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An alternate to the traditional OpCon - Agent - Application integration approach was developed providing a simpler integration approach for future applications.

The approach requires that the application to be integrated supports a Rest-API, which then allows the application to function as the OpCon Agent. Enhancements to the SMANetCom module provides new functionality that communicates directly with the application using standard Rest-API calls (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).

The OpCon MFT Server is an additional component of the OpCon MFT Agent.

Architecture Overview

OpCon provides the following functions:

  • Stores the task definition as an OpConMFT Job type.
  • Additions to the OpCon Rest-API to support the new OpConMFT Job type.
  • Extensions to the OpCon Rest-API to route requests to the OpCon MFT Agent Rest-API.
  • The communication between OpCon and the OpCon MFT Agent through SMANetCom.
  • Schedules the task.
  • Additions to JORS environment to retrieve the job log from the OpCon MFT Agent.

The Solution Manager Client provides the following functions:

  • Master Job and Daily Job UI for defining and managing OpConMFT Job types.
  • Endpoints UI for defining and managing endpoints in the OpCon MFT Agent.
  • Encryption Key UI for defining encryption information in the OpCon MFT Agent.

The OpCon MFT Agent provides the following functions:

  • Stores endpoint definitions.
  • Stores encryption definitions.
  • Execution of tasks submitted by OpCon.
  • Accepts webhook registration requests from OpCon for the OpCon MFT Server.

The SMANetCom module has been enhanced to support connections to a remote application using Rest-API calls.


A new capability has been added to SMANetCom allowing SMANetCom to directly interact with a Rest-API. The implementation requires a ProxyAgent which provides the mapping between the traditional SMANetCom TX Messages and the Rest-API endpoints of the associated application.

The new capability implements message queuing to pass requests to the ProxyAgents. The ProxyAgents returns data to SMANetCom via callback methods provided on each request.

The OpCon Agent LsamTypeId provides the indication that this agent type is a Rest-API agent and will be managed by this new capability. A LSAMTYPEID of 90 or greater will be interpreted as a Rest-API agent.

During SMANetCom startup if a Rest-API agent is detected, the specific Rest-API agent information is retrieved from the database (address, port, token, etc). The AgentProxy for the Rest-API is started, passing the address, port and token information. A TX4 message type is then generated and passed to the ProxyAgent. During normal operations a TXH message is generated and passed to the AgentProxy. These messages are used to determine if the application is available and will set the specific OpCon Agent into an available or unavailable status for task processing.

SMANetCom retrieves TX messages (TX1 or TX2) from the MSGS_TO_NETCOM table, checks the LSAMTYPEID of the message and if this is a Rest-API agent places it on the approriate queue for the target ProxyAgent. The ProxyAgent processes the messages and returns the correctly formatted responses which are placed in the MSGS_TO_SAM table.

OpCon MFT AgentProxy

The OpCon MFT AgentProxy provides the link between SMANetCom and the OpCon MFT Agent which is a service running on a Windows Server.

The AgentProxy uses various libraries to support the communications between SMANetCom and the Rest-API application.

The AgentProxy accepts the standard TX messages from SMANetCom and maps them to the Rest-API endpoints supported by the OpCon MFT Agent. The returned data from the Rest-API requests are reformatted to TX message responses which are passed to the SMANetCom infrastructure via the CallBack methods. The ProxyAgent uses the Rest API Library, Rest-API Model Library and the MFT Model Library when communicating with the OpCon MFT Agent Rest-API.

Whenever an OpCon task is started, a unique jobId is generated for the OpCon task. This means that if a task is restarted, a new jobId will be generated for the task. This approach allows the information for specific task executions to be visible within the OpCon environment. OpCon MFT has a similar implementation and every time a task is started by the OpCon MFT Agent a new jobId will be generated. The OpCon MFT Agent maintains a table mapping the OpCon unique jobId (Integer portion) to the OpCon MFT jobId.

When restarting a failed OpCon MFT task, a new opCon jobId wil be generated, but will be redirected to the failed OpCon MFT task jobId. The OpCon MFT task then restarts from the failed step.

TX1 Message

A task in OpCon MFT is defined by a GROUPNAME.JOBNAME value. When defining a task, the Department name of the task is used as the group name and the job name of the task is used for the job name. Any special characters are removed from the group and job names.

The AgentProxy receives a TX1 message from SMANetCom and checks to see if the OpCon MFT jobId is 0. If the value is 0 then a new OpCon MFT task will generated. If the value is non zero, then the existing OpCon MFT task must be restarted.

New Task

The AgentProxy receives a TX1 message from SMANetCom. If the provided runid (field code 25001) is 0 it maps this to a /api/job/start{groupName}.{correctedJobName}/withtag/{tagName} POST function where the tagName is the integer portion of the OpCon unique jobId. The request responds with the OpCon MFT Agent jobId. The job running status, the OpCon Agent JobId and a JORS file identifier are returned to SMANetCom and passed to OpCon where the OpCon Agent jobId and JORS file identifier are stored in the SMASTER_AUX table associated with the OpCon task.

The AgentProxy then monitors the started task for completion (either successful or failed) by first retrieving the runid using /api/run/bytag/{tagName} a GET function where the tagName is the integer portion of the OpCon unique jobId to get the OpCon MFT Agent task jobId and then using the /api/run/status/{runid} GET function to retrieve the status of the opCon MFT Agent task. During each execution, if the task is still active, the contents of the last_message field is returned to OpCon. If the job completes and it is successful, a 0 value for OpConAgent JobId will be returned as well as the completion code. If the OpCon MFT task failed, only the completion code will be returned.

Restart Task

The AgentProxy receives a TX1 message from SMANetCom. If the provided runid (field code 25001) is non 0 it maps this to a /api/job/restart/job.runId}/withtag/{tagName} POST function where the tagName is the integer portion of the OpCon unique jobId. The request responds with the OpCon MFT Agent jobId. The job running status, the OpCon Agent JobId and a JORS file identifier are returned to SMANetCom and passed to OpCon where the OpCon Agent jobId and JORS file identifier are stored in the SMASTER_AUX table associated with the OpCon task.

The AgentProxy then monitors the started task for completion (either successful or failed) by first retrieving the runid using /api/run/bytag/{tagName} a GET function where the tagName is the integer portion of the OpCon unique jobId to get the OpCon MFT Agent task jobId and then using the /api/run/status/{runid} GET function to retrieve the status of the OpCon MFT Agent task. During each execution, if the task is still active, the contents of the last_message field is returned to OpCon. If the job completes and it is successful, a 0 value for OpConAgent JobId will be returned as well as the completion code. If the OpCon MFT task failed, only the completion code will be returned.

TX2 Message

The AgentProxy receives a TX2 message from SMANetCom and maps this to a /api/run/status/{runid} GET function to retrieve the status of the OpCon MFT Agent task. If the task is found a status request is passed back to SMANetCom and returned to OpCon. If the task is not found in the OpCon MFT Agent, a not found message is passed back to SMANetCom and returned to OpCon.

TX4 Message

The AgentProxy receives a TX4 message from SMANetCom when SMANetCom starts or the OpCon MFT Agent is set to an active state and maps this to a api/agent/info GET function. This is used to see if the OpCon MFT Agent is available. If a response is received, a positive response is returned to SMANetCom. If an exception occurs, a negative response is returned to SMANetCom and the OpCon MFT Agent is set in a down state (not available). Currently the OpCon MFT Agent version is returned which is passed to SMANetCom and returned to OpCon where it is saved in the MACHS_AUX table.

TXH Message

The AgentProxy receives a TXH message from SMANetCom on a timed basis and maps this to a api/agent/info GET function. This is used to see if the OpCon MFT Agent is available. If a response is received, a positive response is returned to SMANetCom. If an exception occurs a negative response is returned to SMANetCom and the OpCon MFT Agent is set in a down state (not available).


The LSAMDataRetriever has been modified to check for OpCon MFT job log requests. The SMALSAMDataRetriever uses the Rest API Library the Rest-API Model Library and the MFT Model Library when communicating with the OpCon MFT Agent Rest-API.

The JORS information passed to SMALSAMDataRetriever includes the OpCon MFT Agent name and the Integer portion of the OpCon jobId. The agent information is extracted from the OpCon database and a connection is established to the OpCon MFT Agent.

The job log consists of the OpCon MFT Agent task status information and the step information associated with the OpCon MFT Agent task. The JORS request is first mapped to /api/run/bytag/{tagName} GET function to retrieve the jobId of the OpCon MFT Agent task associated with the OpCon task. Once the jodid is retrieved, a /api/run/status/{runid} GET function is submitted to retrieve the status information of the OpCon MFT Agent task, followed by a /api/run/bytag/{tagName} GET function to retrieve the step information of the OpCon MFT Agent task.

Solution Manager

When defining an OpCon MFT task, endpoint and encryption information must be retrieved from the OpCon MFT Agent through the OpCon MFT Rest-API. Solution Manager itself does not connect directly to the OpCon MFT Rest-API. Solution Manager only interacts with the OpCon Rest-API. The OpCon Rest-API server will retrieve the information from the associated OpCon MFT Agent.

Rest-API Client Library

This library provides a set of generalized Rest-API calls required for communicating with a Rest-API application. It includes authentication methods as well as GET, POST and PUT methods. It is used by the AgentProxy agent and the LSAMDataRetriever to submit requests to the OpCon MFT Agent.

Rest-API Model Library

This library provides a set of generalized models that are used by the Rest-API Client Library. It also includes a specific OpCon MFT module to provide additional functions to support the OpCon MFT Agent. These additional functions are used by the ProxyAgent to convert the task definition information received from SMANetCom (TX1 message) to the JSON definition that the /api/job/start endpoint requires.

MFT Model Library

This library provides the model definitions used by the OpCon MFT Agent Rest-API. It is used by the ProxyAgent and the LSAMDataRetriever when submitting requests to the OpCon MFT Agent Rest-API.


Triggers are automatically posted by the OpCOn MFT Server to the OpCon Webhook. The following triggers events are submitted to OpCon

  • MFT Server Logon
  • MFT Server Logoff
  • MFT Server Upload
  • MFT Server Download
  • MFT Server Start
  • MFT Server Copy File
  • MFT Server Move File
  • MFT Server Move Directory
  • MFT Server Delete File
  • MFT Server Delete Directory


OpCon webhook that receives trigger events and forwards these to the CloudEvents module for processing. Applications that submit trigger events to OpCon are authenticated by OpCon receiving a token from OpCon that must be accompanied with every trigger event. Any trigger event that does not contain a token or and an invalid token are ignored by the webhook.


CloudEvents is a new OpCon feature that receives trigger events from the Webhook. It provides the capability to define Trigger Filters for matches on the incoming messages and then processing a defined action for the match.

Each incoming message must match the schema definition for Webhook messages.

The Trigger filters operate on three components of the Trigger message (source - details, type, time).

The Trigger Events (actions) consist of OpCon Events. Standard property definitions for file events exist within the OpCon system which can be used to inject file information into OpCon events.