Batch File Integration
File integration provides the following capabilities.
- Export a specific schedule from an OpCon System to a file.
- Export a specific script version from an OpCon System to a file.
- Export a specific schedule version from the Deploy database to a file.
- Export a specific script version from the Deploy database to a file.
- Import a schedule definition into the Deploy database from a file.
- Import a new version of an existing script into the Deploy database from a file.
File Integration is performed using a command-line interface (CLI).
File.SMAOpConDeployClient supports the following arguments in the CLI:
- Required argument that indicates the action to be performed.
- IMPORT import a schedule (new or new version) or a new script version into the Deploy database from a file
- EXPORT export a specific schedule version or a specific script version from the Deploy database into a file
- OEXPORT export a schedule or a specific script version from and OpCon system (defined in Deploy Server configuration) into a file
- Required argument that indicates the directory where the extracted information will be placed for EXPORT & OEXPORT actions and where the information can be read for IMPORT actions.
- Optional argument used for OEXPORT action and defines the OpCon system that the object must be extracted from. The value is the name of a server definition in the Deploy database.
- Required argument that consists of the password of the user that is defined in the -u argument
- The password must be encrypted using the encryption tool provided by Enterprise Manager
- Required argument that indicates the object type associated with the action
- Required argument that indicates the name of the schedule or script associated with the action.
- schedule EXPORT/OEXPORT contains the name of the schedule to export. The value is used to create the filename along with a .json extension
- script EXPORT/OEXPORT contains the name of the script to export. The value is used to create the filename
- schedule IMPORT contains the name of the schedule to import. The value is used to create the filename along with a .json extension
- script IMPORT contains the name of the script to import. The value is used to create the filename
- Required argument that defines the user that will perform the action
- It must be a registered user in the repository
- During the DEPLOY or SIMULATE actions, a check is made to determine if the user has the appropriate role to access the server defined in the -s argument
- Optional argument that defines the version of the schedule or script to export.
- EXPORT action defines the version of the schedule or script to extract from the Deploy datatabase
- OEXPORT action defines the version of the script to extract from the OpCon system
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "EXPORT" -t "SCHEDULE" - tn "SCH001" -v 5 -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "OEXPORT" -t "SCHEDULE" - tn "SCH001" -o "OPCONDEV" -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "EXPORT" -t "SCRIPT" - tn "scripta" -v 5 -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "OEXPORT" -t "SCRIPT" - tn "scripta" -v 5 -o "OPCONDEV" -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "IMPORT" -t "SCHEDULE" - tn "SCHD001" -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
C:\test\deploy\File.SMAOpConDeployClient.exe -a "IMPORT" -t "SCRIPT" - tn "scripta" -di "c:\test\data" -u admin -p lBsC5ohnSf2P7/Ku81FiGw==
The above examples show how the File.SMAOpConDeployClient program can be used to export / import definitions:
- In the first example, version 5 of schedule SCH001 is extracted from the Deploy database and written into a file c:\test\data\SCH001.json
- In the second example, schedule SCH001 is extracted from OpCon system OPCONDEV written into a file c:\test\data\SCH001.json
- In the third example, version 5 of script scripta is extracted from the Deploy database and written into a file c:\test\data\scripta
- In the fourth example, version 5 of script scripta is extracted from OpCon system OPCONDEV written into a file c:\test\data\scripta
- In the fifth example, the definition contained in file c:\test\data\SCH001.json is imported into the Deploy database. If schedule SCH001 exists, a new version is created.
- In the sixth example, the definition contained in file c:\test\data\scripta is imported into the Deploy database creating a version of the script.