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New installation

The agent installation consists of copying the tar file to the server and extracting the information from the tar file.

When installing the Tuxedo ART Agent, it must be installed under root so the scripts for automatic recovery can be inserted into the UNIX/Linux environment; however, it must be noted that the Tuxedo ART Agent must run under the same user code as the Tuxedo environment otherwise it cannot 'join' the Tuxedo environment.

The install process will register the agent as a 'service.'

Agent installation

Install the Tuxedo ART Agent

  1. Copy the supplied tar file SMA_Tuxedo_Art_Agent.tar to the UNIX/Linux system.
  2. Extract the tar file using the tar -xf SMA_Tuxedo_ART_Agent.tar command.
  3. Edit the install_tux script to set the user code the Agent must run under to connect to Tuxedo before installing the Agent.
  4. Change the user code \<system> in the following line to the user code associated with the Tuxedo environment.
  5. Install the Tuxedo ART Agent by executing the install_tux script. The script expects the following arguments:
    • Argument: 1
      • Value: new | add
      • Description: A value of new will install the agent creating the root directory. A value of add will add another installation to the root directory.
    • Argument: 2
      • Value: root directory
      • Description: The absolute pathname of the root installation directory.
    • Argument: 3
      • Value: port
      • Description: The port number for the installation. This value is used as the port number and the value 10 is added to the port number to get the JORS port value. The value is also used as the directory name for the installation (i.e., \<root directory>/\<port>).
  6. Edit the SMA_tux_agent script located in the installation directory replacing the user code \<system> in the following line to the user code associated with the Tuxedo environment.
  7. Edit the artjesadmin_o, artjesadmin_ov, and artjesadmin_s scripts located in the installation directory by replacing the default value (cd /home/system/TuxedoAgent) with the directory of the installation.
  8. Edit the XPSCOMM script located in the installation directory by replacing the default value (-Dconfigfile=/home/system/TuxedoAgent/Agent.config) with the directory of the installation.
  9. Edit the Agent.config file located in the installation directory by setting the required values for the installation. For more information, refer to Agent.config file configuration.
  10. Copy the Tuxedo environment script associated with the application to the Tuxedo Agent installation directory (e.g. /usr/local/SMATuxedoAgents/3100).

Machine Creation

When a Tuxedo ART Agent is installed, create a machine record with a unique Machine name and Socket number in OpCon/xps. If the machine was previously defined in OpCon, you may skip this procedure.

Create the Machine in OpCon

  1. Use menu path: Start > Programs > OpConxps > Enterprise Manager. The OpCon Login screen displays.
  2. Enter a case-sensitive User Login ID (e.g., ocadm) in the Username text box.
  3. Enter the case-sensitive password for the user in the Password text box.
  4. Select the profile in the Profile drop-down list.
  5. Click the Login button to log in to the Enterprise Manager.
  6. Double-click on Machines under the Administration topic in the Navigation Panel. The Machines screen displays.
  7. Click the Add button on the Machines toolbar.
  8. Enter the official host name or alias based on the Agent machine in the Name text box.
  9. Enter any relevant documentation for this Agent machine in the Documentation text box.
  10. Select Tuxedo ART in the Machine Type drop-down list.
  11. Set the value to a unique number (e.g., 3100) in the Socket Number box.
  12. (Optional) Enter the IPv4 or IPv6 address in the IP Address field.
  13. (Optional) Enter the name in the Fully Qualified Domain Name field.
  14. Click the Save button on the Machines toolbar.
  15. Click Open Advanced Settings Panel under the Advanced Settings frame. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  16. Click the Communications Settings tab.
  17. Configure the TCP/IP Address for the Tuxedo ART system.
  18. Click Update.
  19. Configure the JORS Port Number for the port for communication with the Tuxedo ART machine.
  20. Click Update.
  21. Click Save.
  22. (Optional) Start communication with the machine by:
    • Right-clicking over the graphic to enable the menu in the Communication Status frame.
    • Selecting Start Communication from the menu.
  23. Click on the x to the right of the Machines tab to close the Machines screen.