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Compression and Decompression


This step will compress all files that match the File Filter specified in the Source section of the job into a single zip file.


  • File Name (Optional)
    • Defines the name of the zip file to create.

      If no name is specified, the compress step will name the zip the same as the first file that is part of the zip.

  • Password (Optional)
    • Definition that defines a password that can be added to the compressed file.


This step will decompressthe compressed file set that match the File Filter specified in the Source section of the job into a single zip file. You can also specifiy to decrypt a single that is contained in a compressed file set.


  • Password (Optional)
    • Defines a password that must be used to decompress the file.
  • Extract Filter
    • The compressed file could contain multiple files and it is therefore possible to only require specific files within the compressed file.
    • Use an asterick ( * ) to extract all files or specific files by defining a file type using wild cards.
    • Multiple types can be entered using the pipe ( | ).