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Version: 23.1

IBM i Function Keys

Common Function Keys

The following list of common function key assignments reflects the way that SMA has typically assigned function keys in the IBM i LSAM software. A general attempt has been made to conform to the typical function key assignments found in many of the IBM i display formats. This gives a consistent look and feel within the LSAM software and between the LSAM software and applications from other vendors who have chosen to conform to the typical IBM assignments.

Function KeyNameDescription
F1HelpShows help text, when it's available.
F2UtilityAccess to supporting utility functions.
F3ExitExits the current operation completely, returning to the menu or command entry line.
F4PromptWhere supported, F4 accesses the IBM i command prompt. Otherwise, displays a prompt window or list for options on the screen.
F5RefreshRedraws the screen with updated information. During ADD/CREATE operations, resets the data entry display to blank or default values.
F6CreateCreates or adds new records to a file.
F7Show Previous; Show Details; Re-assign list sequence numbers; general purpose keyShow DynVar Schedule Instances. In Operator Replay: DSPLBLWU displays a cross reference to all Script Steps where a Step Label is used. Otherwise, assigned to special purpose functions.
F8Show Next; Prompt Dynamic VariablesDisplays a window listing registered Dynamic Variables for selection and insertion into a data entry display.
F9Prompt cursor commands; Print screen or list report.In Operator Replay, F9 is used to display a list of cursor movement control sequences for insertion into the String to Send. Some programs support sending the displayed list to a printed report spool file.
F10Branch to Data Capture Rules; Display in Hex modeIn LSAM features that use captured data, branches to Select/Maintain Data Capture Applications. On some displays, changes the display to show over/under hexadecimal characters corresponding to printable characters on the line above the hex code. Sometimes used to change the columns of data in a list display.
F11Toggle list sort order, or list contentSwitches the sort order of a list display. Sometimes used to change details that are shown on a list display.
F12CancelCancels an operation, returns to previous screen.
F13More+; special purpose"More+" = On many data entry displays, F13 brances to a dedicated data display to show an entire very large data entry field. Otherwise, used for special purpose function access.
F14Confirm updates or deletesConfirm updates, typically confirming delete record action.
F15SubsetLimits the list on the screen to certain types.
F16Search/Search nextEither F16 or Enter may be used to start a search on list displays that show a Search content field. After a search finds the first result, F16 must be used to continue the search to the next record in the list that matches the search argument.
F17TopOn list displays, move the display to the first record in the list.
F18BottomOn list displays, move the display to the last record in the list.
F19Window leftOn lists with very long rows, shifts the display window to the left (towards the beginning of a row).
F20Window rightOn lists with very long rows, shifts the display window to the right (towards the end of the row).
F21WRKJOB; command entryDisplays the IBM i Work with Job; access IBM i QCMD shell command entry.
F22Access utility functionsProvides access to supporting utility functions.
F23Prompt $VARs; utility functionsOn displays that can use the $-System variable strings, shows a list of variables supported on that display.
F24More KeysDisplays more function keys if they are available.