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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Configuring Advanced Machine Parameters and Properties

For conceptual information on all Advanced Machine Parameters, refer to Advanced Machine Configuration in the Concepts online help.


If the administrator assigns the TCP/IP address to the machine through the advanced configuration parameters in OpCon, the TCP/IP address must be static. If for any reason the TCP/IP address changes, SMANetCom will not able to communicate with the LSAM until the administrator updates the database.

To configure an advanced machine property:

Modify Advanced Machine Parameters

  1. Double-click on Machines under the Administration topic. The Machines screen displays.
  2. Select the machine in the Select Machine drop-down list.
  3. Right-click over the graphic to enable the menu in the Communication Status frame.
  4. Click on Stop Communication to put the LSAM in a stopped state while changes are made to the advanced parameters.
  5. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  6. Click on the appropriate Machine Properties tab.
  7. Click on the machine property.
  8. Enter the new value or select the new value in the <Property Name> drop-down list.
  9. Click the Update button to save the change or click the Defaults button to restore the parameter to the system defaults.
  10. Repeat Steps 7 - 9 to modify another parameter(s).
  11. Click the Save button to save the changes made to the machine parameters.
  12. Right-click over the graphic to enable the menu in the Communication Status frame.
  13. Click on Start Communication to put the LSAM in a started state.
  14. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  15. Select Available Property in the Administrative Machine Information tab.
  16. Click the Add button. The Add dialog displays.
  17. Enter a name and a value (e.g., ProgramPath="C:\Program Files\OpConxps\Utilities").
  18. Click the OK button to add as an available property.
  19. Click the Update button to save the added available property or click the Defaults button to reset the Available Property parameter to the system default.
  20. Repeat Steps 15 - 19 until all available properties have been added.
  21. Click the Save button to save the available properties added to the machine.
  22. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  23. Click on Available Property in the Administrative Machine Information tab.
  24. Click the Edit button. The Edit dialog displays.
  25. Edit the name and the value.
  26. Click the OK button to accept the change to the available property.
  27. Click the Update button to save the change made to the Available Property or click the Defaults button to reset the Available Property parameter to the system default.
  28. Repeat Steps 23 - 27 until all Available Properties that require editing are changed.
  29. Click the Save button to save the changes made to the Available Properties.
  30. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  31. Click on JORS Port Number.
  32. Enter the JORS Port Number in the text box.
  33. Click the Update button.
  34. Click the Save button.
  35. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  36. Click on the Available Property in the Administrative Machine Information tab.
  37. Click on the property to remove and click the Remove button.
  38. Click the Update button to save the change made to the available property or click the Defaults button to reset the Available Property parameter to the system default.
  39. Repeat Steps 37 and 38 until all available properties that require removing have been removed.
  40. Click the Save button to save the changes made to the advanced properties.
  41. Select the SAP BW machine in the Select Machine drop-down list.
  42. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  43. Click on the Communications Settings tab.
  44. Click on the TCP/IP Address parameter.
  45. Enter the appropriate IP Address for the SAP BW machine.
  46. Click the Update button to save the changes.
  47. Click on the SAP BW Details tab.
  48. Click on the RFC Trace parameter.
  49. Set to On (set to Off by default), if required.
  50. Click the Update button.
  51. Click on System Number.
  52. Enter the two-digit SAP Business Warehouse system number.
  53. Click the Update button.
  54. Click on the Gateway.
  55. Enter the full connection string for the SAP Business Warehouse system.
  56. Click the Update button.
  57. Click on the Client ID.
  58. Enter the three-digit SAP BW Client ID.
  59. Click the Update button.
  60. Click the Save button to save all changes to the Advanced Machine Properties.
  61. Select the SAP R/3 and CRM machine in the Select Machine drop-down list.
  62. Click on Open Advanced Settings Panel under Advanced Settings. The Advanced Machine Properties dialog displays.
  63. Click on the Communications Settings tab.
  64. Click on the TCP/IP Address parameter.
  65. Enter the appropriate IP Address for the SAP R/3 and CRM machine.
  66. Click the Update button to save the changes.
  67. Click on the SAP R/3 and CRM Details tab.
  68. Click on the Client ID.
  69. Enter the three-digit SAP BW Client ID.
  70. Click the Update button.
  71. Click on the Gateway.
  72. Enter the full connection string for the SAP Business Warehouse system.
  73. Click the Update button.
  74. Click on the RFC Trace parameter.
  75. Set to On (set to Off by default) if required.
  76. Click the Update button.
  77. Click on System Number.
  78. Enter the two-digit SAP system number.
  79. Click the Update button.
  80. Click the Save button to save all changes to the Advanced Machine Properties.