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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Adding Roles

To add a role:

  1. Double-click on Roles under the Security topic. The Roles screen displays.
  2. Click Add button Add on the Roles toolbar.
  3. Enter the new role name in the Name text box.
  4. Enter the role description in the Documentation text box.
  5. (Optional) Select the Inherit Privileges for All Schedules checkbox. For information on this checkbox, refer to Roles in the Concepts online help.
  6. (Optional) Select the Inherit Privileges for All Machines checkbox.
  7. (Optional) Select the Inherit Privileges for All Machine Groups checkbox.
  8. Double -click on the User Login ID in the Revoked list to place the user in the Granted list. Alternatively, you can shift/click or ctrl/click to select multiple User Login IDs then click the right arrow to assign the user(s) to the role.
  9. Click Save button Save on the Roles toolbar.
  10. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Roles tab) to close the Roles screen.