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Version: OpCon 22.0 (On-Prem)

Managing SAP R/3 and CRM Background Functions

SAP Login

The first time you attempt to retrieve data from the SAP system, the User Interface displays an SAP Login screen. The Login screen contains the following fields:

  • Machine: Select the SAP R/3 and CRM LSAM Machine name. For information on adding an LSAM Machine to OpCon, refer to the Managing Machines.
  • User ID: Enter a valid SAP login ID.
  • Password: Enter the correct SAP password for the User ID.
  • Language: Enter the two-character language abbreviation (e.g., enter EN for English).

To log in to the SAP machine:

  1. Double-click on Machine Status under the Operation topic.
  2. Right-click on the preferred SAP R/3 and CRM machine.
  3. Hover over SAP Machine in the right-click menu and click on SAP Jobs.

SAP Machine

The SAP Machine context menu provides access to SAP background functions through the Machine Status screen. The menu contains the following options: Event Driven Automation, SAP Jobs, Interception Profiles, Intercept SAP Jobs, Background Process Resources, Raise SAP Events, and Event Profiles.

Event Driven Automation

The SAP Event Driven Automation screen provides a list of triggers to define for a job.


An event profile which monitors the SAP events defined in Event Driven Automation must be created and active on the SAP system for Event Driven Automation to work.

  • Add: Click the Add button to create a new trigger.
  • Remove: Click the Remove button to delete a trigger.
  • Edit: Click the Edit button to edit a trigger.
  • Name: Defines the name of the trigger.
  • SAP Event ID: Defines the ID for the SAP Event.
  • SAP Event Param: Defines the parameters set for the SAP Event.
  • OpCon Events: Indicates the number of OpCon Events defined for the trigger.
  • Save: Click the Save button to save the latest changes.

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SAP Jobs

The View SAP Jobs screen contains search filter criteria to support copying SAP jobs, editing SAP jobs, and viewing SAP job logs. The filtering is optional.

Job Name Criteria: Enter case-sensitive text matching the name of the preferred job(s) in the SAP system. If unsure of the whole job name, use wildcards (*) to expand the search.

Search SAP: Clicking the Search SAP button retrieves all job names matching the search criteria and populates the SAP Jobs grid.

Filter by Create Date or Event ID: Use one of the two following options:

  • Date: Enter a date range to search for the job.
  • Event ID: Enter an Event ID associated with the job.

Filter by Job Status: Select the checkbox by each job status to include in the data grid. Available job statuses are:

  • Scheduled
  • Ready
  • Finished
  • Released
  • Active
  • Canceled

SAP Jobs: Below the job status checkboxes, a table contains the search results in the following columns: Job Name, Job Number, Status.

Job Log: Click the Job Log button to view the selected job's SAP job log information.

Edit Job: Click the Edit Job button to modify the job on the SAP system.

Copy Job: Click the Copy Job button to create a duplicate job on the SAP system.

SAP Global Actions Shortcuts:

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Interception Profiles

The SAP Interception Profiles screen contains a list of SAP profiles from SAP that are set for job interception and allows the user to create additional profiles for interception.

  • Create: Click the Create button to create a profile for interception.
  • Edit: Click the Edit button to edit a profile for interception.
  • Activate: Click the Activate button to activate a profile for interception.
  • Deactivate: Click the Deactivate button to deactivate a profile for interception.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete a profile for interception.
  • Profile ID: Defines the ID assigned to the profile.
  • Description: Defines the description for the profile for interception.
  • State: Defines whether the profile is activated or deactivated. An X indicates the profile is active.
  • Author: Defines the User ID that created the profile for interception.
  • Refresh: Click the Refresh button to refresh the page.

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Intercept SAP Jobs

The View Intercepted SAP Jobs screen contains a list of numbers for all intercepted SAP jobs. Below is a brief explanation of the screen.


Click on the specific column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • Job Name: Contains the intercepted SAP job names.
  • Job Number: Contains the intercepted SAP job numbers.
  • Childs: Indicates the number of child jobs.
  • Parent Child: Identifies the job as a Child (C) or Parent (P).
  • Parent Count: If the job is a Child, contains the intercepted job's SAP parent job number.
  • Parent Name: If the job is a Child, contains the intercepted job's SAP parent job name.
  • Intercepted Date: Date the job was intercepted.
  • Intercepted Time: Time the job was intercepted.
  • Start ASAP: Click the Start ASAP button to enable the selected SAP job to start as soon as there is a background process available.
  • Refresh: Click the Refresh button to retrieve an updated list of intercepted jobs.

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Background Process Resources

The Background Process Resources screen contains information regarding the availability of SAP background processes.

  • Query SAP: Click the Query SAP button to retrieve an updated status of background process resource availability.
  • Application Server Name: Contains the application server names that have designated background processes for SAP job processing.
  • Host: Contains the host servers supporting the SAP application.
  • Total Processes: Contains the number of total background processes assigned for background job processing.
  • Free Processes: Contains the number of background processes available (e.g., not busy) to run jobs.

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Raise SAP Events

The Raise SAP Events screen contains the fields to send an SAP event to satisfy an SAP job event requirement.

  • SAP Event Id: Enter the text event to trigger the preferred SAP job(s). One event triggers all SAP jobs waiting for that same event.
  • Parameters: (Optional) Enter any required parameters for the event.
  • Send: Click the Send button to send the event to the SAP system.

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Event Profiles

The SAP Event History Profiles screen defines the profile that will be used to match against any event happening on the SAP System. The Event History profile lets you configure what type of SAP events occurring on the SAP system should be monitored.

  • Create: Click the Create button to create a profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Edit: Click the Edit button to edit a profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Activate: Click the Activate button to activate a profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Deactivate: Click the Deactivate button to deactivate a profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete a profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Profile ID: Defines the ID assigned to the profile.
  • Description: Contains the description for the profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • State: Defines whether the profile is activated or deactivated. An X indicates the profile is active.
  • Author: Defines the User ID that created of the profile for monitoring SAP event history.
  • Refresh: Click the Refresh button to refresh the page.

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