Contemporary, XML" protocol is in use.
NOT CODE FILEThe Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the RUN command, but the File Title is not the name of an existing executable file.
NOT DSEDA "Kill" was requested for this job, but the job was not O-DSed. This message often occurs when the kill was attempted after the job's completion.
NOT FOUND-ARRAYThis message is sent in response to an OpCon job status request (TX2) or to an OpCon job completion acknowledgment (TX3) when an OpCon Job ID is not in the OS Handler (SMA/MCP/INTERFACE) tables.
NOT JOB FILEThe Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the START command, but the File Title is not the name of an existing WFL file.
NOT VALIDThe job could not be located and the status is unknown. This message may be received following a restart/recovery of the LSAM modules. This message usually indicates the job has completed (normally or abnormally).
O DSThe system operator terminated the job abnormally.
P DSThe job was terminated abnormally because of a program fault.
PARAM/ATTR ERRAn OpCon job initiation request (TX1) was received by the LSAM, but the initiation attempt failed because of a parameter mismatch or invalid attribute (job name does not conform to the rules for entity names). If the START command was used, the mix number of this status description belongs to the LSAM task initiating the WFL compile, and not to the mix number for the WFL compile itself. A possible cause for this error is that the Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the START or RUN command, but the file named in the File Title is not present. Verify the USERCODE, FAMILY, and spelling.
PARAMETER ERRThe Details screen in the Enterprise Manager contains the RUN command, but a parameter is erroneous. Verify the parameter length and type.
PRERUN ACTIVEThe Prerun job is active.
PRERUN FAILEDThe Prerun job failed. OpCon attempts job initiation again.
PRERUN WAITINGThe Prerun job is in the waiting mix.
QUEUEDThe job has been placed in a system queue. This is the first status for a WFL job that compiled successfully. When the job is released from the queue, the status changes to RUNNING.
RESTART H_ER nnnFollowing a restart of the LSAM, the job's status could not be determined due to a GETSTATUS hard error "nnn". A description of the specific hard error may be found in the appropriate appendix of the MCP GETSTATUS/SETSTATUS Manual.
RESTART S_ER nnnFollowing a restart of the LSAM, the job's status could not be determined due to a GETSTATUS soft error "nnn". A description of the specific soft error may be found in the appropriate appendix of the MCP GETSTATUS/SETSTATUS Manual.
RUNNINGThis job is active. This message is also seen if a WFL has been DSed and is waiting for tasks to complete.
RUNNING –ADOPTOpCon has received the tracking request and responded with a TX1 message. SMA/COMM has received the TX1 message and the job is running.
SCHEDULEDThis job has been scheduled by the system. This message can be expected during periods of high processor usage.
SNTX/SECRTY ERRAn OpCon job initiation request (TX1) was received by the LSAM, but the initiation attempt failed because of an invalid syntax used in the construction of the file title.
TASK(S) FAILEDThe job completed successfully, but one or more of the subordinate tasks within the WFL failed.
TASK FAILED JOBThe configuration option Fail Job if Task Fails has been set to Y. A subordinate task of the WFL has failed and consequently OpCon has reported the job as failed.
UNKNOWN ERRORThis message occurs when a specific reason for the job's failure could not be identified. In most cases, the WFL job has failed queue insertion. The mix number is the one most recently identified with the OpCon job. If the job has failed queue insertion, this is the mix number of the WFL compile.
USERCODE ERRORThe LSAM was unable to completely assume the identity (e.g., batch user privileges, family assignments, and so forth) of the usercode specified on the Details screen in the Enterprise Manager. Verify the spelling.
WAITINGThe job is in the waiting mix. The mix number shown is the mix number of the waiting process, not necessarily the number of the parent WFL. This message is displayed momentarily even if Automated Response has been set up for the situation. When the task becomes active, again, a status of RUNNING is displayed.
WFL SYNTAX ERRThe WFL source file contains syntax errors. Correct the WFL source. The File Title field on the Details screen in the Enterprise Manager may contain extraneous characters, such as CR/LF, START, or RUN. The File Title field should contain only the file title of the process to be initiated; furthermore, if the job is being initiated using a RUN command, the appropriate task attributes should also be included. The WFL source file contains an "INCLUDE" statement that references a file that cannot be found. The WFL compile was DS'ed.

OS 2200 Job Messages

The table below presents OS 2200 LSAM status messages forwarded to the SAM. The messages are displayed in Schedule Operations of the graphical interfaces following the job status.

<run's-termination-word>The run's condition word value at termination. Used to determine a successful or error termination.
<ST-failed-message>The "ST" failed message returned by the Exec when an "ST" statement is rejected.
*ASSIGN FAILED ON FILE-NAME FAC=ssssssssssssThis message is displayed when SAM has repeatedly tried to assign a file that should be available. The "sss" field contains the octal facility status code used to determine the cause of the reject. This message does not stop the processing and may be encountered repeatedly until the file becomes available.
ASSUME ABORTEDDisplayed when a job has been submitted to the Exec, but has never started and is not detected in backlog. The job may have errored during the start process. The LSAM can only assume the job aborted during startup, without ever becoming active. This message is the result of LSAM's RSI (DEMAND) userid not allowed @@CONS RC commands, or the DEMAND session cannot be started.
AS <runid>Displayed once a job has started and the unique Exec Run-ID has been identified.
AWAITING ECL FILEDisplayed when a job's ECL file is exclusively assigned to another EXEC run. The job is not able to start until the LSAM is able to retrieve the ECL, the LSAM continues attempting to retrieve the file.
ECL FILE ERRORDisplayed when the ECL cannot be retrieved, often due to an empty file/element.
ECL FILE INVALIDDisplayed when the ECL file identified for the job is not a valid file.
ECL NOT FOUNDDisplayed when the ECL identified for the job is not found in the ECL file.
ECL READ ERRORDisplayed when a job's ECL cannot be read, often due to a corrupted ECL file/element.
FILE DEPEND NOT METDisplayed when one or more file dependencies for the job are not satisfied.
JOB IN BACKLOGThe job has been detected in the Exec's backlog. May be due to the Exec's Batch Limit setting, or resources required by the job are not yet available.
PRERUN COMPLETEDThe job's prerun has completed successfully, the actual job is started next.
RC= FINNEDDisplayed when an "@@CONS RC" command for the job returns a "FINNED" response. Indicates the job terminated without providing status information to LSAM, or when the job fails to start, often due to an invalid account code rejected by the system console operator.
RC= NOT FOUNDDisplayed when an "@@CONS RC" command for the job returns a "NOT FOUND" response. Indicates the job is no longer active, but termination status was not communicated to the LSAM, or when the job fails to start.
RSI RUN NOT ACTIVEDisplayed when the LSAM RSI (DEMAND) session is not active. This may be due to an invalid userid and password. The LSAM requires the job with a later start time. Investigate and correct the RSI issue to re-enable the LSAM to start jobs. Note: The LSAM attempts to use the @START command for jobs with the same ACCT/User-ID as the LSAM.
ST key Error - INVALID USERIDThis error occurs when SECOPT1 is installed and the User ID used for starting an Exec job is invalid.
ST STMT SUBMITTEDDisplayed when the "ST" (start) statement has been submitted to the Exec, but the job has not yet become active.
START CMD FAILEDDisplayed when the "@START" command has failed for an unidentifiable reason.
START FILE PROBLEMDisplayed when the LSAM is unable to manipulate the job's tracking file. Additional information is displayed on the system console.
START STMT SUBMITTEDDisplayed when the "@START" statement has been submitted to the Exec, but the job has not yet become active.
TRACKING FILE GONEDisplayed when a job terminates without providing termination status to the LSAM, causing the job's tracking file to be deleted. This indicates a job error termination, or an ECL issue involving the premature releasing of the tracking file.

OS 2200 LSAM Messages Displayed at System Console

The following messages are displayed by the LSAM at the Unisys OS 2200 system console:

INIT ERROR STATUS = <xxxx>The program is unable to initialize a TIP connection. The <xxxx> field contains the four-character TIP status code identifying the error Refer to Unisys TIP documentation for the meaning of the status code.
DEMAND SESSION NOT ESTABLISHED DUE TO: MISSING OR INVALID USERID/PASSWORDThe LSAM is unable to start a DEMAND run due to incorrect sign-on information.
DEMAND SESSION NOT ESTABLISHED DUE TO: RESOURCES NOT AVAILABLEThe LSAM is unable to start a DEMAND run due to lack of system resources (e.g., exceeds the number of DEMAND runs allowed).
* INVALID REALTIME PRIORITY: RAISED TO REALTIME LVL 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35.
* INVALID REALTIME PRIORITY: RAISED TO REALTIME LVL: <param-RT-level>The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35.
REALTIME OPTION SELECTED, BUT NON-NUMERIC LEVEL: <xx> ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not a number between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35. The <xx> field displays the invalid priority provided.
LSAM INITIALIZATION COMPLETEThe LSAM has properly initialized and is ready to process batch jobs.
LSAM on duty at <hh:mm> ON <mm/dd/yyyy>The LSAM has started (on duty) at time on date.
** REG KEYIN ERROR, STATUS= <xxxxx>The program received an error while attempting to register a console keyin reserved word. The <xxxxx> field contains the error code returned by the registration procedure; refer to Unisys documentation to identify the meaning of the error code.
Keyin <key-word> Registered for <console-mode> usersThe program has successfully registered the <key-word> as a console command available to users with the <console-mode> capabilities, or higher.
LSAM SHUTDOWN IN PROCESSThe LSAM is in process of terminating.
LSAM off duty at <hh:mm> ON <mm/dd/yyyy>The LSAM is no longer active (off duty) at time on date.
TROUBLE <xxxx>The program has encountered trouble while attempting to manipulate TIP file data. The <xxxx> field contains the TIP error code; refer to Unisys documentation to identify the meaning of the error code.
* UNAUTHORIZED @@CONS KEYIN: and<keyin-data-received> andRECEIVED FROM: <source-of-keyin>A console keyin from an unauthorized source has been received. The <keyin-data-received> field contains the keyin received. The <source-of-keyin> field contains the terminal identification the keyin was received from.
LSAM JOB RECORD WRITE FAILUREThe LSAM encountered an error while attempting to write job data to the TIP file. The breakpoint file of the run contains additional error information.
LSAM ARRAY RECORD READ FAILUREThe LSAM encountered an error while attempting to read pointer array data from the TIP file. The breakpoint file of the run contains additional error information.
LSAM ARRAY RECORD WRITE FAILUREThe LSAM encountered an error while attempting to write pointer array data to the TIP file. The breakpoint file of the run contains additional error information.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> is currently runningThe OpCon job has been started and is processing, a run-id for the job has not yet been identified.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> (<Exec-Run-ID>) is currently runningThe OpCon job has been started and is processing with the <Exec-Run-ID>.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> Pre-run errored <hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy>The Pre-run for OpCon job has errored at time date.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> errored <hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy>The OpCon job has errored at time date.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> (<Exec-Run-ID>) errored <hh:mm mm/dd/yyyy>The OpCon job with Exec-Run-ID errored at time date.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> Pre-run no status...assume abortedThe Pre-run for OpCon job has been started, but status information is not available. The LSAM assumes the pre-run has aborted. This is the result of the pre-run job not providing status to LSAM and the LSAM DEMAND run unable to retrieve status using the @@CONS RC command, most likely a problem with the DEMAND user-id configuration.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> no status...assume abortedThe OpCon job has been started, but status information is not available. The LSAM assumes the job has aborted. This is the result of the job not providing status to LSAM and the LSAM DEMAND run unable to retrieve status using the @@CONS RC command, most likely a problem with the DEMAND user-id configuration.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> (<Exec-Run-ID>) no status...assume abortedThe OpCon job, with Exec-Run-ID, has been started, but status information is not available. The LSAM assumes the job has aborted. This is the result the LSAM DEMAND run unable to retrieve status using the @@CONS RC command, most likely a problem with the DEMAND user-id configuration.
CANT ESTABLISH JOB REC LOCKThe LSAM is unable to lock a job record in the TIP file for exclusive use.
LSAM JOB RECORD WRITE FAILUREThe LSAM attempted to write job information in the TIP file, but the write failed. Most likely a problem with the TIP file definition.
LSAM ARRAY RECORD READ FAILUREThe LSAM attempted to read a pointer array record from the TIP file, but the read failed. Most likely TIP file corruption, a failure to properly initialize the TIP file, or a problem with the TIP file definition.
LSAM POST RUN JOBID NOT FOUND <OpCon/xps-Job-ID>The OpCon job related to a pre-run job cannot be found in the TIP file. Most likely a TIP file corruption.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> ECL LINE TRUNCATED TO 80 CHARACTERSThe LSAM has detected an ECL command (beginning with @) exceeding 80 characters in length. The ECL line is truncated to 80 characters. ECL command lines longer than 80 characters (without a continuation) are invalid. Most likely a comment on the line caused it to exceed 80 characters.
<RSI-error-message-returned> and SHUT DOWN OF RSI IN PROCESSWhile accessing the DEMAND run, the LSAM received the RSI-error-message-returned. The DEMAND run is terminated. The LSAM attempts to restart the DEMAND run.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> duplicated, running as <Exec-Run-ID>The Exec Run-ID for OpCon job has been duplicated. The Exec has assigned Exec-Run-ID to the job.
*ST FAIL:<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> ERR=<xx> STAT=<start-error-message>The @@CON ST command for the OpCon job failed. The ERR field contains an LSAM assigned error code, the STAT field contains the error message returned by the Exec in response to the ST command.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> (<Exec-Run-ID>) is waiting in backlogThe OpCon job, with Exec-Run-ID, has been detected in the Exec backlog. This is the result of the Exec batch limit set lower than the OpCon concurrent job limit, or facilities required by the job are not available, or a batch hold (CS H) on the system.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> SUBMITTED AT <hh:mm> ON <mm/dd/yyyy>The OpCon job start command has been submitted at time on date.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> STARTING AS EXEC JOB <Exec-Run-ID>The OpCon job has been assigned the Exec-Run-ID.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> IS A PRE-RUN JOBThe OpCon job started is a pre-run job.
<OpCon/xps-Job-ID>-NO START DATA AVAILABLEThe LSAM has received a start command from OpCon for a job without ECL location data.
ECL FILE NOT FOUND FOR JOB: <OpConxps-Job-ID>The ECL file for the OpCon job cannot be found on the system. Most likely an invalid ECL location has been entered for the job.
START-FILE NOT AVAILABLE FOR JOB.....<OpConxps-Job-ID>The LSAM cannot assign the ECL file for the OpCon job. The Exec has rejected the file assignment for a reason other than "not catalogued". The file may be "unloaded", or the LSAM is not authorized to access the file.
ECL NOT IN FILE, JOB:<OpConxps-Job-ID>The file element is not in the ECL file identified for OpCon job. Either the element name is incorrect, or the file name is incorrect.
ECL IS EXCL ASGED BY ANOTHER RUN and RETRYING START OF <OpConxps-Job-ID>The ECL file for OpCon job is exclusively assigned to another run. The LSAM continues attempting to assign the ECL file.
*START FAIL:<OpCon/xps-Job-ID> ERR=<xx> STAT=<start-error-message>The @START command for OpCon job failed. The ERR field contains an LSAM assigned error code. The STAT field contains the error message.
SDFIO SYNTAX ERR: <SDFIO-data>A syntax error has been returned by the EXEC SDF services module when LSAM attempted to access an ECL file. The SDFIO-data contains the information used when the error occurred.
SDFIO ASG ERR, FAC.......<facility-status>The EXEC SDF services module returned an error while attempting to assign an ECL file. The facility-status contains the FAC error code.
LSAM IS UNABLE TO SIGN ON THE SYSTEMThe LSAM is unable to sign-on a DEMAND run. May be due to improper privileges for the LSAM, or system resources are not available.

OS 2200 LMAM Messages

The table below presents OS 2200 LMAM status messages forwarded to the SAM. The messages are displayed in Schedule Operations of the graphical interfaces following the job status.

Submitted to Mam-<site-id>The job has been submitted to BIS MAM
MAM-<site-id>:<BIS-run-name>Last active BIS run name captured for job

OS 2200 LMAM Messages Displayed at System Console

* LMAM LMAM/<version>The LMAM program version, displayed upon console at startup.
MAM SITE <site-id> ACTIVATEDThe LMAM has activated MAM site-id.
The LMAM has properly initialized and is ready to process BIS runs.
LMAM on duty at <hh:mm> on <mm/dd/yyyy>The LMAM has started (on duty) at time on date.
Keyin <keyin> Registered for <console-mode> usersThe program has successfully registered the <key-word> as a console command available to users with the <console-mode> capabilities, or higher.
INVALID REALTIME PRIORITY: <xx> and ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35.
REALTIME OPTION SELECTED, BUT NON-NUMERIC LEVEL: <xx> and ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not a number between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35. The <xx> field displays the invalid priority provided.
INIT ERROR STATUS = <TIP-status-code>The program is unable to initialize a TIP connection. The <TIP-status-code> field contains the four-character TIP status code identifying the error; refer to Unisys TIP documentation for the meaning of the status code.
MAM PARAMETERS NOT AVAILABLEParameters necessary to activate MAM have not been defined. Use LSAMCFG/ECL to define MAM parameters.
NO BIS SITES ARE ACTIVEThere are no MAMs active. BIS jobs cannot be processed until the MAM(s) are activated with a console keyin.
** REG KEYIN ERROR, STATUS= <keyin-registration-error-code>The program received an error while attempting to register a console keyin reserved word. The <keyin-registration-error-code> field contains the error code returned by the registration procedure; refer to Unisys documentation to identify the meaning of the error code.
* UNAUTHORIZED @@CONS KEYIN: and <keyin-received> and RECEIVED FROM: <terminal-id>A console keyin from an unauthorized source has been received. The <keyin-data-received> field contains the keyin received. The <source-of-keyin> field contains the terminal identification the keyin was received from.
JOBS EXIST FOR AN INACTIVE BIS SITE and Mam-<site-id> is Down and WILL UP MAM <site-id> TO ALLOW PROCESSINGOpCon jobs exist for a MAM that has been detected as inactive. The LMAM attempts to activate the MAM.
DO AN UPMAM<site-id> TO ALLOW PROCESSINGOpCon jobs exist for a MAM that has been terminated with a console keyin. The MAM must be activated with a console keyin before jobs are processed.
<OpConxps-job-id> submitted (MAM<site-id>) <hh:mm> on <mm/dd/yyyy>The OpCon job has been submitted to MAM at time on date.
BIS SYSTEM NOT AVAILABLE FOR MAM-<site-id> START UPThe LMAM detected the BIS system for the MAM is not processing. The BIS must be running prior to starting MAM.
ERROR SENDING TO BATCH PORT <batchport-name>The LMAM received an error when attempting to submit (@SYM) a file to the identified batchport queue. Most likely the batchport defined to LMAM is invalid.
LMAM JOB RECORD WRITE FAILURE and <TIP-FCSS-status- information >The LMAM attempted to write job information in the TIP file, but the write failed. The <TIP-FCSS-status-information> field contains the TIP status error code. Refer to Unisys documentation for the error code meaning. Most likely a problem with the TIP file definition.
LMAM ARRAY RECORD READ FAILURE and <TIP-FCSS-status-information>The LMAM encountered an error while attempting to read pointer array data from the TIP file. The TIP-FCSS-status-information field contains the TIP error code. Refer to Unisys documentation for the error code meaning.
LMAM ARRAY RECORD WRITE FAILURE And <TIP-FCSS-status-information>The LMAM encountered an error while attempting to write pointer array data to the TIP file. The TIP-FCSS-status-information field contains the TIP status code. Refer to Unisys documentation for the status code meaning.
JOB RECORD READ FAILURE And <TIP-FCSS-status-information>The LMAM encountered an error while attempting to read job data from the TIP file. The TIP-FCSS-status-information field contains the TIP error code. Refer to Unisys documentation for the error code meaning.
CANT ESTABLISH JOB REC LOCKThe LMAM is unable to lock a job record in the TIP file for exclusive use.
WILL RETRY JOB <OpConxps-job-id>The LMAM has submitted a job to MAM which has not yet been started. The LMAM resubmits the job for starting. Occurs after MAM has been detected as not operating after a job submit has occurred.
<OpConxps-job-id> CAUSED MAM TO ABORTThe BIS run for OpCon job caused MAM to abort. MAM is restarted, the job is identified as "errored".
<OpConxps-job-id> IS RUNNINGThe MAM has identified the job as "running".
<OpConxps-job-id> HAS FINNEDThe MAM has identified the job as terminated successfully.
<OpConxps-job-id> HAS ERROREDThe MAM has identified the job as terminated in error.
JOB EXISTS FOR A BIS SITE THAT IS NOT RESPONDING and WILL ATTEMPT TO UP MAM SITE <site-id>The MAM has stopped communicating and has been detected as not operational. The LMAM attempts to activate the MAM.
MAM-<site-id> DOWNEDThe MAM has been intentionally terminated with a console keyin.
LMAM POST RUN JOBID NOT FOUND <OpConxps-job-id>The OpCon job related to a pre-run job cannot be found in the TIP file. Most likely a TIP file corruption.
LMAM SHUTDOWN IN PROCESSThe LMAM is in process of terminating.
LMAM off duty at <hh:mm> on <mm/dd/yyyy>The LMAM is no longer active (off duty) at time on date.

BIS Machine Messages

MULTIPLE MAMS STARTED - EXTRA TERMINATEDA MAM has been started while another MAM is already processing. Most likely a MAM configuration error.
501-COM FILE ERROR RET STATUS CODE = <status-code>, MAM GOING DOWNThe MAM detected an error while attempting to retrieve the LMAM communications file. The status-code field contains the RET error code. MAM terminates.
502-COM FILE ERROR -- ELT STATUS CODE = <status-code>, MAM GOING DOWNThe MAM encountered an error while attempting to ELT the LMAM communications file. The status-code field contains the ELT error code. MAM terminates.
503-COM FILE ERROR - NO CONTROL LINE, MAM GOING DOWNThe MAM has retrieved an LMAM communications file which does not contain a valid control line. MAM terminates. Most likely cause is the communications file being catalogued by a process other than LMAM.
NO COMMUNICATION WITH SAM/LMAM FOR 75 CYCLES and DOWN MAM AND UP MAM AGAIN – 183The MAM is unable to retrieve the LMAM communications file after 75 attempts. Most likely the LMAM is unable to detect the MAM as active. Using LMAM commands to "down" and then "up" the MAM forces LMAM to start communications with MAM.
MAM-<site-id> FILE NOT AVAILABLE, STAT=<status-code> - 196The MAM has detected the LMAM communications file is not available for retrieving. The status-code field contains the RET status received.
JOB <OpConxps-job-id> RUN <BIS-run-name> CANNOT BE STARTEDThe MAM is unable to start the BIS-run-name associated with OpCon/xps-job-id. Most likely an invalid run name, or an error in the registration of run.
JOBID <OpConxps-job-id> HAS NO STATION NUMBER and JOBID <OpConxps-job-id> STATUS IS UNPREDICTABLEThe MAM is unable to identify the station number (terminal) of a background run. The station number is required for monitoring the run, the reported status may be inaccurate due to the inability to monitor the terminal.
SAM/LMAM IS DOWN - MAM IS TERMINATINGThe MAM has detected that LMAM is not processing. MAM terminates. Occurs when LMAM terminates.

OS 2200 JORS Messages Displayed at System Console

TIP FILE NUMBER EXPECTEDThe SMAJOR/ECL does not contain the TIPFILE statement after the @XQT SMAJOR statement. Indicates a corrupted SMAJOR/ECL element.
INVALID REALTIME PRIORITY: <xx> and * ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The program's XQT statement activated the RealTime option, but the runstream did not provide a valid priority. The <xx> field displays the invalid priority. Valid priority values range from 02 to 35. The program's priority defaults to 35.
REALTIME OPTION SELECTED, BUT NON-NUMERIC LEVEL: <xx> and * ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The program's XQT statement activated the RealTime option, but the runstream did not provide a valid priority. The <xx> field displays the invalid priority. Valid priority values range from 02 to 35. The program's priority defaults to 35.
** REG KEYIN ERROR, STATUS= <keyin-registration-status-code>The program received an error while attempting to register a console keyin reserved word. The <keyin-registration-status-code> field contains the error code returned by the registration procedure. Refer to Unisys documentation for the error code's meaning.
SMA JOB OUTPUT RETRIEVAL ACTIVE - hh:mm:ss.ttThe Job Output Retrieval System (JORS) is ready to accept requests.
Keyin <keyin-word> Registered for <console-mode> usersThe program successfully registered the <key-word> as a console command. The command is available to users with the <console-mode> capabilities, or higher.
* UNAUTHORIZED @@CONS KEYIN: and <Keyin-received> and RECEIVED FROM: <terminal-id>The program received a console keyin from an unauthorized source. The <keyin-received> field contains the unauthorized keyin. The <terminal-id> field contains the keyin's terminal identification.
JORS RCD READ LOCK FAILUREThe SMAJOR is unable to establish a lock on the JORS record in the TIP file. A problem with the TIP file definition is the most likely cause.
SMAJOR IS STOPPINGSMAJOR is in the process of terminating.

OS 2200 XFRTCP Messages Displayed at System Console

TIP FILE NUMBER EXPECTEDThe XFRTCP/ECL does not contain the TIPFILE statement after the @XQT XFRTCP statement. Indicates a corrupted XFRTCP/ECL element.
INVALID REALTIME PRIORITY: <xx> and * ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35.
REALTIME OPTION SELECTED, BUT NON-NUMERIC LEVEL: <xx> and * ASSUMING REALTIME PRIORITY 35The RealTime option has been activated on the program's XQT statement, but the priority provided is not valid (not a number between 02 and 35, inclusive). The program assumes the priority of 35. The <xx> field displays the invalid priority provided.
** REG KEYIN ERROR, STATUS= <keyin-registration-status-code>The program received an error while attempting to register a console keyin reserved word. The <keyin-registration-status-code> field contains the error code returned by the registration procedure. Refer to Unisys documentation to identify the meaning of the error code.
Keyin <keyin-word> Registered for <console-mode> usersThe program has successfully registered the <key-word> as a console command available to users with the <console-mode> capabilities, or higher.
ATTACH TO TSAM AS TSU <TSU-name> WAS SUCCESSFULThe XFRTCP has successfully attached to the communications software TSU process. The TSU-name field contains the name of the process.
ATTACH TO TSAM AS TSU < TSU-name> FAILEDThe XFRTCP has failed to attach to the communications software TSU process. Most often related to an invalid TSU Process name or password.
OPCON COMM HANDLER (XFERIF<xx>/<version>) READYThe XFRTCP has successfully initialized and is ready for network communications.
* UNAUTHORIZED @@CONS KEYIN: and<Keyin-received> and RECEIVED FROM: <terminal-id>A console keyin from an unauthorized source has been received. The <keyin-data-received> field contains the keyin received. The <source-of-keyin> field contains the terminal identification the keyin was received from.
SAM / NETCOM USING LEGACY PROTOCOLThe SAM/NETCOM is configured to communicate in LEGACY protocol. The configuration must be "Contemporary, Non-XML".
JOB <OpConxps-job-id> ERRORED ON <mm/dd/yyyy> AT <hh:mm:ss> and JOB <OpConxps-job-id> ECL: <qual*file.element/version>The configuration option is set to display the job's ECL location on error terminations.
LSAM NO LONGER ACTIVEThe XFRTCP has detected the LSAM is not processing. Start the LSAM to resolve.
LSAM-LOCK FILE NOT FOUND **The XFRTCP has detected the LSAM-LOCK file is not catalogued. Catalogue the <lsam-qualifier>*LSAM-LOCK file to resolve.
REQUESTS EXCEED OUTWARD FLOWThe XFRTCP is receiving more requests than can be processed. Most likely a network communications problem between NETCOM and XFRTCP.
CANT ESTABLISH EVENT REC LOCKThe XFRTCP is unable to establish a lock on an Event record in the TIP file. Most likely a problem with the TIP file definition.
XFRTCP IS STOPPINGXFRTCP is in the process of terminating.

SAP BW Machine Messages

To the right of the OpCon Job Status in Schedule Operations, the SAP BW LSAM populates a twenty-character message to communicate numeric job completion information.

  • For jobs that are running, the SAP BW LSAM returns the SAP BW Process Chain ID. The 20-character termination description in Schedule Operations displays part of the Chain ID. The complete 25 characters Chain ID displays in the Job Configuration screen.
  • For jobs that Finish OK, the SAP BW LSAM returns information in the following format: 0-< Partial Process Chain ID>
  • For jobs that Failed, the SAP BW LSAM returns information in the following format: <LSAM Exit Code> - <SAM job number or SAP Process Chain ID>
  • If the LSAM was unable to start the SAP BW Process Chain before it failed, the message contains the SAM job number.
  • If the LSAM was able to start the SAP BW Process Chain before it failed, the message contains the SAP Process Chain ID.

The SAP BW LSAM returns more detailed alpha numeric error messages to the LSAM Error Messages parameter in the Job Configuration screen of Schedule Operations. Refer to the Configuration tab information in Job Information in the Enterprise Manager online help.

SAP BW LSAM Specific Exit Conditions

The following is a list of SAP BW LSAM exit conditions for failed jobs. If an exit condition is not in this list, the LSAM Exit Code position of the return status is a Windows error code (refer to Windows Machine Messages for a list of Windows exit codes).

SAP BW LSAM Exit Condition NumberDescription
70001Error in trying to start the BW Process Chain
70002Error in retrieving the log for BW Process Chain

SAP R/3 and CRM Machine Messages

To the right of the OpCon Job Status in Schedule Operations, the SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM populates a 20-character message to communicate numeric job completion information.

For jobs that are running, the LSAM returns the SAP job number.

If the running job has child jobs, the LSAM returns the current status of the child job(s) in following the format: <Child Name> - <Current Status>

  • The Child Name displays up to 15 characters of the child job name.
  • The current status contains one of the following:
    • Actv: Active
    • Rdy: Ready
    • Int: Intercepted
    • Schd: Scheduled
    • Fin: Finished
    • Term: Terminated
    • Rel: Released

The complete child name and its current status are available in the Job Configuration screen.

  • For jobs that Finish OK, the LSAM returns information in the following format: 0-< SAP job ID>
  • For jobs that Failed, the LSAM returns information in the following format: <LSAM Exit Code> - <SAM or SAP job number>
    • If the LSAM was unable to create a copy of the SAP R/3 and CRM job before it failed, the message contains the SAM job number.
    • If the LSAM was able to create a copy of the SAP R/3 and CRM job before it failed, the message contains the SAP Job number.

The SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM returns more detailed alpha numeric error messages to the LSAM Error Messages parameter in the Job Configuration screen of Schedule Operations. Refer to the Configuration tab information in Job Information in the Enterprise Manager online help.

SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM-Specific Exit Conditions

The following is a list of SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM exit conditions for failed jobs. If an exit condition is not in this list, the LSAM Exit Code position of the return status is a Windows error code (refer to Windows Machine Messages for a list of Windows exit codes).

SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM Exit Condition NumberDescription
70001The Job Name the LSAM is trying to send to the SAP system is null.
70002The Job Number the LSAM is trying to send to the SAP system is null.
70003The USER setting in the SAPLSAM.ini file is blank.
70004Error in logging on to SAP system: bad User ID, password, or TCP/IP address.
70005Error in checking existing job status: could not find the job on the SAP system.
70006Error in job copy: The LSAM could not copy the job to run it in SAP.
70007Error in Job definition get: after the job was copied for execution, the LSAM couldn't retrieve the copied job's details; therefore, the job could not run.
70008Error in starting the copied job: the job copy and job retrieve were successful, but the LSAM could not start the job.
70009Error in getting the job's current status
70010Error in reading the job log
70011Error in getting the children job information for the current job
70012Error in aborting job
70013Error in reading the spool list for the job
70017Error in starting the job immediately because no background processes were available


The following table contains error numbers and descriptions of SAP BAPI Error Codes.

Message NumberDescription
value 'XM'xmi_messages
value '9'msg_logon_gen
value '010'msg_logon
value '011'msg_logoff_gen
value '012'msg_logoff
value '013'msg_auditlevel_set
value '014'msg_versions_get_gen
value '015'msg_versions_get
value '016'msg_version_check
value '017'msg_interface_describe
value '018'msg_logmsg_enter
value '019'msg_log_select
value '020'msg_message_formats_upload
value '021'msg_already_logged_on_gen
value '022'msg_already_logged_on
value '023'msg_unknown_interface
value '024'msg_unknown_version
value '025'msg_logon_denied_gen
value '026'msg_logon_denied
value '027'msg_not_logged_on_gen
value '028'msg_not_logged_on
value '029'msg_invalid_range
value '030'msg_cant_select
value '031'msg_cant_log
value '032'msg_cant_upload
value '033'msg_invalid_parameters
value '034'msg_problem_detected
value '035'msg_reorg
value '037'msg_reorg_gen
value '046'msg_jobname_missing
value '047'msg_jobid_missing
value '048'msg_ext_user_missing
value '049'msg_job_does_not_exist
value '050'msg_progname_missing
value '051'msg_no_archive_info
value '052'msg_invalid_print_params
value '053'msg_invalid_archive_params
value '054'msg_no_release_privilege
value '055'msg_job_not_active
value '056'msg_no_abort_privilege
value '057'msg_no_job_found
value '058'msg_targethost_missing
value '059'msg_no_jobsteps
value '060'msg_no_job_protocol
value '061'msg_empty_job_protocol
value '062'msg_step_count_missing
value '063'msg_no_spoollist
value '064'msg_privilege_missing
value '065'msg_invalid_spoolid
value '066'msg_no_immediate_start_poss
value '067'msg_no_resources_found
value '068'msg_invalid_date_time
value '069'msg_invalid_server_name
value '070'msg_prog_has_no_variantv
value '071'msg_prog_does_not_exist
value '072'msg_no_execute_privilege
value '073'msg_prog_not_executable
value '074'msg_no_variants_defined
value '075'msg_invalid_select_option
value '076'msg_select_param_missing
value '077'msg_trace_before_call
value '078'msg_select_jobname_missing
value '079'msg_select_username_missing
value '080'msg_cant_del_in_jobtable
value '081'msg_cant_del_joblog
value '082'msg_problem_pred_succ
value '083'msg_commit_failed
value '084'msg_no_delete_privilege
value '085'msg_job_running
value '086'msg_interface_reorg
value '087'msg_interface_reorg_gen
value '088'msg_parent_child_inconsistency
value '089'msg_child_register_error
value '090'msg_mask_error
value '091'msg_param_missing
value '092'msg_event_does_not_exist
value '093'msg_event_raise_failed
value '094'msg_job_confirmation_failed
value '095'msg_wrong_confirmation_type
value '096'msg_wrong_selection_par
value '097'msg_parentchild_inactivev
value '098'msg_interception_inactivev
value '099'msg_wrong_counter
value '100'msg_wrong_printer_name
value '101'msg_selection_finished
value '194'msg_cant_enq_job
value '195'msg_cant_read_jobdata
value '196'msg_cant_release_job
value '197'msg_cant_set_jobstatus_in_db
value '198'msg_cant_start_job_immediately
value '199'msg_cant_update_jobdata
value '200'msg_eventcnt_generation_error
value '201'msg_invalid_dialog_type
value '202'msg_invalid_new_jobdata
value '203'msg_invalid_new_jobstatus
value '204'msg_invalid_startdate
value '205'msg_job_edit_failed
value '206'msg_job_modify_canceled
value '207'msg_job_not_modifiable_anymore
value '208'msg_nothing_to_do
value '209'msg_no_batch_on_target_host
value '210'msg_no_batch_server_found
value '211'msg_no_batch_wp_for_jobclass
value '212'msg_no_modify_privilege_given
value '213'msg_no_release_privilege_given
value '214'msg_no_startdate_no_release
value '216'msg_invalid_targetgroup
value '217'msg_conflicting_targets
value '218'msg_job_doesnt_have_steps
value '219'msg_wrong_step_type
value '220'msg_job_doesnt_have_this_step
value '221'msg_cannot_get_priarc_params
value '222'msg_cannot_read_job
value '223'msg_cannot_modify_job
value '224'msg_wrong_step_number
value '225'msg_error_modifying_worktable
value '227'msg_job_nosteps
value '228'msg_jobcount_missing
value '229'msg_invalid_target
value '230'msg_error_reading_worktable
value '231'msg_delete_line_error
value '232'msg_no_step_info
value '233'msg_wrong_action
value '234'msg_no_change_authority
value '235'msg_invalid_jobclass
value '236'msg_wrong_client

Source: BC-XBP 6.10 Background Scheduling Job Scheduling System WAS 6.10 (Version 2.0) Documentation. Walldorf, Germany: Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing (SAP), 2002. (accessed May 21, 2004).

Tuxedo ART Job Messages

The Tuxedo ART environment provides multiple return codes from various capabilities. These include return codes from the artjesadmin utility as well as codes from the job completion. The job completion codes can be split into the three areas, as completion code, System Abend, and User Abend.

Sometimes it is possible to receive non-numeric characters in the return code. When this happens, the return code is 9999 and the original return code can be found in the job output.

Return CodeDescription
0 - 9999Job completion code (prefixed by C, e.g., C0000 -- C9999)
9999Job completion code contained non-numeric characters, refer to job log
10000 -19999Job completion code System Abend (prefixed by S, e.g., U0000 -- S9999)
19999Job completion code contained non-numeric characters, refer to job log
20000 - 29999Job completion code User Abend (prefixed by U, e.g., U0000 -- S9999)
29999Job completion code contained non numeric characters, refer to job log
30000artjesadmin : Job completed successfully
30001artjesadmin : Utility command failed
30003artjesadmin : Job failed
30004artjesadmin : Job was cancelled
30005artjesadmin : Job is in conversion state
30006artjesadmin : Job is executing
30007artjesadmin : Job is queued waiting for conversion process
30008artjesadmin : Job has been placed on hold
30009artjesadmin : Job is queued waiting for processing to start
30010artjesadmin : Job has been discarded
30011artjesadmin : Execution of job is in unknown state
30022artjesadmin : Job does not exist in Tuxedo ART environment
30099Job initialization error

UNIX LSAM Messages

This section covers messages generated by the LSAM which may appear in the LSAM's log and/or error file. Whether informational or to report an error condition, messages begin with text generated by the LSAM, followed by (in parentheses):

  • The message ID
  • The system-specific error number returned by the operating system
  • The symbolic name for this error (common to the vast majority of UNIX systems)
  • A brief [system-specific] description of the error returned by the operating system

Not every message will contain all the items within the parentheses. In general, if the message was not the result of failure within a system routine, then only the message ID will be included. The system-specific error number and description varies from system to system. Moreover, a system call often has multiple failure modes; consequently, the same message ID may be followed by a variety of error codes.


The following shows a Detailed LSAM Message which might be returned for a LSAM exit code of 000010205:

[sma_lsam] (monitor) - Unable to execute [/usr/john/job_1] for [JOB1] (120 / 2 [ENOENT] - No such file or directory)

In this case, the user should check what was entered for "Start Image" on the Job Details screen.

There are currently over 500 messages which might be output, making a listing of each impractical. The following table lists the messages which address conditions that can generally be understood and/or corrected by the user without intervention of SMA Technologies Support personnel. Within the Message Text, "[x]" indicates variable data.

Once jobs are built, the Schedule Operations screen contains different information depending on a job's status. In many cases, a specific failure message is returned from the LSAM and viewable in the field "Detailed Job Messages" under the "General" tab of the Job Configuration screen (in Schedule Operations). When UNIX jobs are processing, the status information in Schedule Operations includes the Process ID (pid) number or any optional status messages.


Scripts using the sma_status utility can use the 20-character message area to display any desired text; otherwise, the PID displays in the message area. For further information, refer to sma_status in the UNIX LSAM online help.

Message TextExplanation and/or Corrective Action
[x] multiply-definedThe indicated step [STARTING_STEP, ENDING_STEP, RESTART_STEP] was found to be included more than once. Check "Start Image" and "Parameters" in the job's Job Details screen. Note: The [x] multiply-defined message text applies only to jobs based on the [SMA Technologies]{.GeneralCompanyName}-supplied template job script discussed in UNIX Job Details.
Invalid job step [x]Shell variable 'next_step' set to a non-existent job Step Label as displayed. Check all settings of 'next_step' -- especially for use of incorrect letter case. Note: The Invalid job step [x] applies only to jobs based on the [SMA Technologies]{.GeneralCompanyName}-supplied template job script discussed in UNIX Job Details
Infinite loop detectedThe job experienced 'number_of_steps' iterations and was terminated. Check the following: - Starting or Restart Step comes after Ending step in script - Step gets repeated, possibly via intervening steps - Job logic correct but 'number_of_step' set too small Note: The Infinite loop detected applies only to jobs based on the [SMA Technologies]{.GeneralCompanyName}-supplied template job script discussed in UNIX Job Details
Unable to change access for [x]Access permissions for the indicated job stdout/dtderr output file could not be restricted per the LSAM Configuration setting.
Unable to change ownership for [x]Ownership of the indicated job stdout/dtderr output file could not be changed from 'root/root' per the LSAM Configuration setting.
Process [x] did not startThe LSAM health monitor has determined that the indicated LSAM process did not start (or started but then immediately terminated). Stop the LSAM. If the cause for the lost process cannot be determined from other error messages, corrected, and the LSAM successfully re-started, then wait five minutes and re-start the LSAM. It should then start and run properly if the cause was of a momentary nature.
Process [x] has terminatedThe LSAM health monitor has determined that the indicated LSAM process abnormally terminated. Stop the LSAM. If the cause for the lost process cannot be determined from other error messages, corrected, and the LSAM successfully re-started, then wait five minutes and re-start the LSAM. It should then start and run properly if the cause was of a momentary nature.
Sending SIGUSR1 (die) to all LSAM processesThe "bin/lsam\<SAM_Socket> stop" command was given; this message is confirmation that the LSAM is in normal termination processing.
Unable to find [x]"[x]" cannot be located for processing.
Unable to create [x]"[x]" cannot be created for processing.
Unable to open [x]"[x]" cannot be opened for processing.
Unable to read [x]Data cannot be read from "[x]".
Unable to write [x]Data cannot be written to "[x]".
Deleting [x]"[x]" was deleted. This is normally just an informational message, and not indicative of a problem unless "[x]" is later referenced in an "Unable to ..." message.
Unable to connect to [x]A socket-based connection cannot be made to the indicated remote service or system. Determine if the indicated system or service is up-and-running, and/or if the network is operational, and correct the condition.
Unable to send [x1] to [x2]A message "[x1]" cannot be sent over the socket-based connection to the indicated remote service or system ("[x2]"). Determine if the indicated system or service is up-and-running, and/or if the network is operational, and correct the condition.
LSAM health monitor operatingInformational message to confirm that the LSAM started with the LSAM health monitor in proper operation.
No LSAM health monitorInformational message to confirm that the LSAM started without the LSAM health monitor in proper operation. Execute the LSAM Configuration program to confirm that LSAM health monitoring has been disabled.
LSAM health monitor disabledThe LSAM health monitor has ceased operation. This is normal after issuance of the "LSAM stop" command.
Sender not allowed by the LSAM configurationThe portion of the LSAM which communicates with the SAM has received a message over a socket-based connection from an address not configured to be acceptable. The received message was ignored. It may be necessary to run the LSAM Configuration program to update the LSAM's configuration.
Received unauthorized messageSome portion of the LSAM has received a message over a socket-based connection from an unexpected address. The received message was ignored. It may be necessary to run the LSAM Configuration program to update the LSAM's configuration.
Received a message with a blank machine nameThe portion of the LSAM which communicates with the SAM has received a message without the required machine name which identifies to the LSAM the intended recipient for the message. Mark the LSAM down in a graphical interface and stop the LSAM. Wait five minutes, then re-start the LSAM and mark it back up in a graphical interface.
Received a message from SAM with invalid action specifiedThe portion of the LSAM which communicates with the SAM has received a message with an invalid action specified. Mark the LSAM down in a graphical interface and stop the LSAM. Wait five minutes, then re-start the LSAM and mark it back up in a graphical interface.
Received a duplicate message from SAMThe LSAM has received a duplicate message from SAM. If this happens only occasionally, it indicates timing issues which sometimes arise in distributed processing systems like [OpCon]{.GeneralOpConGlobalName}, and is not indicative of a problem. If it happens in a series over a few minutes, it indicates an acute problem with the SAM or the intervening network hardware.
Missing environment variable [x]The indicated UNIX shell environment variable is not defined. The variable may be either expected to be defined at the system level, or it may be an LSAM-defined variable which is not getting passed around as required.
Environment variable [x] isThe indicated UNIX shell not defined environment variable is not defined. The variable may be either expected to be defined at the system level, or it may be an LSAM-defined variable which is not getting passed around as required.
Received a SIGUSR1Each process in the LSAM should output this message during normal termination of the LSAM. If the "bin/lsam\<SAM_Socket> stop" command was not given, then some process or user on the system issued a "kill" command on the indicated process.
Received order to stop LSAM Health MonitorThis message is output during normal termination processing.
[x] OperationalEach process in the LSAM should output this message during normal startup of the LSAM.
Too many arguments for [x]The addition of the text for "Start Image" and "Parameters" in the job definition resulted in > 100 arguments. An "argument" is any text but a space. For example, the Start Image/Parameters combination "/usr/john/job x y abc123 1", the start image is "/usr/john/job", and the four arguments are "x", "y", "abc123", and "1". (It is possible to include parameters in the "Start Image" text box in the EM.)
Blank start image for [x]The indicated job contained no start image, i.e., script or program to execute. Check the Job Details screen in the EM.
Job [x] contained no UIDThe indicated job had no User ID.
Job [x] contained no GIDThe indicated job had no Group ID.
Job [x1] contained an invalidThe indicate User ID for the UID [x2] indicated job was either non-existent or incorrectly formatted.
Job [x1] contained an invalidThe indicate Group ID for the GID [x2] indicated job was either non-existent or incorrectly formatted.
Not allowed to start job [x]The LSAM is configured to not as 'root' allow jobs to execute with 'root' privileges. This can be changed by running the LSAM Configuration program.
Unable to access start image [x1] for [x2]The indicated Start Image could not be executed for the indicated job. The parenthesized portion of the message provides additional details, on which corrective action can be based.
Unable to execute [x1] forThe indicated item could not be [x2] executed for the indicated job. The parenthesized portion of the message provides additional details, on which corrective action can be based.
Unable to exec() [x1] to startThe indicated Start Image could [x2] not be executed for the indicated job. The parenthesized portion of the message provides additional details, on which corrective action can be based. If the LSAM determines that this was caused by an invalid reference to a shell/interpreter, e.g., the first line of the job script reads, "!#/bin/bogus", an additional message will be generated to indicate this possibility.
Unable to 'cd' to $HOME for [x]LSAM configuration parameter require_HOME_directory is enabled and the indicated job cannot be executed within the associated user's HOME directory. The most likely cause is an error defining the HOME directory when the user was added to the system, or that theHOME directory was either never created or it was deleted.
Received TX0 for pid = [x] -This is an informational message [x] output to confirm receipt of a command from SAM to terminate the indicated job after the user executed the "Kill Job" command from a graphical interface. This does not indicate that the job actually was terminated; that event/inability will be confirmed in a subsequent message.
Can't fork() for [x] -The LSAM is unable to create a decrementing max jobs to [x] process in which to run the indicated job, and is decreasing the number of jobs it will attempt to simultaneously run in an effort to preclude further fork() errors. If this is a recurring problem, the LSAM Configuration program can be executed to lower the number of allowed jobs and/or the OS may need tuning to handle the load.
Job [x] completedInformational message upon proper termination of an OpCon job -- does not reflect the OK/Failed termination status.
Data has not arrived in [x]The LSAM has not received any seconds - closing socket communication from the SAM in the indicated amount of time. The LSAM will close the connection in preparation for SAM initiating a new connection. "[x]" can be set with the LSAM Configuration program.

The following shows UNIX job (Ujob1) running in Schedule Operations without a user-defined status message:

Ujob1 (Daily) (Job Running – PID = 29613)

The following shows a UNIX job (Ujob2) running in Schedule Operations with a user-defined status message:

Ujob2 (Daily) (Job Running – Starting Step 1)

UNIX LSAM Exit Codes

When a job completes, the OpCon status will change to either 'Finished OK' or 'Failed'. The 20-character message text changes to include the exit codes from the job.

In the this next table is a breakdown of the LSAM Exit Codes.


Do not confuse these codes with UNIX System Exit Codes. LSAM Exit Codes come from the UNIX LSAM itself while UNIX System Exit Codes come from the UNIX operating system.

Exit Code Breakdown

UNIX Exit Code Breakdown

SectionExit CodeValid ValuesDescription
AJob Exit Codes-999999999 to +999999999The first 10 characters of the exit condition consist of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign followed by nine digits indicating the job termination status (refer to LSAM-Specific Error Codes).
BSignals0000 to 9999If the job terminated due to the receipt of a signal from the operating system or through user intervention, the four-digit numeric value of that signal is specified here.
CCore DumpedY/NIndicates whether or not (Y/N) a core file was created due to the termination of a job.

Unix LSAM Specific Error Codes

The following is a list of the UNIX LSAM job error codes. If an exit code is not in this list, it is a UNIX-specific exit code. For information on UNIX-specific exit codes, refer to [Completed Jobs and LSAM Exit Codes] in the UNIX LSAM online help.

Because errors returned vary from platform to platform, it is beyond the scope of this document to try to list the possible reasons for each error. SMA Technologies recommends:

  • Examine the log files for the LSAM and determine the error number reported.
  • Reference the MAN page for the system call to get more information on the causes of this failure type.
UNIX LSAM Exit CodeFailed System CallDescription
000010000<none>The job definition does not contain a User ID.
000010001<none>The job definition does not contain a Group ID.
000010002<none>The job definition contains an invalid User ID.
000010003<none>The job definition contains an invalid Group ID.
000010004<none>The SMANetCom sent a job status request (TX2) for a job or for a prerun process to the LSAM. The LSAM checked to see if the job was still running. The job was not running, but was marked as running in the tracking file.
000010005<none>The LSAM was started and the job was shown in the tracking file to be running; however, the job was not actually running on the machine.
000010006<none>The LSAM was started and the prerun was shown in the tracking file to be running; however, the prerun was not actually running on the machine.
000010007<none>The job was not found in tracking file.
000010008fork()The system function fork() failed when attempting to create a child process.
000010009<none>Privileged runs are not allowed. The LSAM configuration does not allow jobs to be submitted as root.
000010010<none>Job was killed by user or system administrator.
000010100fork()Unable to fork() a process space for the prerun process.
000010101setuid()Unable to setuid() to the specified User ID for the prerun process.
000010102setgid()Unable to setgid() to the specified Group ID for the prerun process.
000010103setpgid()The system function setpgid() failed when attempting to set the parent Group ID for a prerun process.
000010104<none>Start Image not found or insufficient privileges for the prerun process.
000010105exec()The system function exec() failed when attempting to initialize the process space for a prerun process.
000010200fork()Unable to fork() a process space for the job.
000010201setuid()Unable to setuid() to the specified User ID.
000010202setgid()Unable to setgid() to the specified Group ID.
000010203setpgid()The system function setpgid() failed when attempting to set the parent Group ID for a job.
000010204<none>Start Image not found or nsufficient privileges for the job.
000010205exec()The system function exec() failed when attempting to initialize the process space for a job.
000010299open()The system function open() failed when the LSAM attempted to open the post-processing script. For more information on the post-processing script, refer to sma_ppscript in the UNIX LSAM online help.
000010300fork()The system function fork() failed when attempting to create a process for a post-processing script.
000010301setuid()The system function setuid() failed when attempting to set the User ID for a post-processing script.
000010302setgid()The system function setgid() failed when attempting to set the Group ID for a post-processing script.
000010303setpgid()The system function setpgid() failed when attempting to set the parent Group ID for a post-processing script.
000010304<none>Start Image not found or insufficient privileges for the post-processing script.
000010305exec()The system function exec() failed when attempting to initialize the process space for a post-processing script.

In many cases, a specific failure message is returned from the LSAM and viewable as field "LSAM Error Message" under the "General" tab of the Job Configuration screen. Messages begin with text generated by the LSAM, and conclude with parentheses containing an integer message ID and perhaps other test. If the error was the result of a system call, the additional text after the message ID would include the system-specific error number returned by the operating system, the symbolic name for this error (common to the vast majority of UNIX systems), and a brief description of the error as returned by the operating system. The UNIX error number and text varies from system to system. Also, a system call often has multiple failure modes, so the same message ID can be followed by a variety of error codes.


The following shows a LSAM Error Message which might be returned for a LSAM exit code of 000010205:

[sma_lsam] (monitor) - Unable to execute [/usr/john/job_1] for [JOB1] (120 / 2 [ENOENT] - No such file or directory)

In this case, the user should check what was entered for "Start Image" on the Job Details screen.

UNIX File Arrival Exit Codes

The following is a list of UNIX LSAM exit codes specifically for File Arrival jobs.

Exit CodeDescription
1The file is not found. Reasons include an invalid file name, the file has not arrived yet, or permissions.
2The path is not found. Reasons include an invalid path or permissions.
3A file is found but the creation date is out of range.

Windows Machine Messages

This next table is a list of MSLSAM exit conditions for failed jobs. If an exit condition is not in this list, it is a Windows exit code.

MSLSAM Exit Condition NumberDescription
31000This is the initial state when the job is created. No error code has been set.
31001The path entered for the command line on the details screen is invalid.
31002The path entered for the prerun command line on the details screen is invalid.
31003The prerun command line entered in the details screen for this job contains too many characters. The maximum length of the prerun is: 3276 characters
31004The command line entered in the details screen for this job contains too many characters. The maximum length of the command line is: 4000 characters
31005The prerun working directory entered in the details screen for this job contains too many characters. The maximum length of the prerun working directory is: 255 characters
31006The working directory entered in the details screen for this job contains too many characters. The maximum length of the working directory is: 255 characters
31007The LSAM could not create a process for this job.
31008The LSAM was unable to obtain the rights for the user submitted with the job.
31009The LSAM was unable to grant the user rights to the process.
31010The LSAM was unable to log on as the user submitted with the job.
31011The LSAM was unable to load the environment for the user submitted with the job.
31012The LSAM was unable to load the Windows profile for the user submitted with the job.
31013The LSAM was unable to unload the Windows profile for the user submitted with the job.
31014The LSAM was unable to find the E.C.O.F. specified.
31015The LSAM was unable to start the job in the specified user-security context (unable to impersonate the user).
31016The LSAM was unable to find the user name for this user. This may be because the user has never logged onto this machine.
31017Unable to get user token.

Windows File Arrival Exit Codes

The following is a list of Microsoft LSAM exit codes specifically for File Arrival jobs.

Exit CodeDescription
1The file is not found. Reasons include an invalid file name, the file has not arrived yet, or permissions.
2The path is not found. Reasons include an invalid path or permissions.
3A file is found but the creation date is out of range.

z/OS Machine Messages

Certain conditions on the z/OS LSAM may prevent SAM from completing a task and a message is produced indicating the source or cause of the error. The SAM is designed so that errors or invalid resource conditions do not cause a total halt of schedule processing. After reporting the error, the SAM may retry processing and may again encounter the same error and report it.

To prevent the SAM from encountering the same error repeatedly, the job(s) involved may be placed "ON HOLD", or the SAM may be placed "ON HOLD", until the error is resolved. Some errors may be resolved without operator intervention, such as a job exclusion or inclusion that cannot be satisfied. When the proper condition is satisfied, the SAM is notified by XPS390 and this resolves the error. If a condition is assigned to a DEMAND run, there may be a long time before the condition is satisfied; the SAM encounters the error repeatedly until resolution. Some messages require operator analysis or resolution; others are informational only.

Message Syntax

Al: OpCon for z/OS messages are formatted with IBM standard message notation:


  • XPS: The product identifier
  • nnn: The message reference number
  • c: A message type indicator
Message TypeExplanation
IThe message is Informational only.
AThe message indicates a possible or probable operator Action is required.
WThe message is a Warning message. Some operation or process may need review. The message indicates an Error condition. Corrective action is probable.
NoneIf type is none of the above, the message is Informational, and the type indicator represents the MODULE that issued the message:

Messages Displayed on the MVS SYSLOG by XPR390

Exit CodeMessageDescription
XPR001IRestart: From start step [to end step]Indicates a restart was requested from step start step, optionally ending in end step.
XPR001ESTEPNAME MISMATCH- Indicates that step name on the starting step in the JCL does not match the name in the restart request.
- The job is flushed.
XPR005Istepname compcode
Indicates the stepname was bypassed for the restart, but compcode is simulated for JCL conitianal processing.
XPR010IDELETE dataset name (volume)
XPR010I UNCATLG dataset name (volume)
XPR010I HDELETE dataset name (MIGRAT)
XPR010I RETAIN dataset name (volume)
-Indicates the dataset name is going to be created in the step about to start, but it is already caraloged.
- OpCon takes the indicated action:
  • DELETE: the dataset is to be removed from an online DASD Device.
  • UNCATLG: the dataset is on tape of offline DASD, and is simply uncataloged.
  • HDELETE: The HSM migrated dataset is the be deleted.
  • Retain: the dataset matched the XPR filter table, and no action is taken.
XPR060ANo PCB Available - Activate LSAMIndicates XPRLIST was requested to update the filter table, but the LSAM was not been started, and no stroage anchor block is available.
XPR101EInvalid or missing parmsIndicates a command was issues to XPRLIST, but the command was not recognized.
XPR102ENO XPSPARMS DD OR MEMBER NOT FOUNDIndicates XPRLIST was requested to load or reload the filter table, but either the XPSPARMS DD is not present, or the requested XPRLSTxx member is not in the dataset.
XPR105IFILTER TABLE UPDATEDIndicates the XPR filter table was updated.
XPR200INo Filter TableAn XPRLIST DISPLAY was requested, but there is not filter table.
XPR200IFilter table contentsAn XPRLIST DISPLAY was requested. This message is followed by the table contents.

Messages Displayed on the MVS SYSLOG by XPS390

Exit CodeMessageDescription
XPS000WAnother LSAM is Already Running in the LPAR- Indicates the new duplicate LSAM is terminated.
- SMA Technolgoes recommends waiting for the priot LSAM to conplete before starting its replacement.
XPS001IOpCon V v.rr.mmll Initialized -- [machineid]- Indicates OpCon for z/OS has initialized storage queues and contaol blocks successfully.
- MachineID is the MACHINEID= definition in the XPSRMnn, or the SMF ID of this LPAR, and subsequently the schedule "Machine ID" for events that is honored bu this LSAM.
XPS002WXPSPRMnn Set to Vendor Defaults- Indicates no XPSPRMnn member was located in the start parameter list of the parmeter library.
- The resulting default parameter values can be viewed with the "F LSAM,PARMS" command.
XPS003IStorage Recovery AttemptIssued during back out or remove processing.
XPS003EError During Storage Allocation Storage Recovery Failed for queuename- Indicates an MVS FREEMAIN error was encountered.
-Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists of the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS004ARUNPARM Not Initaliatlized-Restart- Indicates the parms dataset was no located in the start parameter list or the parameter library and the operator answered "N" to the XPS101V operator request.
- Supply the Parms dataset and restart.
XPS005ITCP/IP - IP Open (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) Port: ppppIssued during LSAM IP network initialization to indicate the LPAR Host IP address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn) returned bu the OMVS "GETHOSTID" request, and to indicate the IP Port (pppp) on which XPS390 is listening for SAM messages.
XPS006E[subroutine] Abend/Shutdown Detected- Indicates the subroutine encountered an error and the LSAM is systematically shutting down the remaining subtasks and closing SAM Communications.
- The LSAM terminates and must be restarted.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS007EError During Storage Allocation- Indicates an MVS GETMAIN errror was encountered.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS008EToken Fetch Error RC=8- Indicates an MVS CSA queue locate error was encounted.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS009ISystem Shutdown Underway- This is a response to an F LSAM,SHUTDOWN request.
- Indicates the LSAM is systematically shutting down operational subtasks, stopping XPSPLEX and closing SAM communications.
- The LSAM terminiates.
XPS010ISubtask Shutdown Underway- This is a response to an internal/external shutdown request.
- This message may follow an XPS009I or XPS006E message.
Indicates the LSAM is systematically shutting down operational subtaskes and closing SAM communication.
- The LSAM terminates.
XPS011I[Job|Message] Queue Cleared- This is a response to an F LSAM,CLEARQ operator command.
- Indicates all ongoing schedule tracking fails.
XPS012IStorage Recovery Complete- This is a response to a GETMAIN failure.
- This message may follow an XPS033E message.
- Indicates the LSAM was successful in freeing all allocated CSA prior to terminiation.
XPS013EINITAPI Error: XPSERVER tcpiptask- Indicates the XPSERVER subroutine could not establish an interface to TCP.IP on this LPAR.
- Ensure that TCP/IP is operating properly and that an OMVS segment is defined to the security facility for OpCon.
- Ensure that the TCP= parameter in XPSPRMnn denotes the proper task name for the environment.
XPS014IPSAM Initialization - Server in XCF Mode- Issued at an LSAM startup to indicate that the XPSERVER subroutine does not attempt to open IP communications to the SAM.
- All communications to the scheudle activity monitor is accomplished through the Sysplex Coupling Facility and the LPAR designated as the Sysplex primary LSAM.
XPS015AXPS390 Awaiting Connection to the SAM Server
XPS015O - XPSYS0 Awaiting Connection to UI Window
- Indicates a temporary communication disconnect occureed between the LSAM and the SAM schedule system.
- The LSAM waits approximately 20 seconds and retries the IP Socket ACCEPT request.
- If this message persists and all communication protocols appear operational, contact the TCP/IP LAN Network Support Technician.
- The type code "0" in dicates the message was issues by XPSYSOUT.
XPS016IXPS390 SAM Server Connection Established
XPS016O - XPSYS0 Window Connection Established
- Indicates that the temporary disconnect was corrected, and the LSAM and the SAM are in communication.
- The Type code "O" indicates the message was issued bu XPSYSOUT.
- This message mornally follows message XPS015A.
XPS017WCannot Bind Port; Suspending Retry for 30 Seconds
XPS017O - Cannot Bind Port; Suspending Retry for 30 Seconds
-Indicates a temporary communication disconnect occurred between the LSAM and the SAM schedule system.
- The LSAM waits approximately 30 seconds and retries the IP Port BIND request.
- This message may be a normal result of stopping and immediatelly restarting the LSAM.
- z/OS TCPIP often "hold(s)" access to a port after it is closed to ensure any buffered messages are completed before allowing the prot to be reopened.
- If this message persists and all communication protocaols appear iperational, contace the TCP/IP LAN Network Support Technician.
- The Type code "O" indicates the message was issued by XPSYSOUT.
XPS018WCannot Obtain Socket; Suspending Retry for 30 Seconds
XPS018O - Cannot Obtain Socket; Suspending Retry for 30 Seconds
- Indicates a temporarycommunication disconnect has occurred berween the LSAM and the SAM schedule system.
- The LSAM waits approximately 30 seconds and retries the IP Socket connection.
- This message may be a normal result of stipping and immediately restarting the LSAM.
- z/OS TCPIP often "hold(s)" access to a port after close to ensure any buffered messages are completed before allowing the port to be reopened and a socket assigned.
- If this message persists and all communication protocols appear operational, contact the TCP/IP LAN Network Support Technician.
- The Type code "O" indicates the message was issues by XPSYSOUT.
XPS019EStorage Recovery Failed for [queuename]- Indicates the MVS FREEMAIN error was encounted dureing a REMOVEX, REPEXIT or RESET command.
- The LSAM could not free storage for [queuename] that was assinged to the LSAM.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS020WProcess CSA Will Change at Next IPL- Issued in response to an "F LSAM,PROCESS=nn" operator command.
-CSA storage is allocated at IPL to coincide with the expected process limit set in the LSAM/Machine environment.
XPS021ICurrent Stored PARMS for [sysid]- Issued in response to an "F LSAM,parm=" operator command to indicate the status of all run time parameters after processing the last command.
- A list of current LSAM parameters settings follows this message.
- This message and the subsequent parameter list are also issued bu an "F LSAM,PARMS" command or by executing this XPSAUDIT program.
- Noe that the PROCESSES display issues does NOT show a "Stored" Process of zero. Since this cound is used to size CSA storage queues, only the SAM is advised of a process of ZERO.
XPS022WNo PARMS Updated- Indicates a parameter update request was invalid.
- No Parms are updated if any parameter in the request command is invalid.
XPS023IProcess Count Set to Zero- Indicates a Machine Process Count of "0000" has been sent to the SAM.
- This is the same as indicating a "Machine Down" condition.
- Issued in response to an "F LSAM,PROCESS=0" operator command. This command is particularly useful when an z/OS system QUIESCE is underway. It allows a pause in the scheduled event traffic to this LPAR without detailed changes to the SAM schedule. If the LSAM is shutdown, the process cound reverts to the value defined in the XPSPRMnn upon restart. Note that the PROCESSES display issued at message XPS021I does NOT show a "Stored" Process of zero. Since this count is used to size CSA storage queues, only the SAM is advised of a process of ZERO.
XPS024AParameter Invalid: [parm]- Issued if a parameter error occurs during the LSAM start-up. If this is issued the LSAM termintes.
- Indicates the parm is invlid in response to one of the following:
  • A RUNPARM memebr load during start-up.
  • An operator command (F LSAM,parm=value).
  • An LSAM JCL Parm (PARM='parm=value')
  • Correct and retry the operation.
XPS024EParameter Invalid: [parm]- This message is essentially the same XPS024E. The both indicate a parameter error.
- Issued when a user enters an invalid parameter after the LSAM is started. The LSAM continues to run, but the new parameter is rejected.
XPS025ELOG Dyn Alloc Error R15=nnnn- Indicates the LSAMLOG dataset could not be allocated.
- This error may be due to a catalog error ot an invalid GDG override in the OPCONnn Proc.
- The task terminates.
- Restart the task.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS026EError Opening XPSLOG - Restart- This indicates an open request failed after successfully allocating the RECLOG DD.
- The task terminates.
- Restart the task.
-Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS027IOpCon LSAM Log Dataset Spin-Off UnderwayEach midnight (00:00) and upon operator request (F LSAM,SPINLOG) and new generation of the OpCon RECLOG is created. Logging is suspendeed during the actibvity of de-allocating, closing, re-allocating, and reopening the log.
XPS028ISysout Agent Ready on Port:nnnn-JESx- Indicates the Enterprise Manager Sysout View agent (XPSYSOUT) sucessfully opened the IP communication port (nnnn) for SYSOUT requests.
- JES displays the SAPI subsystem from which SYSOUT is retrieved.
XPS029IStop Command Recognized- This is a response to an "F LSAM,STOP" or a "P LSAM" operator command.
- Indicates the LSAM is systematically shutting down operational subtasks and closing SAM communications.
- The LSAM terminates.
XPS030I[eventname] Adopted From ssss- Indicates an Event normally executed on another LPAR being run on the current LPAR due to Sysplex adoption of the target Machine-ID.
- To view the status of Sysplex Machine-IDs with respect to the current LPAR, issue command: F XPSPLEX,STATUS.
XPS031EInvalid Jobname Bypassed: [jobname]- Indicates the Job Name is an invalid MVS construct.
- This message is usually due to a special character in the job name or other invalid usage.
- XPS390 automatically converts lowercase characters to uppercase prior to seatching the defined library for the JCL or Event Name.
XPS032EJCL Member Not Found: [job name] in [library DDNAME]- Indicates the SAM schedule requested JCL for [job name] be submitted from [DDNAME] and the LSAM could not locate such as member name.
- Correct and reschedule.
XPS033E[jobname] Invalid JobCard- Indicates the SAM schedule request JCL for [jobname] be submitted and the LSAM encountered an invalid MVS Job Card.
- Correct and reschedule.
XPS034EJCL Library BLKSIZE Invalid- Indicates the Block Size of each JCL PDS library must be greater than 800.
- Contace the MVS system Programmer for assistance.
- Meddage XPS035S follows with the DDNMAE of the library.
XPS035ELibrary DDNAME Error: [ddname]- Indicates the SAM schedule requested JCL be submitted from [ddname] and the LSAM could not locate such a library or the library had a non-recoverable error.
- Correct and reschedule.
XPS036EAllocation/Open Error on INTRDR- Indicates an XPSUBMIT subtask was unable to allocate an internal reader for JCL submission.
- Restart the LSAM.
- Contact the JES System Programmer and ensure that there are enough INTRDRs defined.
- Contact SMA Technologies if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS037Ijobname(J0000) Submitted From [library] as [event name]
XPS037I - taskname(S0000) Submitted as [event name]
- Indicates that a successful Batch JCL submission has occured.
- The Schedule Event [event name] requested submission of [jobname] from DDNAME: [library].
- JES has assigned the job number (Jnnnn).
- Indicates that a successful Start Task initiation has occurred.
- The Schedule Event [event name] requested submission of [taskname]. MVS has assigned the task number (Snnnn).
XPS038E[ddname] DD Error For REXX Event: [eventname]- Indicates the [ddname] requested on the SAM schedule record (or the default DD SYSEXEC) for a dynamis REXX event, is not defined to the LSAM.
- Correct and reschedule.
XPS039EToken/Symbolic Syntax Error: [jobname]- Indicates an invalid syntax for a &SYMBOLIC or \@Token entry in the detail schedule record for [jobname] was encountered.
- Correct and reschedule.
XPS040AAuditor Has Reestabilished EOQ Marker- Indicates that a tracking queue was not properly synchronized and automatic recovery succeeded.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists.
XPS041WWarning: Cannot Establish EOQ Marker- Indicates a queue format error cannot be recovered.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists.
XPS042ECRC Error Detected - Retrying Request- Indicates the Check Record hash did not agree with the one sent by SAM.
- This is a probably temporary network error.
- This is a probably temporary network error.
- The XPSERVER subroutine discards the related record and request that SAM resend that request.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS043WDSN Exit Storage Not Freed
XPS043W - ACTRT Exit Storage Not Freed
XPS043W - U83 Exit Storage Not Freed
XPS043W - U84 Tracking Exit Storage Not Freed
XPS043W - UJV Exit Storage Not Freed
XPS043W - USI Exit Storage Not Freed
- Indicates a request was made to release exits (F LSAM,REPEXIT) and the old storage area was not successfully freed.
- This condition is bypassed and the new exit is loaded; however, repeated messages of this type may indicate that storage fragmentation in ECSA is possible.
XPS044WWTO Exit Storage Not Freed- Indicates a request was made to reload exists (F LSAM,REPEXIT) and the old storage area was not successfully freed.
- This condition is bypassed and the new exit is loaded; howeverm repeated messages of this type may indicate that storage fragmentation in ECSA is possible.
XPS045EAllocation Error on Sysout DS- Indicates the XPSYSOUT Agent encountered an error while allocating a JES Sysout.
- The probably cause for tihs error is that theSysout is no longer available on the output queue.
XPS046WTCP/IP Timeout: LSAM Has Lost Contact with SMA NetCom Service.- Indicates the XPSERVER has timed out waiting on Netcom to respond.
- The LSAM continues to poll the SMA Server every 10 to 20 seconds.
- This may be caused by a network outage or NetCome shutdown.
- Whne communication is resumed, message XPS093I is issued.
- If this message persists and all communication protocols appear operational, contact SMA Technologies Support.
XPS046OTCP/IP Timeout - [process] Restarting.- Indicates the XPSAGENT has timed out waiting on IP Window Response to the [process] indicated.
- This is not critical communicatons.
- If this message persists and all communication protocols appear operational, contact SMA Technologies Support.
XPS047I[$event]- This is a response to a step condition code or DSN trigger.
- Indicates the event command [events] was sent to the SAM.
- The condition or trigger was caused by the job issueing the message.
XPS048OInitAPI Error: XPSAGENTtcpiptask- Indicates the XPSERVER module cannot establish an interface to OpenMVS API.
- This error may be due to an OMVS sefment not being defined in the security priduct or a failure in TCP/IP.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuanse cannot be determined.
XPS049A[eventname] Not in Event Table- This is a response to a step condition code or DSN trigger.
- Indicates the event command [*eventname] was referenced, but could not be located in the LPAR event table.
- The condition or trigger was caused by the job issuing the message.
- Inspect the Event Table and ensure that the event name is spelled correctly and the table entry is available to this LPAR.
XPS050EXPSCOMM PARM ErrorIndicates an invalid PARM= parameter was found on the XPSCOMM execute state or the KEY=.
XPS051EXPSCOMM Tracking Error- Indicates the XPSCOMM encountered an error attempting to update the tracking record of the job in question.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS052IXPSCOMM Processing SuccessfulIndicates that the requested tracking queue update was successfully accomplished bu XPSCOMM.
XPS053AInvalid Sysid for Adoption- This is a response to an F LSAM,ADOPTWKLS(ssss,nn) command.
- Indicates as invalid sysid (ssss) was requested.
- The current LPAR SMFID and those of currently operating LPARS are not valid.
XPS054AInvalid Reply- Indicates the operator responded incorrectly to either the XPS112A ot XPS113A message.
- Review these message descriptions for the proper reply syntax.
XPS055ASYSPLEX Mode Not Supported- Indicates a Sysplex Only request was made (starting XPSLEX, etc.) that was inconsistent the SYSPLEX parameter in XPSPRMnn.
- Ensure SYSPLEX=Y is coded in the XPSPRMnn to enab3e Sysplex services in OpCon.
XPS056IXPSPLEX Already Running- Indicates an attempt was made to start another XPSPLEX task when one was already running.
- Onlly one XPSPLEX task is allowed.
- The newly started task terminates.
XPS057AInvalid Command- Indicates an "F XPSPLEX,command" was entered and the command syntax was invalid.
- Refer to the syntaz of the F XPSPLEX command for further details.
XPS058WWTO Msg Tracking Exit NOT Loaded- Indicates an internal error has prevented message tracking exit XPSWTOEX from loading.
- Message XPS073E or XPS068A may precede this message with causes.
- The WTO exit is not optional.
- Besides providing message triggering for scheduled event, it also provides for Not Catlg error support and other internal OpCon support features.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if the reason for this message cannot be determined.
XPS059EFailed to [Process Function] RC=nnnn- Indicates the [Process Function] is a critical internal operational function.
- The diagnostic infomration in this message must be passed to SMA Technologies Support as soon as possible.
- The OPCONnn task may not continue to function if this error persists.
XPS060ENo PCB Available for Restart - Activate LSAM- Indicates a control block format error cannot be recovered during initialization.
- Events that were "in process" during a system outage might not be properly reported to SAM.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS061EXPSU84 Foreign Job Tracking Error- Indicates the LSAM encountered an OpCon job submitted from a different NJE/MAS or JES2 LPAR that is not in LSAM/PSAM configuration.
- The job was canceled.
- Check the schedule detail for this job and review the job "Machine ID" field.
- Check the JCL for SYSID routing information and class assignments.
- Contact the applicationprogrammer or Scheduler for futher information.
XPS062IXPSU84: Step Action Initiated- This is a TRACE Level 2 response.
- It is received from the IEFU84 exit when the OpCOn trace facility is active.
- The trace facility should not be active unless specifically requested bu SMA Technologies Support.
- To eliminate these messages enter command "F LSAM,TRAC=N".
XPS063IXPSU84: Step Tracking Initiated- This is a TRACE Level 2 response.
- It is reveived from the IEFU84 exit when the OpCon trace facility if active.
- The trace facility should not be active unless specifically requested by SMA Technologies Support.
- To eliminate these messages enter command "F LSAM,TRAC=N".
XPS064IXPSU84: Tracking Record Updated- This is a TRACE Level 2 response.
- It is reveived from the IEFU84 exit when the OpCon trace facility is active.
- The trace facility should not be active unless specifically requested bu SMA Technologies Support.
- To eliminate these messages enter command "F LSAM,TRAC=N".
XPS065EXPSCOMM Event [eventname] Not Found- Indicates the Event Token coded in the $EVENT=[eventname] parameter in the XPSCOMM program was not located in the system Event Table.
- Contact the Production control department.
- Request that the production control department inspect the Event Table and ensure that the event name is spelled correctly and the table pentry is available to the LPAR on which that job ran.
XPS066E[queuename] CSA Queue Full!- Indicates there is not enough space in the [queuename] for additional entries.
- refer to the definitiaon in the SETQUES= parameter in XPSPRMnn.
- Refer to current SETQUES setting using the "F LSAM,DISP=PARMS" command.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support IMMEDIATLY if the reason for this message is not obvious.
XPS067EADD/POST Error on Submitted Request- Indicates the XPSERVER subroutine encounted an error attempting to update a tracking record.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists.
XPS069ILSAM Task Must Be Down Before XPSPLEX Shutdonw- This is a response to and operator command to shut down XPSPLEX.
- Indicates OPCONnn is still exevuting.
- The OPCONnn task must be terminated before XPSPLEX can be sut down.
- To shut down BOTH tasks (OPCONnn and XPSPLEX) use the "F LSAM,SHUTDOWN" command.
XPS070IPre-run Condition(c) Check: [eventname] [OK|Failed] For Job: [jobname]- Indicates that the TaskPre-run condition was either met (OK) or failed (Failed) for the [jobname] in questions.
- The Task Pre-run condition (c) can be:
  • E=Executing
  • N=Not Executing
-Refer to the scheduled [eventname] detail for infomration.
XPS071IPrerun Check:aa/nn Unit=[unitname] Rdy For [jobname] at that the Task Pre-run tape unites needed (nn) for [unitname] was tested and aa units were found available.
-If the count in
aa is equal to or greater than the number of units needed (nn), job [jobname*] is submitted immediately; otherwise, the job is sent back to SAM with a "Pre-run Failed" condition and SAM reschedules the job at the interval set by SAM installation options.
XPS072IPrerun DSN: [trigger.dsname.suffix] For [jobname] Triggered by [+] [taskname] at Indicates that the Task Pre-run Data Set Name (DSN) ending with the 20-character suffix [trigger.dsname.suffix] has been accessed as required buy the pre-run condition in [jobname].
- The executing job or task that triggererd the DSNAME access event is denoted bu [taskname].
- If [taskname] is preceded bu a plus sign ( + ), the trigger was manually released, in which the TSO Userid responsible for setting the trigger's count to zero.
XPS073E[Error Condition]- Indicates a Trigger or Tracking Exit did not load properly.
- One of the following could not load an interface to MVS:
  • XPSU84
  • XPSU83
- Following a general description, each error condition is described in detail below.
XPS073EBLDL Failed for XPS3U84 | XPSU83 | XPSUJV | XPRUSI | XPSWTOEX- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to load one of the trigger exists (i.e., the LOADLIB DD statement in the OPCONnn Proc failed to return the member name).
- Check to ensure the STEPLIB or link list contains the module.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issance cannot be determined.
XPS073EU84 | U83 | UJV | USI | WTOX Length not in TTR- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to lood one of the trigger exits (i.e., the LOADLIB DD statemene in the OPCONnn Proc return the member name but the member has zero records).
- Check to ensure the STEPLIB or link list contains the named module. Relink these modules using the STAGE2 JCL if necessary.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS073EFixed ESQA Getmain Failed: U84EX | U83EX | UJVEX | USIEX | WTOEX- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to load one of the trigger exits (i.e., the extended storage was not available for the request).
- Approximately 2.5K is needed in extended SQA for each module.
- Contact the system programmer to research the amount of extended storage allocated.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists of the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS073EExplicit Load for XPSU84 |XPSU83 | XPSUJV | XPRUSI | XPSWTOEX Failed- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to load on of the trigger exits (i.e., the LOAD Macro returned a nonzero return code).
- This error may be due to environmental factors.
- Retry the load request [F LSAM,REPEXIT].
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS073ECSVDYNEX Add Failed for XPSU83 | XPSU84 | XPSUJV | XPRUSI- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to load XPSU83 into the SMF IEFU83 exit list (i.e., the CSVDYNEX Macro returned a nonzero return code).
- Additional messages are issued to the z/OS console by the Dynamic Exit Service.
- Ensure SYS.IEFU83 is properly defined to SMF.
- Correct the problems indicated by the associated messages, then retry the load request [F LSAM,REPEXIT].
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message or the reason for its issuance cannor be determined.
XPS073EXPS390 Not Initialized- Indicates XPSELOAD program cannot be executed "stand alone" without OpCon being initialized.
- Start the OPCONnn task to reload exits automatically.
XPS074IPre-run Skipped by SAM Request: [jobname]- Indicates that the OpCon operator has manually requested that the associated job be submitted without pre-run resource checks.
XPS075EDSN Table Expire Date: yy.ddd- Indicates that any DSN trigger entries that have not been referenced since Julian date yy.ddd are expired from the current tracking table.
- The entry is reinstated if a job has a pre-run requirement specified. This value fixed by architecture.
XPS075ITrigger Table Expire Date: Indicates the LSAM log has spun off and a copy of the dataset and message tables was written to a new log. During this loggin action, the LSAM calculates and reports an expiration date in the system log.
- The LSAM reports the date in Julian format, with a two-digit year and three-digit day number.
XPS275IEXPIRING: xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- Indicates a trigger table entry has not been referenced since the Trigger Table Expiration Date. The LSAM deletes the table entry, logs the action, and reports it to the system log. Refer to XPS075I - Trigger Table Expire Date:
- The variable portion of the message contains the dataset or message filter of the deleted entry.
XPS076EError Loading SMF Tracking Exits- Indicates an error occurred in an attempt to load and SMF exit.
- Message XPS073E should precede this message with more detailed problem information.
- Contact SMA Technologies Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS077I[exitname] loaded from [library]- Indicates which library the exit loader loads from.
- The [exitname] is the name of the exit being loaded. Depending on where the exit module was found, the [library] is either STEPLIB or is the name of the active linklist set.
XPS077IXPSACTRT Step Messaging Established- Indicates that the dynamic load for the XPS390 SMF exit for step messages was successful.
XPS077IXPSU83 File Trigger Exit Established- Indicates that the dynamic load for the XPS390 SMF exit for file triggering was successful.
XPS077IXPSU84 Job Tracking Exit Established- Indicates that the dynamic load for the XPS390 SMF exit for job/step tracking was successful.
XPS077IXPSUJV Job Init Exit Established- Indicates that the dynamic load for the XPS390 SMF exit for job submission tracking was successful.
XPS077IXPRUSI Step Init Exit Established- Indicates that the dynamic load for the XPS390 dataset cleanup exit for restart was successful.
XPS079IXPSWTOEX Msg Trigger Exit Established- Indicates the WTO exit interface was successfully established.
XPS080AXPS390 Not Initialized- Indicates control block format error caused a temporary tracking failure.
- This message may be issued during a "RESET" command. If this message is received at any other time, contact SMA Support.
XPS081AXPS390 Tracking Record not Available- Indicates control block format error caused a temporary tracking failure.
- This message may be issued during a "RESET" command. If this message is received at any other time, contact SMA Support.
XPS082EXPS390 Dyn Alloc Error: R15=nn; DALERR=xxxxxxxx- Indicates an error occurred while attempting to allocate the SYSEXEC DD for REXX dynamic call support.
- Refer to the associated MVS allocation messages. Where nn is the return code from SVC99 and xxxxxxxx is the failing Text Unit.
- Contact SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS083I[DSN | WTO] Table Entry: [entrytext] Added | Deleted by [jobname] at {via ISPF}- Indicates that the LSAM or a TSO user (via ISPF) has added a new DSN to WTO trigger to the Sysplex.
- The [entrytext] is the dataset name or WTO Text of the trigger. Refer to the [jobname] on the appropriate OpCon schedule to determine the actual event this addition is to trigger.
- The ISPF form of this message is issued for ISPF TSO User table updates to the DSN Trigger table only if SPFAUDIT=Y is coded in XPSPRMnn.
- This message is also issued for ISPF User deletes.
XPS084IREXX:[execname] ID=[*eventname8] Executing- Indicates the REXX [execname] was successfully called by XPSEVENT after dynamic allocation of SYSEXEC, SYSTSPRT and SYSTSIN.
- This message does not indicate the REXX has successfully completed.
XPS085IREXX:[execname] RCD=nnnn, ID=[eventname]- Indicates the REXX [execname] was completed via XPSEVENT.
- If the REXX routine set the EXIT (nn) code, then RCD contains the set value.
XPS086IADOPT Command Successful- Indicates the LSAM has processed the operators ADOPTWKLD command.
- To review the status of Machine ID processing on this LPAR enter the F XPSPLEX,STATUS command.
XPS087IDROP Command Successful- Indicates the LSAM has processed the operators DROPWKLD command.
- To review the status of Machine ID processing on this LPAR enter the F XPSPLEX,STATUS command.
XPS088ICommand: command For: XXXXXXXXXXXX Executed- Indicates execution of the MVS Command [command] was requested by XPSEVENT.
- XPS390 does not check the outcome if operator commands; nevertheless, associated "Message Triggers" may monitor the results of any given command.
XPS089IREXX:[rexxname] RCD=[rtncode], ID=[eventname]- Indicates the LSAM has successfully executed the REXX routine [rexxname] as scheduled by event [eventname].
- The return code [rtncode] from the REXX routine is passed back to the SAM.
XPS090AXPCB Token Not Initialized- Indicates the LSAM is entering "Primary Initialization" and allocating CSA storage for the first time after a system IPL.
- If this message is received at any other time, contact SMA Support.
XPS091AXPCB Control Block Not Initialized- Indicates a control block format error caused a temporary tracking failure.
- This message may be issued during a "RESET" command.
- If this message is received at any other time, contact SMA Support.
XPS092IREXX:execname ID=XXXXXXXXXXXX Prerun Exec- Indicates the REXX [execname] was successfully called by XPSEVENT as requested by [ID] after dynamic allocation of SYSEXEC, SYSTSPRT and SYSTSIN.
- The message does not indicate the REXX has successfully completed.
XPS093IOpCon/xps SAM Contact Reestablished- Indicates XPSERVER had timed out waiting on Netcom to respond (message XPS046 should have been pending).
- This condition is no longer a problem and normal communications have been reestablished.
XPS094EEvent: [eventname] Missing- Indicates the event name noted was referenced by a DSN trigger, but was not found in the Event Table.
- Review the DSN trigger definitions and create/rename the event name to match the name in the DSN trigger entry.
XPS095EEvent: [eventname] Missing- Indicates the event name noted was referenced by a WTO trigger, but was not found in the Event Table.
- Review the DSN trigger definitions and create/rename the event name to match the name in the WTO trigger entry.
XPS096ISysplex Member: [memberid] Active as [PSAM | LSAM]- Indicates the XPSPLEX task has recognized that the LPAR shown in Sysplex member [memberid] has joined the OpCon Sysplex group as a PSAM or an LSAM.
- nly one LSAM can be allocated in any one Sysplex configuration.
XPS097IXRF/CF Link for Grp: [groupname], Mbr: [memberid]- Indicates the XPSPLEX task has successfully joined the LPAR to the OpCon Sysplex group [groupname] as member [memberid].
XPS098EXRF/CF MSGX Error: [returncode]; [reasoncode]- Indicates XPSU84 has experienced an error or interruption in Sysplex communications to other OpCon members and was unable to send job status information.
- Report this message to SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS099BXRF/CF [errrtn] Error: [returncode]; [reasoncode]- Indicates XPSUBMIT has experienced an error or interruption in Sysplex communications to other OpCon members.
- Report this message to SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS099EXRF/CF [errrtn] Error: [returncode]; [reasoncode]- Indicates XPSERVER has experienced an error or interruption in Sysplex communications to other OpCon members.
- Report this message to SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS099TXRF/CF [errrtn] Error: returncode]; [reasoncode*]- Indicates XPSTATUS has experienced an error or interruption in Sysplex communications to other OpCon members.
- Report this message to SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS099XXRF/CF [errrtn] Error: [returncode]; [reasoncode]- Indicates XPSPLEX has experienced an error or interruption in Sysplex communications to other OpCon members.
- Report this message to SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
XPS100I[jobname]: Tracking Record Added.- Indicates the [jobname] has been added to the current AdHoc schedule due to a match on the TRACLASS or TRACMASK parameters in XPSPRMnn.
XPS101IStep Cond Code IGNORED as Requested- Indicates the SAM schedule entry for this job requested that the job be considered "OK" even if a given step ended in a condition code equal to or higher than a defined value.
- The job continues to process but OpCon tracking is halted and a "Step OK" message is sent to the SAM.
- Check the schedule detail for this job and review the step "Cond Code OK" field.
- Contact the application programmer or scheduler for further information.
XPS102IJob Marked FAILED Due to Step Cond Code- Indicates the SAM schedule entry for this job requested that the job be considered a failure if a given step ended in a condition code equal to or higher than a defined value.
- The job continues to process but OpCon tracking is halted and a "Job Fin Error" message is sent to SAM.
- Check the schedule detail for this job and review the step "Cond Code Fail" field.
- Contact the application programmer or scheduler for further information.
XPS103IJob Marked COMPLETE Due to Step Cond Code- Indicates the SAM schedule entry for this job requested that the job be marked "Complete" if a given step ended in a condition code equal to or higher than a defined value.
- The job continues to process but OpCon tracking is halted and a "Job Fin OK" message is sent to SAM.
- Check the schedule detail for this job and review the step "Cond Code Comp" field.
- Contact the application programmer or scheduler for further information.
XPS104IJob TERMINATED Due to Step Cond Code- Indicates the SAM schedule entry for this job requested that the job be cancelled if a given step ended in a condition code equal to or higher than a defined value.
- That value was met or exceed by this job step.
- The job is terminated after the offending step.
- Check the schedule detail for this job and review the step "Cond Code Abort" field.
- Contact the application programmer or scheduler for further information.
XPS105AConfirm Y/N is XPS390 to be REMOVED | RESET | CYCLED?- This is a response to an "F LSAM, REMOVEX" or "F LSAM,RESET=S | C" command.
- Prompts the operator is prompted for confirmation of the action.
- A Reply of "Y" causes all internal storage allocations to be freed and reallocated.
- For RESET=S or REMOVEX, all current data in the queues, except DSN and WTO trigger monitor entries, are lost.
XPS106IDSN: [dsname] Has Triggered Event: [eventname]- Indicates an ACTIVE unscheduled DSN trigger for the Data Set [dsname] has been satisfied.
- The action defined in Event Table entry [eventname] is taken.
- To view the event detail, use the XPSPF001 TSO table interface command.
XPS107AConfirm Y/N is Process Count to Remain at ZERO?- Once the Process Count is set to ZERO (Refer to message XPS023I) any subsequent parameter update request, including another nonzero Process request, causes this prompt to be issued.
- A reply of "Y" leaves the process count at "0".
- A reply of "N" reverts the process count to the last value defined by PROCESS= command or the value in XPSPRMnn.
Note: The PROCESSES display issued at message XPS021R does not show a "Stored" Process of zero. Since this count is used to size CSA storage queues, only the SAM is advised of a process of ZERO.
XPS108IMessage from: [job/task name] Has Triggered Event: [eventname]- Indicates an ACTIVE unscheduled WTO message trigger was activated by job [job/task name].
- The action defined in Event Table entry [eventname] is taken.
- To view the event detail, use the XPSPF001 TSO table interface command.
XPS109EXPSU84: Locate Error - Tracking Suspended: [schdkey]
XPS109E - [jobname]: Locate Error - Tracking Suspended
- Indicates a tracking error was encountered.
- Contact SMA Support if this message persists or the reason for its issuance cannot be determined.
- A possible reason for this message may be that a scheduled job was awaiting execution when the system, or LPAR failed. After IPL, the LSAM task was not yet started before the JES initiators, and no tracking queue addresses match the original submission addresses. XPS390 allows the job to execute, but does not report status to SAM or may report a "failed" status. It is possible to manually complete the job on SAM and continue processing.
XPS110AXPSPRMnn Not Initialized, Reply Y/N to Use SMA Defaults- Indicates that the LSAM is in "Primary Initialization" and allocating CSA storage for the first time after a system IPL and no XPSPRMnn are available.
- If this message is received at any other time, contact SMA Support.
- XPSPRMnn can be provided through the XPSPRMnn DD statement in the OPCONnn Proc.
XPS111AEnter Recovery Options: RESTART or IGNORE- Indicates the XPS390 LSAM Recovery Management routine has found that scheduled events were executing or "in-process" when the system IPL occurred.
- Reply "RESTART" to this message for the LSAM to report failing jobs to SAM.
- Reply, "IGNORE", if all SAM reconciliation is complete.
XPS112ATwo LPARS Cannot Both be LSAM Primary. Enter Sysid of PRIMARY LSAM: [sysid1] or [sysid2]- Indicates more than one LPAR has LSAM=Y coded in the XPSPRMnn member.
- or -
- Indicates a response to a prior XPS113A message, the operator established a new Primary LSAM Machine ID. Another Primary LSAM is now attempting to enter the OpCon scheduling Sysplex.
- Enter the SMF Machine-ID of the LPAR to maintain Primary LSAM Gateway control.
- The non-primary LSAM is terminated and the user has to restart it after correcting XPSPRMnn parameters.
XPS113ALSAM on [sysid] Has Left the Sysplex. Enter Y/N For This Member to Assume LSAM Status.- Prompts the user if the z/OS LPAR on which this message was issued can adopt all the functions of the Primary LSAM, which has apparently left the Sysplex complex.
- A response of "N" returns this LPAR to its normal PSAM status.
- A response of "Y" requires following the procedures for LSAM Fail-Over.
XPS115ESecurity Check Failed RC=nnn-nnn; R15/R0=nnn; Contact Technical Support- Indicates an error occurred when the XPSAFAPI attempted to establish an SAF security environment for XPSAGENT.
- Contact SMA Support if the reason for this error cannot be determined.
XPS116ERACDELETE Failed; RC=nnn-nnn; R15/R0=nnn/nnn; Contact Technical Support- Indicates an error occurred when the XPSAFAPI attempted to remove an SAF security environment for XPSAGENT.
- Contact SMA Support if the reason for this error cannot be determined.
XPS117A[Userid] Not Defined to Security Subsystem- Indicates an error occurred while the XPSAGENT editor interface was attempting to update JCL in an OpCon defined library.
- The [*Userid] of the OpCon user attempting the update was not found in RACF, Top Secret, ACF2 or other security system.
- Access is denied to this user and the update is not made.
- Message XPS122I may precede this message with the name of the JCL member this user was attempting to update.
XPS118A[Userid] Not Authorized to Access [dsname]- Indicates an error occurred while the XPSAGENT editor interface was attempting to update JCL in an OpCon defined library.
- The [Userid] of the OpCon user attempting the update was not allowed update authority to this [dsname*].
- Access is denied to this user and the update is not made.
- Message XPS122I may precede this message with the name of the JCL member this user was attempting to update.
XPS119ETracked/Queued Job: [jobname] Rejected by SAM- Indicates an attempt was made to track a job that was not defined on in SAM.
- The job is ignored by OpCon.
- All dynamically tracked jobs must have a corresponding entry in SAM.
XPS120IREAD | SAVE | EDIT Error- Indicates a requested JCL update has failed.
- This message is displayed in a Enterprise Manager Message Box only on the user workstation.
- Additional information is available in the MVS SYSLOG.
- Retry the request.
- If the reason for this error cannot be determined contact SMA support.
XPS121ETCP/IP Error- Indicates a communication error has occurred.
- This message is displayed in a Enterprise Manager Message Box only on the user workstation.
- Additional information is available in the MVS SYSLOG.
- Retry the request.
- If the reason for this error cannot be determined, contact SMA support.
XPS122I[Userid] is Updating JCL: [membername] in [ddname]- Indicates OpCon Enterprise Manager Window access updates to production JCL libraries.
- This message is displayed on the MVS SYSLOG in an audit trail.
XPS123IOpCon Sysplex Manager Active [versionid]- Indicates Sysplex Management has been initialized.
- This message is displayed by XPSPLEX.
XPS124W[qname] Queue is 80% Utilized - Contact SysProg- Indicates that the memory queue [qname] may need to be enlarged using the SETQUES= parameter in the XPSPRMnn library member.
- If this message persists or the reason for this message cannot be determined, contact SMA support.
XPS125IWTOX=ON, SMFX=ON SUBSYS=(SYS, TSO, STC, JES2,…)- This is a response to a "D,EXITS" operator command.
- The status of the z/OS LSAM tracking and trigger exits is displayed.
- If the contents of this message are different from that shown here, contact the Systems Programmer or SMA support.
XPS126EExecution Tracking Error: [jobinfo]- Indicates a failure occurred in the SAPI module XPSTATUS while trying to determine the status of a job that appears to have been removed from JES during execution.
- If the reason for this error cannot be determined, contact SMA support.
XPS127ECheckpoint Tracking Error: [jobinfo]- Indicates a failure occurred in the SAPI module XPSTATUS while trying to determine the status of a job that appears to have been removed from JES during execution.
- If the reason for this error cannot be determined, contact SMA support.
XPS128EIP Recv Error: [errorinfo]- Indicates a failure occurred in the TCP/IP server module XPSERVER.
- An IP record was received on the OpCon Port that had no valid header information and had a non-zero length.
- If the reason for this error cannot be determined, contact SMA support.
XPS196CInvalid Reply- Indicates an invalid reply was issued in response the XPS110A message.
- Only "Y" or "N" is accepted.
XPS275IEXPIRING: [dsnmask | message pattern]- Because it has not been referenced in 45 days, the dataset or message entry is being removed from the monitor table.
XPS80xiMessages- Displays User Exit issues or status.
- The x digit refers to the exit number (1 – 9).
- The 'I' information character refers to the typical Action/Information Indicator.
XPS80xISubmit Exit [exitname] Active- Indicates the first time a user exit is invoked in normal processing.
- The activation of that exit is noted on the console.
XPS80xIUser Exit [exitname] Reset- This is a response to an operator command (F LSAM,REPUSERx) or to an internal error in User Exit #n.
- The exit has been reset for reload. It is reloaded and refreshed at the next normal exit call.
XPS80xEInvalid Return Code From User Exit- Indicates the exit x has returned a value other than that allowed.
- The exit may be deactivated and the current job canceled.
- Valid return codes for each XPS390 user exit is outlined in the XPUSERnn member of hilevel.midlevel.INSTLIB.
- Valid return codes are multiples of four starting with zero (e.g., 00, 04, 08, 12…).
XPS80xELoad Failed For XPUSERnn- Indicates the exit referred to by XPUSERnn is not in the //STEPLIB concatenation of the OPCON Proc.
- Replace and try again.
XPS600IREPLY TO nn IS; [reply]- Indicates the reply referenced (nn) was issued by the LSAM as directed by a WTO Table Event entry.
- This message is issued by the OpCon z/OS LSAM Automated Response feature.
- This is the OpCon LSAM echo of the IBM IEE600I message. Refer to IEE600I for details.
XPS999IBatch Job Statistics:- Displays an informational set of job execution messages provided by OpCon exit XPSACTRT.
- Although the exit is installed by OpCon, all batch jobs, whether or not they are scheduled, receives these messages if the STEPMSGS=Y option is coded in XPSPRMxx.
XPSI499EISPLINK BLDL/FETCH FAILED- Indicates the OpCon ISPF table editor was unable to load the ISPLINK module.