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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Editing Machines

To edit a machine:

  1. Double-click on Machines under the Administration topic. The Machines screen displays.
  2. Select the machine in the Select Machine drop-down list.
  3. Right-click over the graphic to enable the menu in the Communication Status frame.
  4. Click on Stop Communication in order to stop the communication with the LSAM. 5. Enter the changes to the Name, Documentation,or General Settings boxes.
  5. Click Save     icon Save on the Machines toolbar.
  6. Right-click over the graphic to enable the menu in the Communication Status frame.
  7. Click on Start Communication in order to start the communication with the LSAM. 9. Click Close ☒ (to the right of the Machines tab) to close the Machines screen. :::