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Version: OpCon 25.0 (On-Prem)

Notification Triggers

Notification triggers are responsible for writing the notification information to the OpCon database upon the status change of one or more items within a group.

  • Machine and Job triggers can be placed on Machine groups.
  • Schedule and Job triggers can be placed on Schedule groups.
  • Job triggers can be placed on Job groups.

In Notification Manager, a trigger for Job Failed is set on a Job Group of jobs containing a job named "Backup." The job "Backup" is configured to run on each machine in a group.

When the schedule builds, the single job from Job Master will become several jobs that display in any Operation view with the following names:

  • Backup_WinMach1
  • Backup_WinMach2
  • Backup_WinMach3

Because "Backup" was selected in the Job Group, if any one of the jobs fail, the notification will be sent and the exact name of the job can be sent with the notification so customers know which instance of the job failed.

Machine Triggers

Machine Marked DownMachine has been marked down by a user.
Machine Marked LimitedJob Starts have been disabled on the machine.
Machine Marked UpMachine has been marked up by a user.
Machine Status ChangedMachine has been marked up, limited (i.e., disabled job starts), or down by a user.
Network DownSMANetCom has lost communication with the LSAM.
Network UpSMANetCom has re-established communication with the LSAM.
Network Status ChangedCommunication status has changed since the last time the SMANetCom polled the LSAM.

Schedule Triggers

A schedule qualifies for a schedule event trigger if it is a schedule in the Daily tables that contains jobs. The trigger does not fire just because the name of the schedule appears in a schedule name that has been constructed as part of a subschedule. For a subschedule, the schedule name at the end of the concatenated schedule name is the one that will qualify for the trigger if it is in the Notification Manager Group.


In Notification Manager, a trigger for a schedule placed on Hold is set on a Notification Manager Group of schedules containing a schedule named "ImportantProcess". This schedule is configured as a subschedule on other schedules, and it also has Container jobs on it to call other schedules.

When the schedules build for the day, the following schedules contain the schedule name:

  1. ImportantProcess
  2. ImportantProcess_Container1[OtherSchedule]
  3. ProcessFiles_Container1[ImportantProcess]
  4. ProcessFiles_Container1[ImportantProcess]_Container1[OtherSchedule]

Because ImportantProcess is in the Notification Manager Group for the trigger, if schedule 1 or 3 is placed On Hold, the trigger will fire. It does not fire for schedules 2 or 4 because "OtherSchedule" is the schedule that contains jobs. The trigger would fire for those schedules only if "OtherSchedule" was in the Notification Manager Group.

Schedule StartThe time qualification has been met and the schedule has started. Any subschedules in a status of Parent Hold that were Started by the parent being started will not cause this trigger to fire. Only notification for the parent schedule status change will occur.
Schedule CompleteAll jobs on the schedule have finished and the schedule is now complete.
Schedule Placed On HoldAn OpCon event or a user has placed the schedule on hold. Any subschedules in a status of Parent Hold will not cause this trigger to fire. Only notification for the parent schedule status change will occur.
Schedule Released From HoldAn OpCon event or a user has released the schedule from hold. Any subschedules in a status of Parent Hold that were released by the parent being released will not cause this trigger to fire. Only notification for the parent schedule status change will occur.

Job Triggers

A job qualifies for a job event trigger if the name of the job in the Daily was derived from the selected job in the Master.


In Notification Manager, a trigger for Job Failed is set on a Notification Manager Group of jobs containing a job named "Backup." The job "Backup" is configured to run on each machine in a group.

When the schedule builds, the single job from Master will become several jobs in the Daily with the names:

  • Backup_WinMach1
  • Backup_WinMach2
  • Backup_WinMach3

Because "Backup" was selected in the Notification Manager Group, if any one of the jobs in the Daily fail, the notification will be sent and the exact name of the job can be sent with the notification so customers know which instance of the job failed.

Job Wait MachineThe job has entered a Wait Machine status. If a machine is placed into a Limited state (i.e., job starts disabled), all jobs that have qualified to run on that machine go into a Wait Machine state. If notifications are set up based on a Job Wait Machine trigger, unwanted notifications may occur.
Job Late to StartThe Job Late to Start trigger is fired when SAM sets a job status to Late to Start.
Job Late to FinishThe Job Late to Finish trigger is fired when SAM sets a job status to Running; Late to Finish.
Job SubmittedThe SAM has sent the information (via SMANetCom) to the LSAM for a job to be started.
Job Still Attempting to StartThe Job Still Attempting to Start trigger is fired when SAM checks on the job's status and the job is still in a Start Attempted status. To change the frequency at which this occurs, change the "Minutes between checking running jobs" parameter in the "Time Settings" category of the Advanced Configuration for Machine <machine name> screen. Refer to Time Settings.
Job Initialization ErrorThe job was unable to start for reasons on the server or agent including when the job was submitted to the operating system there was a failure (e.g., the Batch User ID was invalid) or the OpCon Server was unable to resolve tokens for the command line or any other precondition of the job.
Job Prerun FailedThe job used as a Prerun has finished with an exit condition that did not meet the defined Failure Criteria.
Job Missed Start TimeA job has not been submitted for starting because the latest start time has passed.
Job RunningThe Job Running trigger fires in three possible scenarios:A job goes from Submitted to Running.A job goes from Submitted to Finished OK. A job only goes straight from Submitted to Finished OK for a very short running job that never returns a Running status.A job goes from Submitted to Failed. A job only goes straight from Submitted to Failed for a very short running job that never returns a Running status. This trigger does not fire for a job that goes straight to a prerun or initialization failure.
Job to be KilledA job kill command has been issued through a graphical interface or through a $JOB:KILL event. The trigger fires when the SAM sends the kill message to the LSAM. The trigger does not fire if the job was killed manually on the LSAM machine.
Job Exceeded Max RuntimeThe job has been running longer than the user-defined maximum runtime.
Job Finished OKThe job has completed with a status of Finished OK.
Job FailedThe job has completed with a status of Failed.
Job Marked Finished OKThe job was marked Finished OK by an OpCon event or a user.
Job Marked FailedThe job was marked Failed by an OpCon event or a user.
Job CancelledA job was cancelled by an OpCon event or a user.
Job RestartedA job was placed back in a Qualifying state by an OpCon event or a user.
Job SkippedA job was placed in a Skipped status by an OpCon event or a user.
Job Under ReviewA job was placed in an Under Review status by an OpCon event or a user.
Job FixedA job was placed in a Fixed status by an OpCon event or a user.