Machine messages
To the right of the OpCon Job Status in the Operation Daily List screen, the SAP LSAM populates a 20-character message to communicate numeric job completion information. This information is located in the Detailed Job Messages parameter in Enterprise Manager>Operation>Job Information screen>Configuration Tab>Operations Related Information Tab. For additional information, refer to Job Information in the Enterprise Manager online help.
- For jobs that are running, the LSAM returns the SAP job number.
- If the running job has child jobs, the LSAM returns the current status of the child job(s) in following format: <Child Name> - <Current Status>
- The Child Name displays up to 15 characters of the child job name.
- The current status contains one of the following:
- Actv: Active
- Rdy: Ready
- Int: Intercepted
- Schd: Scheduled
- Fin: Finished
- Term: Terminated
- Rel: Released
The complete child name and its current status are available in the Job Configuration screen.
- For jobs that Finish OK, the LSAM returns information in the following format: 0-< SAP job ID>
- For jobs that Failed, the LSAM returns information in the following format: <LSAM Exit Code> - <SAM or SAP job number>
- If the LSAM was unable to create a copy of the SAP R/3 and CRM job before it failed, the message contains the SAM job number.
- If the LSAM was able to create a copy of the SAP R/3 and CRM job before it failed, the message contains the SAP Job number.