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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


Roles are used to maintain privileges for multiple User Accounts at the same time. Managing privileges through Roles provides easy administration of User Accounts.

A user must be a member of a role with All Administrative Functions, All Function Privileges, or must be in the ocadm role to manage roles.

The following information applies to Role management:

  • Role Name: Defines the unique name of the Role.
  • Documentation: Provides an area to store a description of the Role.
  • Inherit Privileges for All Schedules: Determines if the Role inherits privileges to all current and future schedules in the OpCon database. If this setting is cleared, the Role retains previously inherited schedule privileges.
  • Inherit Privileges for All Machines: Determines if the Role inherits privileges to all current and future Machines in the OpCon database. If this setting is cleared, the Role retains previously inherited Machine privileges.
  • Inherit Privileges for All Machine Groups: Determines if the Role inherits privileges to all current and future Machine Groups in the OpCon database. If this setting is cleared, the Role retains previously inherited Machine Group privileges.
  • Inherit Privileges for All Scripts: Determines if the Role inherits privileges to all current and future Embedded Scripts in the OpCon database. If this setting is cleared, the Role retains previously inherited Embedded Script privileges.
  • User Assignment: Provides the User Accounts assigned to the Role Name. A User Account must have at least one assigned role to be able to log in. Refer to User Accounts.