Setting Preferences for Gantt
Close and re-open the charts to refer to the change in this section take effect.
To set the preferences:
- Launch the Enterprise Manager application.
- Use menu path: EnterpriseManager > Preferences. The Preferences dialog displays.
- Click on the arrow (
) next to Enterprise Manager in the Preferences tree to expand the drop-down list.
- Click on Gantt. The Gantt settings display to the right.
- (Optional) Select the Show job names checkbox to display the Job names on the chart. (It is selected by default.)
- (Optional) Select the Show progression checkbox to refer to the percent complete for each job (based on estimated run time) on the chart. (It is selected by default.)
- (Optional) Select the Show dependencies checkbox to refer to the job dependency lines on the chart. (It is selected by default.)
- (Optional) Select the Refresh while moving events (slower) checkbox to cause dependent job boxes to move while moving a target job in the Plan Mode. (It is not selected by default.) If this option is not selected, the dependent job boxes move when the target job is dropped into a new position.
- (Optional) Click inside the Space between jobs(pixels) text box and type a different value to adjust the spacing between the Jobs listed in the chart (default is set to 5 pixels). The maximum setting is 10 pixels.
- (Optional) Select from the Themes drop-down list a different Theme for the date/time bar at the top of the Gantt chart (default is set to Windows Blue).
- (Optional) select from the Type of dependencies drop-down list the way job dependency lines are displayed in the Gantt chart.
- Click Apply to save the changes in this dialog.
- Click OK to save the changes and close the Preferences dialog.