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Version: OpCon 22.0 (On-Prem)


The SAM and supporting services (SAM-SS) have several important logs. All logs are located in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\ directory.

SAM and Supporting Services Log Files

The log files have the names:

  • Sam.log
  • Critical.log
  • SMANetCom.log
  • SMANetComTrace.log
  • SMAServMan.log
  • SMANotifyHandler.log
  • SMAStartTimeCalculator.log
  • SMARequestRouter.log

The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

View a Log File

  1. Use menu path: Start > Programs > Log Monitors > <Log Name>.
  2. View the log information with FileMon.
  3. Close FileMon by using menu path: File > Exit .

Log Archiving

Each component archives log files at the end of the day or when they reach the maximum log file size configured in the component's .ini file. All archived log files reside in the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\Archive folder.


The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.

If an archive folder for the day does not already exist, the component creates one. The folder names use the following naming convention: yyyy_mm_dd (Weekday). The logging mechanism generates the weekday name according to the Regional Settings of the user executing the component.


If the Regional Settings are set to English, an archive folder would have the following name: 2008_01_11 (Friday).

If the Regional Settings are set to French, an archive folder would have the following name: 2008_01_11 (Vendredi).

As a log file fills up, each component moves it to the current archive folder and renames it using the following naming convention: Log StartTime - StopTime.log.


An SMANetCom archive file for the time range of 12:58:16 to 13:58:00 would be named SMANetCom 125816 - 135800.log.

Once per day the SAM deletes old archive folders. The SAM retains 10 days of archived logs by default. For additional information, refer to the "Maximum number of days archived SAM logs should be kept" logging setting. Refer to Logging in the Concepts online help.

SAM Logging

The SAM writes two logs to the <Output Directory>\SAM\Log\ directory. The log files have the names:

In both log files, the SAM writes the complete job name to identify the jobs.


The Output Directory was configured during installation. For more information, refer to File Locations in the Concepts online help.


The SAM writes all successful processing information (i.e., Schedule/Job starts, Schedule/Job completions, Event processing, etc.) to the SAM.log file. Additionally, the SAM writes all configuration information to the log when it starts or when it regenerates.

  • If the SAM encounters a corrupt SAM.log file at startup, the SAM archives the bad log file. The naming convention for such a log file is SAM hhmmss - Bad File.log where hhmmss is the SAM's start time. For example, if the SAM tries to read a bad SAM.log file at 09:00:00, the SAM archives the corrupt log file as SAM 090000 - Bad File.log.
  • If the SAM log is locked when SAM starts up, it will write to the critical and Application Event log, and will also terminate immediately.
  • If the SAM log is locked while SAM is running, it still writes to the critical log but not to the Application Event log and it will continue to run.


The SAM writes all processing errors to the Critical.log file. Examples of errors logged are machine communication failure, database connection problems, event processing failures, license expiration notifications, and so forth.


SMANetCom writes its configuration parameters, basic communication information and the configuration for each LSAM machine to the SMANetCom.log. In the configuration information, the default value is listed in parentheses next to the relevant parameter if a configuration default is modified.


SMANetCom writes all processing information to the SMANetComTrace.log. The trace records detailed TCP/IP messages, including socket connection errors, to help with debugging.

Log Messages

In the SMANetComTrace.log, every "To" (>>>) message is an SMANetCom message. Each SMANetCom message has the following syntax: TE/TI/TX#MachineName Message.

Message Numbers

The next table contains the definitions of the TE/TI/TX messages with the associated SMA protocol types.

TX NumberLegacy/Contemporary ProtocolDefinition
TE1BothTracked or Queued Job Error
TI1BothTracked or Queued Job Information
TX1BothJob Start
TX2BothJob Status
TX3LegacyConfirmation of Job Completion
TX4BothMachine Status
TX9LegacyRetrieve Pending Messages

LSAM Response Breakdown

In the SMANetComTrace.log, every "From" (<<<) message is an LSAM response to an SMANetCom request. Embedded in a 48-character string, the message follows the machine name and job name in an LSAM response. Break down the string in the following manner:

  • The first 10 characters are the OpCon job number.
  • The 11th character is the LSAM response.
    • 0 - Job Not Found
    • 1 - Job Initialization Error
    • 2 - Job to be Requeued
    • 3 - Prerun Active
    • 4 - Prerun Failed
    • 5 - Job Running
    • 6 - Job Finished OK, Completion Notice Pending
    • 7 - Job Erred, Completion Notice Pending
    • 8 - Job Finished OK, Deleted from Tracking File
    • 9 - Job Erred, Deleted from Tracking File
  • The 12th through 23rd characters are the start and stop time of the job.
  • The 24th through 28th characters are the maximum number of jobs the LSAM is allowed to process concurrently.
  • The last 20 characters are the exit condition and the status description of the job. For more information on LSAM exit conditions, refer to the individual LSAM's online help.

For most LSAMs, the status description will not be shown.


SMAServMan writes all information to the SMAServMan.log regarding the management of all listed applications. For more information on SMA Service Manager's listed applications, refer to the Application List table in the SMA Service Manager topic.


The SMANotifyHandler writes all notification processing information to SMANotifyHandler.log.


The SMAStartTime Calculator writes all job start time calculation processing information to SMAStartTimeCalculator.log.


The SMARequestRouter writes all request routing processing information to SMARequestRouter.log.