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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)


All systems with LSAMs installed must be defined as a machine in the OpCon database. Once a machine is defined in the database, the SAM and supporting services can begin scheduling jobs on it.

The following information applies to defining machines:

  • Name: Defines the official host name or alias of the machine where the LSAM is installed. The machine name must be resolvable to a TCP/IP address. For additional information, refer to Machine Name Resolution.
  • Documentation: Provides an area for descriptions, explanations, and notes that can be updated for the defined machine. in the Enterprise Manager online help.
  • Machine Type: Defines the type of LSAM (Agent) being defined.
  • Socket Number: Defines the socket (port number) for communication with the LSAM. The socket number must match the one configured on the machine where the LSAM was installed.
  • Max Concurrent Jobs (Server): This field shows the number of maximum jobs allowed by the OpCon server.
    • If this value is smaller than the Max Concurrent Jobs (Agent), the SAM will use this value to determine the max.
    • A value of zero (0) indicates that the Max Concurrent Jobs is controlled by the Agent.
  • Advanced Settings: The advanced settings for a machine determine specific communication, logging, Available Properties, and SMA File Transfer settings. For complete information, refer to Advanced Machine Configuration.
  • Communication Status: Determines if SMANetCom should be communicating with the defined machine. If communication is started, SMANetCom attempts communication with the LSAM.
  • Job Starts: Determines if the SAM should send job start information to the LSAM. While the primary purpose of an LSAM is to start jobs, LSAMs also have the ability to send external OpCon events. If the condition exists where new job starts should not be initiated on the LSAM, but external OpCon events should still process, Job Starts can be disabled.
  • Machine Group Assignment: Defines the machine groups for the machine. The machine group must be defined prior to assigning it to the machine. For additional information, refer to Machine Groups.

Machine Name Resolution

For the SMANetCom to communicate with an LSAM to run jobs, the Machine name in the database must resolve to a TCP/IP address. Consequently, the machine name must match either a host name recognized by the DNS server or a TCP/IP address must be manually configured.

The following information provides different methods for associating a TCP/IP address with the OpCon machine name:

  • The DNS server (For information on configuring a DNS server, contact the network administrator.)
  • Assign the TCP/IP address to the machine through the advanced configuration options in OpCon. For additional information, refer to Communication Settings.
  • The hosts file on the OpCon application server. For additional information, refer to Configure the Hosts File on the OpCon Application Server section.

To confirm name resolution for DNS or hosts file configuration, ping the machine by name from the OpCon application server.

Configure the Hosts File on the OpCon Application Server

Complete the following procedure on the OpCon application server:

  1. Right-click Start on the Windows task bar and select Explore from the menu.
  2. Browse to the <Windows Directory>\System32\Drivers\etc\ directory.
  3. Right-click the hosts file and select Open With.
  4. Select an ASCII text editor (e.g., Notepad) in the Choose the program you want use list.
  5. Insert a new line below the last line containing a TCP/IP address.
  6. Type the TCP/IP address for the MCP LSAM machine.
  7. Click the key.
  8. Type the Hostname alias as it is entered in the Enterprise Manager.
  9. Use menu path: File > Save.
  10. Open a command prompt and ping the machine by name to confirm the connection (e.g., ping Servername).

Advanced Machine Configuration

Advanced Machine Configuration contains machine parameters, parameter values, and whether each value is from the system (default) or is user-defined. The default value for each setting is functional for most LSAMs; however, consult the platform-specific LSAM documentation for detailed information. An asterisk (*) may appear in front of some of the values -- this indicates that the value is not the default value. If an asterisk appears in front, then after the value is displayed, the default value is shown in parentheses (Default). Refer to Configuring Advanced Machine Parameters and Properties in the Enterprise Manager online help.

The administrative options are maintained in the following categories:

Administrative Machine Information

  • Allow "Kill Job": Determines if the kill function is allowed on the machine. The default value of False disables the feature. Set the value to True to enable the feature.
    • This parameter only applies to the MCP, SAP BW, SAP R/3 and CRM, SQL, UNIX, Windows (MSLSAM only), and z/OS platforms.
  • Available Property (Optional): Each Available Property defines an available user defined property for the machine. There is no limit to the number of properties that can be associated with a machine. To make use of the Machine Properties, use tokens with the jobs to reference the Machine Properties (e.g., [[MI.PropertyName]). For more information, refer to Using Properties for Automation and Machine Instance Property Name Syntax.
    • Define a property with the following syntax: Property Name=Property Value. For information on defining properties, refer to Defining Properties.
  • System Information Sent from the LSAM: The following fields will appear with their values from the LSAM if the LSAM is communicating with the server and the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
    • Time Sent: The Time the message was sent in a long time format CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (24-hour clock).
      • Value example: Monday 2011-08-08 14:28:59
    • Time Zone Name: The local time zone name on the LSAM system. This value will only appear if the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
      • Value example: CST
    • Time Offset from UTC (hours): The local time zone offset from UTC in hours formatted as HH.MM in decimal format to provide half (.5) and quarter hour (.25) offsets. This value will only appear if the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
      • Value example: 06.00
    • Agent Version: The currently running version of the LSAM on the system.
      • Value example: 15.03.12
    • OS Type: The Operating System name according to the vendor for the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: HP-UX
    • OS Version: The version of the operating system on the LSAM system according to the vendor, including any "service packs", "patches", or "updates".
      • Value Example: 10.2
    • Hostname: The network name of the machine where the LSAM is running.
      • Value Example: Jupiter3
    • Agent Name: The OpCon machine name assigned to this agent as recorded on the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: ProductionUnixServer
    • Agent Socket: The LSAM connected socket that is established with SMANetCom. It will be formatted as IPAddress:Port#. The IP Address will be either IP4 or IP6 format.
      • Value Example:
    • JORS Socket: The JORS listening socket. It will be formatted as IPAddress:Port#. The IP Address will be either IP4 or IP6 format.
      • Value Example:
    • SMAFTServerPort: The listening port for the SMAFT server on the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: 05265
    • SMAFTAgentPort: The fixed port for SMAFT agent on the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: 05266
    • Max Concurrent Jobs (Agent): The maximum concurrent jobs allowed by the LSAM. This value will only appear if the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
      • Value Example: 500
    • SMA Communications Protocol: The SMA Communications Protocol by which the agent expects to be communicating with SMANetCom.
      • Value Example: Contemporary,XML
    • Check CRC: Indicates if the agent is doing a CRC check on all messages.
      • Value Example: True
    • Close Socket: Indicates if the agent closes the socket after ever communication. False indicates the agent keeps the socket open.
      • Value Example: False
    • Accept Messages From IP: The IP Addresses the agent should accept connections from.  Values include "All" if any IP address can connect; otherwise, the value is a comma separated list of IP addresses.
      • Value Example: All
    • SMANetCom Socket: The peer name from the SMANetCom connection. It will be formatted as IPAddress:Port#. The IP Address will be either IP4 or IP6 format.
      • Value Example:
    • CPU ID: The unique identifier of the CPU on the LSAM system, if the platform supports it.
      • Value Example: za120fnpeil2-01
    • CPU Type: The processor type (x86, x64, s390, s390x, zArch, etc.) on the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: x64
    • CPU Model: The model number of the processor on the LSAM system, used to determine the processor capacity (e.g., MIPS rating).
      • Value Example: P8600
    • CPU Count: The number of CPUs in the LSAM system.
      • Value Example: 4
    • File Transfer: Defines if File Transfer is enabled for the LSAM and in what capacity. The value will be "Outgoing", "Incoming", or "Both". Only LSAMs supporting this feature will send back a value.
      • Value Example: Both
    • JORS Feature: Defines if the LSAM has the JORS feature enabled. The value will be "True" if enabled. Only LSAMs supporting this feature will send back a value.
      • Value Example: 10.2
    • Resource Monitor Feature: Defines if the LSAM has the Resource Monitor feature enabled. Value will be "True" if enabled. Only LSAMs supporting this feature will send back a value.
      • Value Example: True
    • Agent Special Features: Value will be a comma separated list of special features enabled for the agent. Version information or any other special details should be enclosed in parentheses if desired.
      • Value Example: RSJ (1.30.0012), Displays Handler, Message Handler
    • Max Jobs: The maximum concurrent jobs allowed by the agent.
      • Value Example: 500

Communication Settings

  • Fully Qualified Domain Name (Optional): Defines the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the machine to configure communication using this name instead of the Machine Name.
    • SMANetCom and the LSAMDataRetriever first use the Fully Qualified Domain Name for communication if it is specified. If not specified, they look for a TCP/IP address. If that is not specified, they use the Machine Name for communication.
    • There is no validation on the text, and up to 4000 characters are allowed.
  • TCP/IP Address (Optional): Defines the TCP/IP address of the LSAM machine. This definition discontinues the conversion of a machine name to a TCP/IP address by the Host file or by DNS.
    • If specified, this field requires a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • SMA NetCom Identifier (Optional): Defines a unique SMANetCom name to the LSAM. To increase bandwidth for very large installations, an OpCon administrator may configure multiple instances of SMANetCom.
  • SMA Communications Protocol: Defines the method by which SMANetCom communicates with the LSAM. This setting is a read-only parameter for informational purposes. Only the platform-specific data migration script can change the value. Values include:
    • Legacy, Non-XML
    • Contemporary, Non-XML
    • Contemporary, XML

Use TLS for Scheduling Communications: The default for this parameter is FALSE. Specify TRUE when this machine should use TLS Security.

TLS Certificate Distinguished Name: If specified, this name must match the server name on the certificate installed on the machine where this agent resides. If this field is left blank, then the name on the certificate is assumed to be either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the agent machine, if specified in the machine's settings, or the "OpCon" machine name for the agent, if the FQDN is not specified. For more information, refer to Validation of the Digital Certificate Distinguished Name in the Server Programs online help.

TLS Certificate Serial Number: An identifier for the LSAM certificate, optionally (refer below) required only when the LSAM uses a self-signed certificate to identify itself to OpCon. This number can be found in the certificate store of the actual operating system where the LSAM software is installed. When the TLS Certificate Serial Number will be used, the self-signed certificate must be installed into the Microsoft Windows certificate store of the OpCon server because OpCon cannot use one of the locally stored Certificate Authority certificates to validate the LSAM's self-signed certificate. The serial number provides the key that OpCon programs use to read the local copy of the self-signed certificate.\ \

This field is optional if any of the following is true:

  1. The servername on the certificate matches the FQDN (fully qualified domain name) that was registered in the machine record
  2. The servername on the certificate matches the machine name defined in Opcon
  3. The servername on the certificate matches the "TLS Certificate Distinguished Name" that was registered in the machine record

Check Certificate Revocation List: The default for this parameter is FALSE. If TRUE, then connection to the LSAM will fail if its certificate has been revoked. Please refer to Microsoft Windows documentation for procedures required to maintain a certification revocation list on the OpCon server machine.

Gateway (Optional): Defines a machine to relay messages between SMANetCom and other LSAM machines.

  • Only machines that have the same SMA Communications Protocol can be assigned to this parameter.
  • This parameter only applies to the z/OS, OS 2200, and BIS platforms.

Unless requested by SMA Technologies, do not change this value.

JORS Port Number (Optional): Defines the port that the Job Output Retrieval System (JORS) service monitors for job output. This port number must match the JORS port number configured on the LSAM configuration. For additional information, refer to the LSAM online help for the desired platform. For more information on the JORS Port Number and viewing job output, refer to Viewing a Job Output File.

  • The platforms this parameter applies to include:
    • IBM i
    • Java
    • MCP
    • OS 2200
    • SAP BW
    • SAP R/3
    • SQL
    • Tuxedo ART
    • UNIX
    • Windows (MSLSAM only)
    • z/OS
  • Valid values range from 1024 to 32767
  • Default value is '0' (a value of zero disables the feature).

Requires XML Escape Sequences: Determines if the SAM converts reserved characters (e.g., "<", ">", "&", etc.) before sending messages to an LSAM.

  • If True, the reserved characters are converted.

  • If False (default), the reserved characters are not converted.

  • Check CRC: Determines if all LSAM-SMANetCom messages are checked for the SMA Technologies proprietary digital signature. With the default value of True, messages are checked. Set the value to False to disable the feature.

  • Close Socket During Synchronization: Determines if SMANetCom will close the socket after its initial message with the LSAM. Synchronization between SMANetCom and the LSAM occurs more efficiently when the socket settings are the same for both. The default value of False determines that the socket will remain open. Set the value to False to close the connection after initial communication.


  • TraceAllMessages: Determines if all LSAM-SMANetCom messages are traced. With the default value of True, messages are traced. Set the value to False to reduce the amount of logging by suppressing both the outbound poll messages (TX9s) and the "No messages waiting" (-) messages.

Time Settings

  • Time Zone Name: Defines the local time zone name on the LSAM system where the Machine physically exists. This value will only appear if the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
    • Value example: CST
  • Time Offset from UTC (hours): Defines the local time zone offset from UTC in hours formatted as HH.MM in decimal format to provide half (.5) and quarter hour (.25) offsets. This value will only appear if the LSAM supports the ability to send the information.
    • Value example: 06.00
  • Connection Attempt Timeout (ms): Defines in milliseconds how long SMANetCom attempts to connect to an LSAM. If an LSAM does not respond during this time, SMANetCom discontinues connection attempts and the graphical interfaces report the machine as "down".
    • Valid values range from 1000 (Default) to 60000 milliseconds.
  • Time Offset from SAM (hours): Defines a read-only setting that shows the calculated value of the difference between the Machine's time and SAM's time. This field only appears if the machine has Time Zone Name and Time Offset from UTC (hours) configured, AND the SAM has stored its Time Zone Name and Offset from UTC in the database.
  • Poll Interval (ms): Defines in milliseconds how frequently SMANetCom requests messages (known as a TX9 message) from the LSAM.
    • Valid values range from 500 to 60000 milliseconds.
    • Default value: 1000
  • Check Machine Status (sec): Defines in seconds how frequently SMANetCom requests machine status (known as a TX4 message) from the LSAM.
    • Valid values range from 60 to 300 seconds.
    • Default value: 120
  • Response Timeout (sec): Defines in seconds how long SMANetCom waits for a response after polling the LSAM (known as a TX9 message). SMANetCom drops the connection if the LSAM does not respond within this time period; nevertheless, SMANetCom attempts reconnection.
    • Valid values range from 30 (Default) to 600 seconds.
  • Consecutive Send Sleep Time (ms): Defines in milliseconds the wait time between blocks.
    • Valid values range from 100 (Default) to 60000 milliseconds.

Buffer Settings

  • MaxConsecutiveSend Messages: Defines the maximum number of outbound messages (i.e., a block) to a single LSAM that SMANetCom sends before waiting. The maximum and wait time (refer to the Consecutive Send Sleep Time (ms) parameter) allow the operating system to efficiently manage the outbound TCP/IP stack.
    • Valid values range from 0 to 500 messages.
    • Default value: 100
  • Send BufferCount: Defines the number of outbound TCP/IP buffers to allocate for the LSAM connection. The size of one TCP/IP buffer is 8192 bytes.
    • Valid values range from 10 to 100 buffers.
    • Default value: 25
  • Receive BufferCount: Defines the number of inbound TCP/IP buffers to allocate for the LSAM connection. The size of one TCP/IP buffer is 8192 bytes.
    • Valid values range from 10 to 100 buffers.
    • Default value: 25

File Transfer Settings

The Advanced Machine Properties File Transfer Settings category are only available for IBM i, MCP, OS 2200, UNIX, Windows, and z/OS machines. For information on configuration for File Transfer jobs, refer to File Transfer Job Details.


The File Transport Port Number (TLS), Support TLS for SMAFT Server Communications, and Support TLS for SMAFT Agent Communications settings will be available only if the LSAM currently supports TLS Security for SMA File Transfer jobs.

  • File Transfer Role: Determines if the machine is allowed to process SMA File Transfer jobs. If allowed, the machine must be configured to send and/or receive. Valid values include:

    • None
    • Source
    • Destination
    • Both
  • File Transfer Port Number (Non-TLS): Defines the port for [unsecured] File Transfer communications. - The port number must match the one configured on the machine where the File Transfer Server was installed. For additional information, refer to the LSAM online help for the desired platform.

    • Valid values range from 1024 to 32767. The Default value is 0.
  • File Transfer Port Number (TLS): Defines the port for [secured] File Transfer communications. - If this field is blank or has a value of 0, it will indicate that the LSAM does not support TLS Security for SMAFT.

    • The port number must match the one configured on the machine where the File Transfer Server was installed. For additional information, refer to the LSAM online help for the desired platform.

    • Valid values range from 1024 to 32767. The Default value is 0.

  • Support non-TLS for SMAFT Server Communications: Determines if the SMAFT Server currently allows SMAFT connections to be accepted using an unsecured data link with the remote SMAFT Agent. Valid values are True or False.

  • Support non-TLS for SMAFT Agent Communications: Determines if the SMAFT Agent currently allows SMAFT jobs to be requested using an unsecured data link with the remote SMAFT Server. Valid values are True or False.

  • Support TLS for SMAFT Agent Communications: Determines if the SMAFT Agent currently supports SMAFT jobs to be requested using a TLS-secured data link with the remote SMAFT Server. Valid values are True or False.

  • Support TLS for SMAFT Server Communications: Determines if the SMAFT Server currently supports SMAFT connections to be accepted using a TLS-secured data link with the remote SMAFT Agent. Valid values are True or False.

SAP BW Details

If maintaining Advanced Machine Parameters for an SAP BW Machine, the SAP BW Details category appears to define connection information for the LSAM to connect to the SAP BW system.

Client ID: Defines the SAP BW Client ID for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP System.

  • Valid values are three-digit numbers ranging from 000 to 999.
  • A valid number must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.
  • Default value: 850

Gateway: Defines the full connection string for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP system.

If connecting to an SAP machine within the network, enter the TCP/IP address.

If connecting to an SAP machine through a router, define the complete router connection string.


The following example is a router connection string:

  • cpce801 is the SAP machine name
  • is the TCP/IP address of the SAP machine
  • A valid connection string must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.

System Number: Defines the system number for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP system.

  • Valid values are two-digit numbers ranging from 00 (Default) to 99.
  • A valid number must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.

RFC Trace: Determines if the SAP RFC trace for the SAPQueryProcessor message requests should be turned on. Refer to SAPQUERYPROCESSOR in the Server Programs online help.

R3Name: Defines the SAP R/3 instance name when an MSHOST is defined for the Gateway setting.

Group: Defines the name of the SAP server group for a load balancing connection when an MSHOST is defined for the Gateway setting.

Query Listener Port: Defines the port on which the SAP BW LSAM listens for proxy requests.

SAP R/3 and CRM Details

If maintaining Advanced Machine Parameters for an SAP R/3 and CRM Machine, the SAP R/3 and CRM Details category appears to define connection information for the LSAM to connect to the SAP R/3 or SAP CRM system.

Client ID: Defines the SAP R/3 and CRM Client ID for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP System.

  • Valid values are three-digit numbers ranging from 000 to 999.
  • A valid number must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.
  • Default Value: 850

Gateway: Defines the full connection string for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP system.

If connecting to an SAP machine within the network, enter the TCP/IP address.

If connecting to an SAP machine through a router, define the complete router connection string.


The following example is a router connection string:

  • cpce801 is the SAP machine name
  • is the TCP/IP address of the SAP machine
  • A valid connection string must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.

System Number: The system number for the SAPQueryProcessor to connect to the SAP system.

  • Valid values are two-digit numbers ranging from 00 (Default) to 99.
  • A valid number must be in this field to create jobs in the Enterprise Manager.

RFC Trace: Determines if the SAP RFC trace for the SAPQueryProcessor message requests should be turned on. Refer to SAPQUERYPROCESSOR in the Server Programs online help.

  • Valid values are Off and On.

R3Name: Defines the SAP R/3 instance name when an MSHOST is defined for the Gateway setting.

Group: Defines the name of the SAP server group for a load balancing connection when an MSHOST is defined for the Gateway setting.

Query Listener Port: Defines the port on which the SAP LSAM listens for proxy requests.