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  • The AzureVM.exe connector needs Java version 11 to function
    • An embedded JavaRuntimeEnvironment 11 is included along with the delivery zip / tar files. Once the archive extracted, "/java" directory contains the JRE binaries.


Download file from the desired release available here.

After download, extract the zip file to the location you'd like to install the connector to. Once unzipped, everything needed should be located under the root folder of that directory.

After extract, copy the Enterprise Manager Job-Subtype from the /emplugins directory to dropins directory of each Enterprise Manager that will create job definitions (if the directory does not exist, create it).

Restart Enterprise Manager and a new Windows Job Sub-Type Azure Storage should be visible (if not restart Enterprise Manager using 'Run as Administrator').

Create a global property AzureVmPath that contains the full path of the installation directory.

Create the OpCon global properties associated with the drop-down lists used when creating virtual machines. The provided lists are not complete and items can be added or removed from the drop down-lists by simply editing the global properties.

AZURE_WINDOWS_SERVERS Create the global property and add the values contained in Windows Image List using a comma to separate them. The doubles quotes surrounding the values must be retained. These values will then be visible in the drop-down list. AZURE_LINUX_SERVERS Create the global property and add the values contained in Linux Image List using a comma to separate them. The doubles quotes surrounding the values must be retained. These values will then be visible in the drop-down list. AZURE_SERVER_SIZES Create the global property and add the values contained in Server Size List using a comma to separate them. The doubles quotes surrounding the values must be retained. These values will then be visible in the drop-down list.


The Azure Vm connector uses a configuration file Connector.config that contains the Azure account information.

The account information consists of the subscription ID, the tenant ID, the client ID and secret key. These values can be trieved from the Azure environment.

The connection subsction ID, tenant ID, client ID and the secret key must be encrypted using the Encrypt.exe program.

The encryption tool provides basic encryption capabilities to prevent configuration information from being displayed in clear text.

The connector also connects to the OpCon environment to save virtual machine addresses in global properties. This connection uses a application token when connecting to OpCon through the OpCon Rest-API. The application token must be encrypted using the Encrypt.exe program.

The connector provides a --setup switch which can be used to set the OpCon Api information in the Connector.config. An application token of CONNECTORS is created and the returned token is encrypted and inserted in Connector.config as OPCONAPI_TOKEN.

When using this switch the following arguments are required.

-usernameAn OpCon user name that is a member of the ocadm role.
-passwordThe password of the OpCon user.
-addressThe address and port number of the OpCon Rest-API server - this information in inserted into the Connector.config as OPCON-ADDRESS.
-tlsIndicates if the OpCon Rest-API requires a tls connection - this information is inserted into the Connector.config as OPCONAPI_USING_TLS.
AzureVM.exe --setup -username name -password pwd -address server:port -tls

Connector.config file example:

NAME=Azure VM Connector

TENANT = (encrypted value)
SUBSCRIPTION = (encrypted value)
CLIENT = (encrypted value)
KEY = (encrypted value)

OPCONAPI_ADDRESS = address:port
OPCONAPI_TOKEN = (encrypted value)

TENANTTextencrypted value is the tenant ID encrypted using the using the Encrypt.exe program.
SUBSCRIPTIONTextencrypted value is the subscription ID encrypted using the using the Encrypt.exe program.
CLIENTTextencrypted value is the client ID encrypted using the using the Encrypt.exe program.
KEYTextencrypted value is the secret key encrypted using the using the Encrypt.exe program.

OPCON_API_ADDRESS | Text | is the address of the OpCon System and in inserted into the configuration file using the --setup switch on AzureVM.exe OPCON_API_USING_TLS | Text | indicates if the OpCon System is using tls and in inserted into the configuration file using the --setup switch on AzureVM.exe OPCON_API_TOKEN | Text | encrypted value is the application token used to connect to the OpCon System and into inserted in the configuration file using the --setup switch on AzureVM.exe

Encrypt Utility

The Encrypt utility uses standard 64 bit encryption.

Supports a -v argument and displays the encrypted value

On Windows, example on how to encrypt the value "abcdefg":

Encrypt -v abcdefg

Windows Image List


Linux Image List


Server Size List
