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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Notification Triggers

The Notification Triggers frame provides tabs for the Trigger types (Machines, Schedules, and Jobs). Each Trigger type contains the names of the user-defined notification groups and triggers associated with each group.


Triggers are responsible for writing the notification information to the OpCon database upon the status change of one or more items (Machines, Schedules, or Jobs) within a group.

  • You can search for a specific trigger by typing a part of or the full trigger name in the type filter text box.
  • You can add groups inside of other groups to better organize the triggers.
  • You must add triggers to the "lowest level" groups within a group tree.

Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu within the group tree provides the following options:

  • Add Root Group: When you select the Jobs, Machines, or Schedules tab, you can use the Add Root Group option to add a new group to the root level.
  • Add Group: When you select the Jobs, Machines, or Schedules tab, you can use the Add Group option to add a new group within any empty group. If you select Add Group from another group, it will create a child group.
  • Delete Group: This option deletes the selected group and all items within that group's tree.
  • Add Machine Trigger: In the Machines tab, this option provides a list of machine triggers, as defined in the Machine Triggers section in the Concepts online help.
  • Add Schedule Trigger: In the Schedules tab, this option provides a list of schedule triggers, as defined in the Schedule Triggers section in the Concepts online help.
  • Add Job Trigger: In the Machines, Schedules, and Jobs tabs, this option provides a list of job triggers, as defined in the Job Triggers section in the Concepts online help.
  • Rename: This option allows you to rename the selected group.
  • Delete Trigger: This option deletes the selected trigger within the selected tab.