The information presented in this topic pertains largely to running the SMAHoliday utility as a Windows job. For instructions on running this utility in the OpCon Docker container, please refer to Running on OpCon in Docker.
SMAHoliday (SMAHoliday.exe) is a utility that updates the OpCon database with Calendar dates that represent holidays. SMAHoliday.exe is installed to the <Target Directory>\OpConxps\ MSLSAM\ directory with the Microsoft LSAM package. The SMAHoliday utility can be run as a job if desired.
Backwards Compatibility
This utility is compatible with Holiday.exe. Customers who wish to convert should contact SMA Technologies.
Legacy Parameters
Parameter | Description |
/C: | This parameter specifies the CalendarName that will be updated with holidays. |
/Y: | This parameter specifies the year where the holiday dates must be processed and added to the database. |
/S: | This parameter works in conjunction with the configuration file and will only read and process rules that match the tag entered in the command-line parameter. |
Forward Slash Arguments
The SMAHoliday utility accepts arguments using the forward slash to provide backwards compatibility for users already running the old version called Holiday.exe. This program can be found under the Utilities folder and the new utility can be found under the MSLSAM folder.
The following is an example of the old command-line syntax:
SMAHoliday.exe /C:"MasterHoliday"/Y:2017 /S:FR
To get the full capability of this utility, SMA Technologies recommends using the dash (-) argument.
The SMAHoliday utility requires the following:
- Microsoft LSAM
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
- SMAODBCConfig.dat file
To configure SMAHoliday, update the SMAHoliday configuration file (SMAHoliday.ini) after installation.
Configuration File Settings
The SMAHoliday configuration file (SMAHoliday.ini) is used to configure the utility.
General Settings
General Settings | Definition |
CalendarName | Defines the name of the calendar being configured. |
StartDate | Defines the date the utility begins calculating holidays. Use the following format:MM/DD/YYYY (for US) |
DebugMode | Indicates whether or not the program provides messages that can help debug the program. Valid values: ON, OFF |
FixedHolidays Settings
FixedHolidays defines rules that describe one or more dates to be calculated and entered in a calendar. Each FixedHoliday contains a rule, tag, and description. There are two types of FixedRules: Customized and Non-customized.
Rule | Defines the FixedHoliday expression. |
Tag | Defines the tag for the rule. This tag will only work with the tag entered in the command line. |
Description | Defines the description of the rule, e.g., a description of the holiday. |
09/mo-1=usa ; Labor Day
- 09/mo-1 defines the Rule.
- usa defines the Tag.
- Labor Day defines the Description.
Easter Sunday | The Easter Sunday date is currently calculated by an astrological algorithm for all years until 4099 A.D (refer to for more information). The additional Customized settings are calculated based on the same algorithm. |
Easter Monday (Le lundi de Pâques) | Calculated based on the Paschal-algorithm Easter date plus one day. |
Good Friday (Vendredi saint) | Calculated based on the Paschal-algorithm Easter date minus two days. |
Ascension Day (L'Ascension) | Calculated based on the Paschal-algorithm Easter date plus thirty-nine days. |
Whit Sunday (Pentecôte) | Calculated based on the Paschal-algorithm Easter date plus forty-nine days. |
Whit Monday (Le lundi de Pentecôte) | Calculated based on the Paschal-algorithm Easter date plus fifty days. |
Short Date composed by month and day | The month is written as a number and the day is written as a number. use Month/Day format to specify individual dates as a holiday (e.g., 01/01 is New Years' Day, 02/29 is the leap year date). Note: To specify February 29th as a holiday, add the date to the configuration file. A year does not need to be specified; the utility only processes February 29th as a holiday during leap years. |
d = day of week | The day of week abbreviation must be followed by a number between 1 and 7 (e.g., d1). |
w = week of month | The week can be followed by a number between 1 and 4 (e.g., w3). You must enter the letter "l" (lowercase L) for the last week of the month (e.g., wl). |
m = month | The month must be followed by a number between 1 and 12 (e.g. m12). |
DN = day number | The day number abbreviation must be followed by a number no greater than the maximum number of days in a year (e.g., 365 or 366). |
Month number/Short day name-Week number | The month is written as a number, the day is written using a two-letter abbreviation, and the week is written as a number (e.g., 11/fr-4 ; Black Friday). Valid values for week number are 1 to 3; you must enter the letter "l" (lowercase L) for the last week of the month (e.g., wl). |
The following examples describe FixedHoliday scenarios:
- WN20 = Week 20 is a holiday week
- d1 = All Sundays; 6 day workweek
- d7 = All Saturdays; 5 day workweek
- d1/w1 = First day of first week for all months
- wl/m1 = Last week of first month
- d2/w3/m1 or 01/mo-3=usa ; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- d2/w3/m1 or 02/mo-3=usa ; Presidents Day
- d2/wl/m5 or 05/mo-l=usa ; Memorial Day
- d2/w1/m9 or 09/mo-1=usa ; Labor Day
- d2/w2/m10 or 10/mo-2=usa ; Columbus Day
- d5/w4/m11 or 11/th-4=usa ; Thanksgiving Day
- Easter_Sun = Easter Sunday
- Easter_Monday = Easter Monday
- Easter_Friday = Easter Friday
- Whit_Sunday = Pentecoste
- Whit_Monday = Lundi Pentecoste
- Ass_Thu = Jeudi Assencion
VariableHoliday Settings
VariableHoliday defines a type of FixedHoliday composed of a date, condition, and description that can change the output date based on an If-Then condition. A variable rule is a fixed rule with additional parameters that allow conditional expressions to manipulate the output date result of the rule.
Date | Defines the VariableHoliday expression. |
Condition | The If-Then condition must be configured using the following format: `if outputdate == d1 then +1 |
Tag | Defines the tag for the date. This tag will only work with the tag defined in the command line. |
Inclusive Date | Valid values: No (Default), Yes - Use yes to yield two dates: the Date input in the configuration file and the Output date from the conditional expression if equal to True. |
The following example describes a VariableHoliday scenario where InclusiveDate=No:
- date=01/01
- condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
- tag=New Years Day
- InclusiveDate=No
If 01/01 falls on a d1=Sunday, then the output date will move one day forwards (the holiday will be Monday=01/02) This will yield one date as a result. - or - If 01/01 falls on a d7=Saturday, then the output date will move one day backwards (the holiday will be Friday=12/31) This will yield one date as a result.
The following example describes a VariableHoliday scenario where InclusiveDate=Yes:
- date=01/01
- condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
- tag=New Years Day
- InclusiveDate=Yes
If 01/01 falls on a d1=Sunday, then the output date will move one day forwards (the holiday will be Monday=01/02 and will also include Sunday=01/01). This will yield two dates as a result. - or - If 01/01 falls on a d7=Saturday, then the output date will move one day backwards (the holiday will be Friday=12/31 and it will also include Saturday=01/01). This will yield two dates as a result.
RangeHoliday Settings
RangeHoliday defines a range of dates that need to be marked in a calendar. A RangeHoliday is composed of two fixed rules (Customized or Non-customized) separated by an equal sign (=). Range holidays have the following restrictions: they must be included in the Range section and they cannot be a Tag.
This rule will result in the following dates:
02/15 02/16 02/17 02/18 02/19 02/20
The following is an example of different Range rules that can be configured in a calendar:
Command-line Syntax
This utility supports the following types of arguments: dash and forward slash.
SMAHoliday is standardized to use (US) English localization, exclusively. The utility only processes US date formats.
To override a setting in the SMAHoliday.ini file without having to modify the configuration file, you can run SMAHoliday as a command-line job. Use the following command-line syntax for the SMAHoliday.exe program:
SMAHoliday.exe -c MyCalendarName -t USA -i <INIPathAndFileName\> -d 01/01/2017
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Description |
-c | This parameter specifies the CalendarName that will be updated with holidays. |
-d | This parameter specifies the StartDate for this job. Use this parameter to override the StartDate in the main ini file. |
-t | This parameter specifies the tag SMAHoliday.exe will include when this job runs. Only holidays with the tag specified will be processed. |
-i | This parameter specifies the configuration path and ini file name to be read for this job. Use this parameter to read ini files saved in a different location or by a different name than the main ini file. |
-o | This parameter is for conversion purposes only. This parameter reads the path to the configuration file from the old Holiday.exe and generates a new configuration file to be processed by SMAHoliday.exe. |
Tag is an optional command-line parameter that works in conjunction with the configuration (ini) file. You must set the tag in the configuration file. Right after the rule, you need to add an equal sign then type the desired tag.
For example, d1 = usa ; 6 day workweek
. When running the program, enter -t usa
and the program will only read
and process rules that match the tag entered in the command-line
parameter, which is usa in this case.
The following is a sample configuration file for SMAHoliday.exe:
d1 =usa; 6 day workweek
d7 =usa; 5 day workweek
01/mo-3 =usa; 3rd Monday of January MLK Day
02/mo-3 =usa; 3rd Monday February Presidents Day
05/mo-l =usa; 4th Monday of May - Memorial Day (uses L versus 1 (one), can be either)
09/mo-1 =usa; 1st Monday of September - Labor Day
10/mo-2 =usa; 2nd Monday of October - Colombus day
11/th-4 =usa; 4th Thursday of November - Thanksgiving Day
Easter_Sun =usa; Easter Sunday
Easter_Monday =usa; Easter Monday
Easter_Friday =usa; Easter Friday
Whit_Sunday =fr; Pentecôte
Whit_Monday =fr; Lundi Pentecôte
Ass_Thu =fr ; Jeudi Assencion
condition=if outputdate == d7 then -5 || if outputdate == d1 then -6
condition=if outputdate == d3 then -1 || if outputdate == d4 then -2
condition=if outputdate == d5 then -3 || if outputdate == d6 then -4
condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
Example ini File Template
The following is an example of a SMAHoliday.ini file:
d1; All Sundays
d7; All Saturdays
01/mo-3; 3rd Monday of January MLK Day
02/mo-3; 3rd Monday February Presidents Day
05/mo-l; 4th Monday of May - Memorial Day
09/mo-1; 1st Monday of September - Labor Day
10/mo-2; 2nd Monday of October - Colombus day
11/th-4; 4th Thursday of November - Thanksgiving Day
condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
condition=if outputdate == d1 then +1 || if outputdate == d7 then -1
Exit Codes
The SMAHoliday.exe program can exit with the following codes:
Status Number | Status Description |
02 | Warning during holiday process. |
04 | The file SMAHoliday.ini is invalid or cannot be found. |
06 | Error setting culture settings. |
07 | Invalid calendar name or calendar does not exist. |
08 | Incorrect date format. |
10 | Could not connect to the database. Invalid or missing SMAODBCConfiguration.dat file. |
12 | Calendar not found in the database. |
Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.)
SMAHoliday supports the Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.) feature for further processing and debugging by writing the exit code and a message into this file. For more information, refer to Exit Code Override File (E.C.O.F.) in the Microsoft LSAM online help.
Running on OpCon in Docker
In order to run the utility successfully in a Docker container, using the Linux agent embedded in it, keep the following things in mind:
- When running in Docker, the Linux job needs to be set up similar to a Windows job with the same parameters.
- The start image for the Linux job should be: dotnet /app/SMAHoliday.dll <arguments>.
- The SMAHoliday.ini file will be located in the /app/config directory in the container, mapped to any folder on the host machine just like all other INI files.
- Use the default OpConOnLinux agent machine (available in the container) to run the utility jobs.
- Logs are found in /app/log/Utilities in the container.